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Everything posted by Ibbygirl

  1. hehehehe Those are all unread? Or unread ones mixed in with others that you've read and held on to? :p For the sake of transparency I peeked at my hotmail and gmail too. My hotmail has 1,394 unread messages and my gmail has 281 (it's a newer email because believe it or not Yahoo wasn't giving me all of my emails. :lol: )
  2. LOL Then what are you doing here participating in this thread?? :lol::lol::lol: I'm just teasing you. You're welcome to post here whether you participate or not. It's an informal/silly survey anyway. Nothing scientific. :p
  3. There's no "supposed to" really. :) My 35,856 were only from my Yahoo mail account. I have NO IDEA what is in my gmail and hotmail. I'm not looking! Not for a week! :p If you want to total them all, fine, if you want to list the unread in just one, that's fine too. Whatever floats your boat. :p Sure! I'll send you and Evite for cake! :D hehehe
  4. I did! :) 'Cause I'm a goody goody two shoes like that! :p hehehehehe (not really, but I followed the rules in this case so I may as well gloat a little, no? :D ) hehe
  5. Oh no! I'm so sorry. How sad. :crying: :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:
  6. I hate August already and I don't live anywhere near NZ. :tongue_smilie::p hehe
  7. Ooooh I love St. Augustine too! It's one of my favorite cities in this state. :) This list of attractions should give you ideas about what to do there. In my opinion, top must see attractions are El Castillo de San Marcos, Old Town and go to the Spanish Quarter (fun!), they also have great fudge in Old Town. :p The Fountain of Youth, you can see the original cross laid by Ponce de Leon in 1513 and drink from the fountain (sulfur water) and the grounds there are lovely with peacocks all around and there are lots of artifacts from the Timucuan Indian tribe (now extinct) and a burial ground there. Mision Nombre de Dios is lovely as are the trees around, not a total must see, but nice if you have time. There's also the old jail, Ripley's believe it or not etc etc. :) This site has a nice slide show of attractions as well so you can see them and see how they look to you.:)
  8. :lol::lol::lol: Rosie, I think you have the most active subconscious of any person I've ever met! :tongue_smilie::D:p
  9. :iagree: The animation was so beautiful. That was a very sweet short film. :)
  10. Hello back at you Cris and welcome! :) :grouphug:
  11. That's wonderful! What a sweet and supportive dh you have. Enjoy your Valentine's Day present. :) :)
  12. :lol: I tried learning Portuguese a few years ago and I totally gave up, mostly because I just cannot pronounce those nasal vowels. :svengo:, but also because when I would try to speak Portuguese it always came out Spanish, because they are just too closely related, kwim? It was just a jumbled mess of Spanish and Portuguese that left my Portuguese friend first like this :001_huh: and then like this :lol:. hehe I can read it though and understand a lot of it, I just can't speak it. I had a student whose mother is Brazilian and didn't speak English, she and I would have these crazy conversations where she would speak to me in Portuguese and I answered her in Spanish. :lol: :lol:
  13. hehehehe I'm so glad. I was just eating snickers minis and it's just shy of 1am. :leaving: :p hehe LOL :lol: Yes it is. I was getting cross eyed after a couple of hours. :001_huh: That's why I spread it out over the week, that and I had other things to do like live my life. :p
  14. I don't know that it is just learning the language that does it or just maybe having acquired more than one way to say the same thing?? I grew up speaking both Spanish and English (often in the same sentence :p ) and I get blocks sometimes. Sometimes I'll be talking to someone and I will just come to a complete halt because although I'm speaking to them in English I'll suddenly find myself thinking a word in Spanish and for the life of my I won't be able to remember it in English and I'll start saying "uh, uh" trying to stall for time until I can remember the word in English. That happens to me in the reverse as well when I'm speaking Spanish so I wonder if it is just the duality of language that does it?? Dunno. It's an interesting question.
  15. hehehehehe And they have friends and lots of company. Why disturb them. :p hehe
  16. hehehehe I hear ya. I really try to declutter, but sometimes I can't do it right then and there and I SWEAR that stuff multiplies in the interim. It reminds me of the old Star Trek episode with the Tribbles. :p
  17. :lol::lol::lol: Yay! I'm so glad I'm not the only one. Gosh the 35,586 that I had were just in my Yahoo. I have no idea what my gmail and hotmail have. Now I'm scared. hehehehehe I'm not even going to look. Not for at least a week. I want to savor the victory of having cleaned out "the monster"! :D :D :hurray: hehehe
  18. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: You're very welcome.
  19. It really does feel good to have it under control. :) My dh told me I should sort by sender too, but I had so many senders.... lol But it's all clear now so I just have to keep clearing it out to keep on top of it. :) hehehehehe What's your email address?? I'll write you. :) hehehe
  20. Congratulations honey! He's a beautiful boy! I'm so happy for you and happy for him too that he has a loving family. :party: :hurray: :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:
  21. :) You're very welcome honey. It's really not that scary when you go. :)
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