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Everything posted by Ibbygirl

  1. I know. It's really heartbreaking. They have so little and everyone is afraid. You cannot trust your neighbors or anyone. We have this radio station here in Miami called Radio Mambi and it's a community station for Cuban exiles. The stories you hear of their suffering just make you weep. It's so awful what is going on down there.
  2. Gosh I hope not! :crying: I didn't even know she was sick! :p hehehehehe "This is the thread that never ends, it just goes on and on my friends...." :D ooooh how fun! Have a great time. Maybe you'll see Steve Perry there. If you do please get his autograph for me. I hear he likes to go to Disneyland by himself sometimes. Just have the autograph read, "Dear Jennifer, when I lie in bed at night trying to sleep the image of you keeps coming before my eyes until I drift off to sleep. You are the woman of my dreams." something like that would be fine. :p hehehe Yeah, it's hard for Cubans. It sucks too because we're notoriously proud also. So I think it hurts just that much more. Sigh. You have no idea how much we long for Cuba to be free. :crying: Libertad! Libertad! Libertad!
  3. It may sound silly, but one of my favorites is actually from the character Dory in Finding Nemo when she's talking to Marlin when he's despairing that he'll never find Nemo and tells him, "just keep swimming, just keep swimming, just keep swimming, swimming, swimming" I don't know why, but her voice and her little song are just infectious. I tell myself that all the time when I'm stressing and just imagining her little fishy face makes me smile. Juvenile I know, but it makes me feel happier. :)
  4. Do you keep cash at home? Why do you want to know??? :001_huh: Are you planning on robbing me?
  5. Is there a way to remember Range Mean Median and Mode? Yes there is, but I'm not telling you. It's a secret! :D
  6. OUCH! Are you okay Jean? Did you hurt yourself badly?? :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: As for your questions I had nothing for breakfast because I was up until late last night researching documentaries on Hitler's Rise to power (fun! :glare:). I slept late because of staying up late so I missed breakfast. It's Fun Friday though so I wasn't too worried. I woke up at 11am when my son got up. For lunch I had a slice of cold pizza. For dinner we had hot pizza. lol (Hey it's Friday! I cooked Indian food yesterday so...) My plan for today was to watch Life is Beautiful with dd and to do some math. We just finished reading Anne Frank Diary of a Young Girl yesterday and we're learning about the Holocaust and Hitler's rise to power. We did watch the movie and we did the math too so I'm happy about that. :) I have gone to a chiropractor, but haven't been since Methuselah was a young man. I tried going there for my headaches (I get migraines), but it didn't help me so I stopped going. That's all I guess. :) Feel better Jean. :)
  7. Oh yeah! Cuban weddings are off the hook! :lol: All night long with the dancing. You never get home before sun up! :p My great grandfather was pure Spanish too. Both of his parents were from Pravia in Asturias. He actually had blonde hair and was fair skinned (very handsome too! :) ) My great grandmother's family were from the Canary Islands. She had dark hair, eyes and skin. We haven't had a blonde in the family since! :p hehe I agree. I love the stories of just ordinary people. We all have such fascinating histories. :)
  8. No, I was born in Ft. Lauderdale, FL. My family (direct line) are not exiles although I have second cousins etc that are. My family came to America from Cuba to work as cigar makers because they were so poor in Cuba and heard there were better wages in the cigar factories in Tampa, FL My great grandfather (born in Havana, Cuba in 1890) was one of 14 children. He worked in the tobacco fields first when he was a child and then later was a cigar maker. His skill level was so great by the time he was a teenager that he was able to make the expensive artisan cigars. He left Cuba for America at 16 years old with whatever money he had in his pocket and the clothes on his back. He didn't have a job prospect, had no English, didn't know anyone, he just went out blind hoping for a better future for himself and his family. He went to Ybor City in Tampa (which was at that time primarily a Spanish and Cuban community although there were some Italians as well) and started working in the cigar factories. As he earned some money, he would send it home to help his family come over to the United States, but half of them chose to stay in Cuba and half came over here. The ones that stayed are still there (one my cousins recently went there to visit them a couple of years ago) except for the ones who escaped as exiles (I've met two of them here in Miami), but my direct bloodline we came before Castro came to power. My great grandfather lived in Ybor City for the rest of his life (he died in 1990 2 months after his 100th birthday), both of my grandparents were born and raised in Ybor City, my mom was born and raised in Ybor City and I was born and raised in Ft. Lauderdale. The majority of my family still lives in Tampa. I'm actually going there in 2 weeks time to visit my aunts and cousins. :) So that's my history in a nut shell. Ybor City is kind of like Miami in the sense of it's one of those places where you don't need English. My great grandfather lived in the United States for over 80 years and never learned English. He only knew "hi", "bye", "yes" and "okay". lol My grandfather was American but Spanish was his first language and he always spoke English with an accent, same as my grandmother. My mom also grew up speaking Spanish and my brother and I were brought up speaking Spanglish (think ) if you've ever seen that show. :p Love that show! hehe). I've never been to Cuba. I don't think I would want to go there until it's free though. I think it would break my heart too much. The people there are desperately poor and they lack even the most basic things. When my cousin went there to visit the family and asked them what she should bring, they begged her to bring vitamins and toilet paper. :( They are lacking such basic things and there are places in Cuba where Cubans can't even go. They are only for tourists. Prostitution is rampant, you have surgeons and doctors who have to ride a bicycle to work and have holes in their jackets. It's really bad there. :( But yes, it's a very beautiful country. When it was still free, my great grandfather used to take his wife and children there on the weekends and visit the family. My grandfather used to always tell me how beautiful the country was and how clean the water is. It's a shame about the politics though. :( I hate that I'm here just a couple of hundred miles away from my family there and yet our worlds are so different, it may as well be the moon. :( LOL about the heat. I confess I am pretty much locked into Florida as well. That's the thing about being brought up in the tropics, you just can't live anywhere else in the States except Hawaii maybe. I can't bear the cold. I would like to see snow sometime though. Just to see it once, kwim. After that, I want to come back to my nice warm state. lol Anything below 78 degrees and I'm shivering! :lol:
  9. Zero Waste lifestyle Impossible. As much as you may hate it, everyone has to go to the bathroom. That's just the reality of it.
  10. I want to say Florida too, but honestly, I think winter skips us every year. :p
  11. hahahahahaha!! :lol::lol::lol: It would be. hehe I vote for Bibleman! :p
  12. Rigor threads all of the latest fashions for the style conscious corpse.
  13. When your child asks to be more accelerated tell them to stop playing around in the car.
  14. Wow! I never got a period while I was nursing until my kids starting eating more solid foods. You learn something new everyday. Yeah go do the pregnancy test then OP.
  15. You're probably not preggers then. You could always go pee on a stick like Parrothead suggests, but if you're nursing I would think it highly unlikely. But for peace of mind you may want to.
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