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Everything posted by motherdear

  1. brought me some good quality timers many years ago with strong strings (to put around my neck) and magnets, which were very handy for file cabinets/refrigerators etc. has anyone seen these? And if so, do you know where to get them? (I no longer have contact with my friend from Canada)
  2. Step up readers(libraries have these) Bob books Stories to Grow By (recommended by Play 'n Talk) Sing, Spell Read, & Write readers AWESOME- ALL-TIME FAVORITE!
  3. Trails Through World Geography? or Trails Through U.S. Geography? Great stuff!
  4. phenomenal. It's a little book that will methodically teach your children to draw 3D pictures. It's been a no-tears book in our home for years! Timberdoodle sells it for $7 or $8. The price is right for this treasure!
  5. I signed up to get the updates, but haven't received any!
  6. Easy, fun summer typing for a 12 yr. old boy. Thanks!
  7. Looking for something fun and easy to use for a 12 year old. Ideas?
  8. We have been using this for years and there's no question about a solid foundation. My advice for history would be My Fathers World; I've never used the others.
  9. My son was diagnosed with the "smattering" of Aspergers 3 years ago, at age 9. For many years I kind of thought something was wrong, but being one of those who doesn't believe in labels, I put it off. It was at a speech therapy evaluation (he has a stuttering problem), that a therapist brought to my attention the possibility that he may have an autism-related disorder. I took him to his pediatrician with a list of ANY even questionable behaviors he displayed-to name a few: speaks loudly, must always be in charge, doesn’t seems to notice his pants are halfway down his rear-end, inability to take polite hints or facial expressions, starts talking about unrelated topics during discussions, has “young†interests for his age. The list even included things that could very well have been personality quirps, but the list included every possible behavior hubby and I (and input from friends) could think of. My pediatrician sat with me (he’s wonderful) as I read my list of concerns (with teary eyes). He gave me a referral to a Boston neurologist whom gave us the “official†diagnosis. It was very hard to hear that label, but it does not change that sweet loveable, helpful child we were blessed with; and we have become aware of effective ways to help our son. Anyways, to answer your concern, be sure you get a doctor who will give you every bit of TIME you need and make your list COMPLETE, getting input from others who have contact with your son, even if you’re not quite sure if the behavior is Asperger related. A good neurologist knows what to ask to make his determinations. Also, be sure to get support group names, organizations which may be of help to you, titles of resource materials, websites—whatever he can offer! I hope this helps! God bless! MJ BTW- Did you know Bill Gates has Aspergers?
  10. I love and use both programs, so I feel qualified to answer this question. Progeny Press has very thorough study guides, complete with vocabulary exercises, comprehension questions, Christian character examinations, and digging deeper into the lessons learned in a given novel. At the high school level, 4 Progeny Press books/guides is equivalent to a high school credit. Total Language Plus has that plus more. It includes spelling, vocabulary, grammar, and even some writing! If you use 4 of their guides in one year, it is also considered a complete English course. I use both from time to time for a little variety, and I integrate the books into my history program. This coming year my plan is to use The Bronze Bow and Adam of the Road. I hope this helps!
  11. I love and use both programs, so I feel qualified to answer this question. Progeny press has very thorough study guides, complete with vocabulary exercises, comprehension questions, Christian character examinations, and digging deeper into the lessons learned in a given novel. At the high school level, 4 Progeny Press books/guides is equivalent to a high school credit. Total Language Plus has that plus more. It includes spelling, vocabulary, grammar, and even some writing! If you use 4 of their guides in one year, it is also considered a complete English course. I use both from time to time for a little variety, and I integrate the books into my history program. This coming year my plan is to use The Bronze Bow and Adam of the Road. I hope this helps!
  12. I'd like to know who may have a favorite reprinted notebooking page resource. price is also a factor; of course I'd like something reasonable. Any suggestions?
  13. part of the problem. There are more issues which I've chosen not to print. You've been helpful Pam, thank you much!
  14. I believe, if you look at the ad in its entirety, there is a bit more to it.
  15. Josh isn't hot because of the hoodie, it's his ex, Kelly Wearing her stylish shorts and nothing else, AMY fits right into the European beach display.(chest is naked, but blotted out) Best friends lets you borrow clothing. Superfriends let you borrow their body parts.(dolls are black woman top half/white bottom half, the other one has white top half/black bottom half-but the inuendo is there!)
  16. Did you see this weeks sale flier with the "Modelquins?" Time to boycott Old Navy I think!
  17. I was looking at this program to try it out with my son.has anyone had any experience with this -- successful or unsuccessful? Please tell me your story!
  18. Nice book packs & an easy-going pace!
  19. We keep ours by our side for reference at all times!
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