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Everything posted by Ibbygirl

  1. lol My dd gets those too. I give them to my library and they put them up in the kid's section holding a book. :)
  2. I'm a native South Floridian and a don't do cold well at all. My pastor is a native of Michigan. lol It's absolutely arctic in our church all the time. I have to wear jackets and sweaters always when I am there. I would be happy if the temps in the sanctuary were in the mid 70's then with the heat of all the bodies it would be comfortable. :)
  3. lol IIRC with Gabi it wasn't until she was 3 that she really started getting interested in stories. That's when she really wanted to sit down and have me read to her. We read a whole stack of books each day. And I would hold my finger under each word while I read it. In her case, the language really took off when the reading did. She wanted to learn how to read and so I started teaching her and as she learned she increased dramatically in her language skills. For her being able to see it and understand it made all of the difference. :)
  4. I think it's an age thing. 2 years olds are interested in exploring the world around them moreso than the world within them ie. language and thought. And remember that kids are like sponges too. You'd be surprised at how much they actually pick up when you think they're not even paying attention. What I did with my dd when she was 2 was I just observed what it was she was fascinated with and I went along and "discovered" it with her and it was easy to add the language in there. "oh, you like the horse. It's a nice horse. It has a pretty brown mane" etc etc. Just my humble 2 cents for whatever they're worth. :)
  5. That is so AWESOME!! What kills me is how everyone rallied around that kid!! What an amazing group of kids they have at that school! Wow!! This is the like stuff of movies. I hope they do make a movie about it someday. :) Thanks for sharing that. As the mom of two Autistic kids it strikes a special chord in my heart. :)
  6. I have read all of Laura Ingalls Wilder's Little House books and I totally romanticize that type of living, now if I could just find someone to do all of the work for me so that I could enjoy the views and animals I'd be all set. :p
  7. :) He sounds like my dd. My favorite is when she's on the phone with one of her friends and I can overhear her talking. dd will say something like, "Okay, I want to get off the now." and the friend will say, "do you have to go somewhere?" dd will reply, "no, I don't have to go anywhere. I'm just bored. I'm going to go watch some tv now. bye." and will hang up the phone! :eek: :svengo: lol She's special God love her! hehe
  8. I don't know. I think it's just a case of a lousy waffle iron. I should probably invest in a good one. The one I have has always been temperamental. :tongue_smilie:
  9. LOL There's really no story and it's not a good one anyway. lol Just that I was supposed to bring breakfast to my ladies' Bible study and the gals all wanted waffles (I'm the only one in the group who cooks so they always want me to cook something when it's my turn to bring the food :p ) So at 7am I started making waffles and for some reason it was just a total disaster! The batter stuck to the waffle iron and it tore into two parts and was all stuck in all the nooks and crannies of the waffle iron! it was a mess!!! I unplugged it, poured a little bit of water onto the waffle iron and proceeded to scrape all that mess out. Took me an hour!! By the time the waffle iron was clean. I plugged it in again, made a fresh batch of batter, sprayed the non-stick spray on the iron, poured some batter into the waffle iron and shut it. SAME THING HAPPENED AGAIN!! What a mess! It was then 8:30am and Bible study started at 9am! I made "emergency" pancakes and had two griddles going. Took the fastest shower probably of my life and ran out the door. I showed up at 9:30am to a bunch of hungry ladies who were wondering what was keeping the waffles. I told them of my waffle incident and that I had pancakes instead. They wound up loving the pancakes and wolfed them all down and were even fighting over the last one! lol One mom even paid me to make 2 dozen for her! It's so funny cooking for women who don't cook! You give them a home cooked meal and they go crazy over it as if it were gourmet or something. They're so funny! lol :p
  10. LOL Mine says funny things all the time too but usually it is language barrier related. He's been in this country for 30 years now and he still confuses "mouse" and "mouth" all the time. He cracks me up. He'll look at me very seriously and ask, "Do I have anything on my mouse?" lol Foreigners are cute! ;) :lol:
  11. I'm right there with you and my mommy heart breaks over it too. :( My dd is very Asperger's and she struggles so much with friends. The ones that she has managed to keep are either ADHD or Asperger's themselves.
  12. LOL and we get to watch Colin Firth. It's a win win! :hurray: lol
  13. :( :grouphug: :grouphug: I'm a member of the I Hate Cancer club too. :crying:
  14. That's cool that you can see everyone's pictures. Nice. :) I'm #92. :)
  15. yes. There are so few problems I had dd do both the textbook and workbook ones. Usually when I was teaching it to her, I'd go through some of the textbook ones and show her how it was done on the white board and then I'd put up some for her on the board and have her come up and work them on the board so I could see if she understood and then I would just assign the rest of the textbook problems and the workbook page at the same time once I felt comfortable that she knew the material. Oh yeah, you gotta have the teacher's guides. I don't know how I could have made it through without them. :p
  16. :iagree: :iagree: Jen (who has had two waffle incidents in the last month and is now sticking with pancakes. :D)
  17. Oh yes!! The Look at me! How could I forget! yeah, Mr. Thornton had it goin on! who knew Harry Potter could be hot! :p lol hahahahahahaha :iagree::iagree: yeah, I think you're right! ;) :blushing: :D
  18. LOL Mr. Thornton wasn't my type at all, I actually thought he looked a bit Harry Potterish, but when we got to the end of the movie and he kisses Miss Hale at the train station... woah nellie!! :svengo: That wasn't not Pride and Prejudice kiss to be sure! I had to fan my cheeks after that one. :blushing: :lol:
  19. LOL My dh's favorite movie is Persuasion the one with Sally Hawkins as Anne. :lol: He loves the BBC version of Pride and Prejudice, North and South.... he likes the BBC drama movies. He cracks me up because he'll watch this stuff and enjoy it and even remember the lines from the movies and then he turns around and brings home some bang bang blow everything up Die Hard type of movie and then spend the weekend watching football.:001_huh: Go figure! :rolleyes:
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