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Everything posted by motherdear

  1. I especially enjoy "old" movies as they tend to be more accurate.
  2. INTO ALL THE WORLD. My 7th grader used it (the first TEXT book of his life) and it had a plethora of interesting info. He leaARNED A LOT--ME TOO!
  3. could this be it? http://www.redshift.com/~bonajo/SOTWmenu.htm
  4. Make Your Own Activity pages follow the MOH as closely as QAW does in MOH 1?
  5. I don't know how to get your response in blue.... Cadam- I will be using IEW Medieval and PP, TLP literature guides which integrate into the Medieval study, along with choice readers (Otto of the Silver Hand, The Door in the Wall --others from BF book list). Some will be read-alouds, others read independently at a slower pace. Tina- The number of books on a topic he's really not interested in just turned him off. If someone gave me a stack of books on somethung like....goverment ..I'd feel the same way. That's why I want to modify this year. I appreciate your responses. Thank you :}
  6. I am thinking of using SOTW Middle ages audio w/ activity book for projects along with notebooking. DS, grade 8 & a bit little delayed in academics, was MORTIFIED to see the WP Middle Ages set I purchased! Mind you, we have enjoyed BF, Sonlight, and WP in past years and we've truly enjoyed them (I'm sure it's the time period he doesn't care for). Anyways, not wanting to spoil his love for learning, i am going to go light here. Is this a good choice? Is this too easy- Should I add in MOH alongside w/ WP notebooking pages? OPINIONS PLEASE!
  7. I am thinking of using SOTW Middle ages audio w/ activity book for projects and notebooking. DS, grade 8 & a bit little delayed in academics, was MORTIFIED to see the WP Middle Ages set I purchased! Mind you, we have enjoyed BF, Sonlight, and WP in past years and we've truly enjoyed them(I'm sure it's the time period he doesn't enjoy). Anyways, not wanting to spoil his love for learning, i am going to go light here. Is this a good choice? Is this too easy- Should I add in MOH alongside w/ WP notebooking pages? OPINIONS PLEASE!
  8. Reading Detective Editor in Chief Building Thinking Skills and Descriptive Mysteries is lots of fun!
  9. What ages are the different volumes for? Is SOTW audio set w/ actiivity guide enough for grades 6/7/8? What activity/idea book(s) would compiment it best? Any other suggestions? Our situation: We need to simplify as we have to do a 4 day week next year. I was thinking SOTW audio with notebooking and an activity sprinkled here and there, as well as living books tht relate to subject. Would Winter Promise notebooking and/or HS in the Woods be a good combo? Open to ideas. TIA MJ
  10. What ages are the volumes for? Does vol. 2 cover Rome from beginning to end? Would the SOTW book w/ activity guide make a good coverage of the time period for 6/7/8 graders? or is there another fun activity idea book I could stick in here and there. Would Winter Promise's notebookin pages fit inwith these (or are they too matched to MOH?) We have sooo much to cover in other ares, I need to make something simple SOMEWHERE!(I may even go DVD) tia! MJ
  11. The catalogue makes it look soooo good! Pros 'n cons?
  12. How much time do you put into it, and how much money do you save? Do you get their IG'S FROM THE COMPANY?
  13. Dr. gave me a Nystatin rinse which I swish in my mouth 4x/ day. I've been on it well over a week with no change. How long should this take. (I also took a Diflucan for the other end). Thanks :confused:
  14. How did you like it and is their customer service improving? Also, has anyone used the Highschool upgrade to this?
  15. I don't know if I REALLY believe its helping. What's your experience?
  16. is this thorough and will it prepare ds for college? (going into grade 8)thanks! mj
  17. I bought a used copy and the seller had torn out the answers from the back. Can someone scan & email these to me to make copies of the answer key ?
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