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Everything posted by motherdear

  1. i can't for the life of me remember where to look for curriculum abbreviations. please help!
  2. has anyone used this 2 yr. jr. high program? thoughts?
  3. Din Be Still/Danger in the Blue Lagoon-by Hugh Steven, Vietnam. Kim and Ting-(unknown) Hong Kong. Lottie Moon: Lady of Courage-by Anne Kilner Hughes -China. This is Mohan-India (Rod and Staff) Mohan in the Jungle-(Rod and Staff) India. Adventures with Mohan-India (Rod and Staff) Three Gospel Stories (unknown) Sooky of the Philippines -Miller (Rod in Staff) Yakuma, the Brave (unknown) Ian and the Gigantic, Leafy Obstacle-time and. New Toes for Tia by Larry Dinkins-Thailand No Sacrifice too Great-Borneo (unknown) Journey to Joy-(Christian publications) Cambodia. To Vietnam With Love-(Christian publications) Som Chai of Thailand (video) unknown The World of Unreached Peoples: Islam's Hidden Half (video) unknown Halfway around the World (video). Tognia coloring book-India (Bible truth publishing) another wonderful teaching tool My Hero Stories: video 2. William Cary-India,Sundar Singh-Nepal/Tibet,Eric Liddell, China,Ludwig Nommenson-Sunatra Morova. Heaven's Heroes by Shibley-India, Burma, China, not China, Korea. Suko and the Spiders Thread -Japan Hoang Ahm : A Vietnamese-American Boy-by Diane Hoyt-Goldsmith Praying Hyde-(Bible Visuals International) India. Beautiful India coloring book (Rod and Staff). His Best for God -(CEF) Eric Liddell-China Europe Bare Beautiful Feet-(Christian publications) Spain Missionary Stories and the Miller's-Armenia, Poland. A Little Rascal Who Became a Man of God (born in Sicily, Anthony Rossi became an entrepreneur in America (Tropicana). (Bible visuals international?) Salvatore of Spain (Bible visuals international) Hero Tales 3-St. Patrick Ireland Hero Tales 4-Eliza Davis, George-Liberia Canada The Pink and Green Church-(Christian publications) Canada. Happy Days for Ramona-(Christian publications) Canada. All on a Mountain Day-Canada/Rocky Mountains (Rod and staff) Sequel (I forgot the name of the book-see Rod and Staff catalog)-Canada/Rocky Mountains. These two books are excellent in a study of the Rocky Mountains. They are mainly about animals, but they are wonderful additions to a study of the world. Pieta and Her Pink Pig-(Christian publications) Iceland/Canada. Missionary Stories and the Miller's-(Rod and Staff )- Alaska. Christian Heroes Video: Hans Egede-Canada. Oceania The Potato Story-(Christian publications) Missionary Stories and the Miller's-(Rod and Staff ) New Hebrides John Payton-(Child Evangelism Fellowship) New Hebrides. Salvation in the South Seas-(Bible Visuals International) Fiji island. Send Someone to Tell-(CEF) New Guinea. Children's Heroes Video III John Payton-New Hebrides. Hero tales 4. Samuel Leigh, Australia Africa. Bare Beautiful Feet-(Christian publishers) West Africa, Nigeria Pink and Green Church-(Christian publishers) Zaire The Potato Story-(Christian publishers) Zaire On the Alaskan Trail-by Margaret Jean Tuininga Central Africa. Leopard man by Margaret Jean Tuininga-Palestine, Israel, Africa, Northeast Belgian Congo. Pieta and Her Pink Pig by Margaret Jean Tuininga-Zaire. Missionary Stories and the Miller's-Congo, Egypt, David Livingstone, Africa, Ethiopia. Arapesh to Zuni True Stories of Men Got Used-(BCM publishers) Christian Hero Videos: David Livingstone, Sudan, Africa. Heavens Heroes by Shibley -West Africa, Calibar, central America Missionary Stories from Many Lands-(unknown) Ethiopia, Sudan, Kenya, Egypt/holy land The Hunting Safari –Tanzania adventure (just for fun reading). Lodu's Escape + teacher's manual-(excellent) Nigeria, Sudan, Kenya, Tanzania, S.Africa. People's Plain and Tall-(Bible's international) Central Africa. Dr. in the Pygmy Forest-(Bible visuals international) Zaire (Belgian Congo). Ladi and White White-(Bible visuals international) (a general African village) Laraba and Auda-(Bible visuals international) North Nigeria No Darkness at All-(Bible Visuals International ) Morocco Penny and the Christmas Star/How Turea Kept Christmas-Morocco. Nathan Finds a New Life in Jerusalem (Bible visuals international) Sojourn to Africa by Elizabeth Wagner (Rod and Staff, I think) Count Your Way through Africa by Jim Haskins DK Children of Africa Traditional African costume paper dolls by Yuko Green (for both girls and boys) These books are from SIMS: Down African Roads Ricky Goes to Africa Rat Catcher's Son by Carolyn London. Rick a Chee Rick a Chee's Blue Cap by Edna Menzies Snake Stories from Africa Stories from Africa Village Well-by Ines Penny
  4. I am sending you a very long list of books about the countries/missionaries around the world. Some of the books are no longer published (00P), and you will have to search used/rare book collections to find them. Most of them are worth it! Some of the book you see repeatedly are collections of missionary stories put together for people to enjoy. The ones by Christian publishers are out of print, but I found many of them online (I think the Alliance Church put these out). They are called the Junior Jaffrays series and may be found under that name. I have done a lot of research to find these books. If you've read down to the bottom, you will find publisher names, which I hope are up to date. It has been a while since I've done this research, but I'm sure you could Google the companies . I have also included a couple of publishers whose web sites you can check out for more selection- I.E. Voice of the Martyrs (they have a large selection of absolutely wonderful books). Books for South America Pinafores and Pelotas- by Alicia Zorzoli-Argentina Bare Beautiful Feet-(Christian publishers)Chile The Pink and Green Church-(Christian publishers) Guinea, Ecuador, Peru Heart for Imbabura-(Christian publishers) Ecuador A Man For All Nations-(Christian publishers) Peru By an Unfamiliar Path-(Christian publishers) Columbia, Brazil Missionaries From Many Lands-Mexico, Brazil (unknown) Missionary Stories from South America-flash card stories (Randall publishing) Blue Ribbon Shoes-Guatemala by Barbara Youree On the Alaskan Trail by Margaret Jean Tuininga-Mexico Leopard Man-by Margret Jean Tuininga Mexico, New Mexico. Happy Days with Pablo and Juanita- Mexico (Rod and Staff) Pedro-Guatemala (Rod and Staff) Carlos of Columbia (video), unknown Hero Tales 2-Ecuador, Guatemala. Hero Tales 3-Luis Palua Pieta and Her Pink Pig-Margret Jean Tuininga Mexico, Uruguay Missionary Stories and the Miller's-by M. Miller Belize, Mexico, Ecuador, Guatemala, El Salvador Kitten in the Well by Mildred Miller- Paraguay. The Family God Gave (Rod and Staff) Miguel the Shepherd Boy (Rod and Staff) Nothing but Trouble-Guatemala (Crossroads publications) Land by the Caribbean Sea-Belize (Christian Light Publications) Nature Study of Belize-(Christian Light publications) Roseo and Mateo coloring book. (Rod and Staff) A Miracle for Samuelito-(Bible Visuals International) Mexico Arapesh to Zuna.-Karen Lewis Yandicu-(Gospel Missionary Union) Bolivia. Surrounded by Headhunters-(Gospel Missionary Union) Ecuador. Tamenta-(BMC International) Suriname Angel of the Amazon-(CEF) Brazil. Martinia-(Baptist Mid Missions ) Venezuela. Roberto-(Baptist Mid Missions) Brazil. Missionary Stories about Panamá (Randall publishing company) On Wings of Song-Baptist Mid Missions ) Brazil. The Boy Who Wanted to Help -unknown A Chosen Friend-Bible Visuals International Mexico. The Walking Umbrella/Antônio of Brazil-(Bible Visuals International) Brazil. The Potato Story-(Christian Publications) Peru. Heaven's Heroes by Shibley- Ecuador , Guatemala. El Pato Paco: first look at Spanish (great for young learners, comes with tape) by Anna Turner and Beth Kitching Asia Bare Beautiful Feet-(Christian publishing) Taiwan, Cambodia, Philippines, Vietnam The Pink and Green Church-(Christian publishing) Taiwan, Philippines, Southeast Asia The Potato Story-(Christian publishing) China, Vietnam, India Happy Days for Ramona-(Christian publishing) Korea, India, Hong Kong, Irian Jaya. On the Alaskan Trail by MargAret Jean Tuininga-Japan, India. Leopard Man. MargAret Jean Tuininga-India. Hero Tales 1-(Dave and Nita Jackson) India, China. Hero Tales 2-(Dave and Nita Jackson) China, India (Amanda Smith). Hero Tales. 3-(Dave and Nita Jackson) China, Asia. Hero Tales 4-(Dave and Nita Jackson) India, China. Pieta and Her Pink Pig by Margaret Jean Tuininga-Philippines. Missionary stories and the Miller's-by M. Miller China, Romania, India, Korea. Three Stories of India -(BCM) The Secret Search-(Crossroads publishing) Pakistan 00P (it's worth searching for!!) Missionary Stories about Japan-(Randall publishing) Domingo, The Popsicle Boy-(Bible Visuals International) Philippines Yung Ki’s Courage/Sold Twice-(Overseas Missionary Fellowship) Korea, Malaysia Faun, and the Naughtiest Pig/Boy from Mindoro-(Overseas Missionary Fellowship) Taiwan, Philippines Escape by Night-(Crossroads publications) China. Hudson Taylor-(Child Evangelism Fellowship) China. Stories of Men Got Used-China unknown No Longer My Son-(Crossroads publishing) Malaysia Eric Liddell His best for God-(CEP) China How the Dyaks Learned to Give-(CEF) Cambodia. Granny Hans Breakfast-by Sheila Groves Fly beyond the Mountain-(JAARS) Philippines (coloring book). Let's look at Malaysia (coloring book) (OMF), a wonderful learning tool! Ringu-(Child Evangelism Fellowship) Central India. Let's Look at Indonesia (coloring book) (OMF) a wonderful learning tool! I Dare -(CEF) (Amy Carmichael)-India.
  5. to a site or list which will help 4th-6th grader do a critique on a book?
  6. my ds enjoys scrapbooking, making cards and gifts from that sticky peel-off foam which adheres to the larger sheets. They're so bright & colorful! Musical instruments are a fun gift, too! keyboard, harmonica, recorder, guitar
  7. i was just perusing sonlights's website, looking at their math programs. ds (gr.7) is having difficulty w/ his MUS epsilon and i was looking at setting him back a year, perhaps in horizons 6. SL has horizons 6 recommended for grades 6, 7, & 8. What is your opinion here? Is there something better? I'm also considering TT6, as the "independence" may be a helping factor(sometimes mom can be too close). I'm at a loss here!
  8. The Pathway Readers. I warm up just thinking about them.:001_smile:
  9. wonderful books written at the turn of the century or earlier. The vocab (most of it) can be deciphered in context, discussed or checked in a dictionary if necessary and the result is a child with an advanced vocabulary. Horatio Alger, Oliver Optic, G.A. Hentyare a few authors which come to mind. Other neat titles may be purchased from Lamplighter books, Mantle Ministries, Vision Forum and other resources.
  10. Learning grammar w/ my kids has helped us all to speak more intelligently! : )
  11. DS (12) cannot figure out which operation to use when tackling word problems. My MUS rep suggested trying Critical Thinking Press's story problem books- to no avail as they were even MORE confusing to him(and me!) Any ideas? Thanks!
  12. It had Millions of Dead Things, God's the Author of Creation, It's Designed to Do, The Hands That Created the World..etc We lost ours and would like to replace it with the same one. Please pm me if you're willing to part with yours. Thanks!
  13. Life of Fred comes with a month warantee- returns by paypal! I started ours last week and experiencing wonderful results, fewer headaches and a happier kiddo! We're currently only supplementing with QMM, strenghtening basic facts!
  14. Does anyone know of any programs which teach one how to read music?DS has some experience with piano, however he tends to play by ear and has forgotten how to read much of what he learned in his year and a half of lessons. We have too many out trips already, so I wanted to do in the convenience of home. DS is 12 years old, but I prefer to go with a slightly younger program than older. Thanks!
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