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Everything posted by motherdear

  1. You're an excellent teacher and he's an excellent student!
  2. I've said it once and I'll say it againThe Progeny Press guides and Total Language Plus are very independent and wonderful programs! What you do is purchase for programs with the books. This makes a high school credit for English Lit. They are very Christian oriented and thorough! The conventions are coming up! Check them out!
  3. A very motivated kid! Don't we all wish we had kids like this? I say let him do it and you have the end say in the editing process.
  4. Have you thought about the Progeny Press guidesor Total Language Plus? their wonderful Christian literature courses and can be done very independently. They've worked well in our situation!
  5. It makes school every easy if you take an advanced look at what you're doing and map out a few weeks worth of work. I used to take an hour or so every Sunday night when my darling sons were younger, now I find taking a chunk of time and mapping out an entire month is very valuable. Sometimes, when you go day by day you end up putting off things because you weren't prepared with material. That kind of messes up the week.
  6. My older son went right through the Elsie Dinsmore series and my younger son's favorite series is Anne of Green Gables (the books and movies).
  7. It's been around for ages, it's very plain with no bells and whistles and it works! Back when I used it, it just came out with cassette tapes LOL! It's now updated.
  8. We found Draw Right Now to be the perfect fitfor that age group right up to approximately 10 to 12 years old.
  9. I'm pretty new myself!Waving back from New England!
  10. with dachunds. Once in a while you get one that's high strung, but that's true of all breeds.
  11. My son will soon complete Epsilon and MUS and I am thinking of transitioning over to Teaching Textbook 7. For those of you who are familiar with MUS you know he will not have learned decimals, percents, and a few other math concepts. I'm wondering how other children have made the transition. Does Teaching Textbook review previous material therefore reteach some of this? I'm interested to know of others experiences.
  12. This year, I chose to use the program, Americawith my nine year old son. It has proved to be (in my opinion) among the most wonderful unit study programs out there. The program utilizes Peter Marshall and David Manuel’s The Light and the Glory trilogy. It's kind of funny that I always contemplated developing my own unit study using these books (there are so good!), only to find America quite by accident!. This unit study/book combination is a hidden treasure. Author Chris Rowe has supplemented the program with other "living" history books. Since the program is broken up into two levels (grades 3-4 and grades 5-6), some of the additional books are different for the different levels. In the lower level we are using books such as: The Mayflower Secret, Pedro's Journal, The Courage of Sarah Noble, and The Matchlock Gun, The Cabin Faced West, among others. The daily guide is very user-friendly and there is VERY little preparation work for the parent. For the most part, you can pick up the book and go. All of the hands-on activities are very doable with things found around the house. We have been "notebooking" much of the written and art activities and are developing quite an impressive notebook. The Bible study/applications are very practical and thought provoking. Science is integrated in a biweekly form and even English is included in it! We are truly enjoying it! For those of you interested in checking out the scope and sequence and looking into this program, the link is: http://christiannovelstudies.com/America/america.html BTW-there is a Year #2 which follows this study (up to present-day America, I believe), however you'll have to check the web site for details.
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