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Everything posted by Ibbygirl

  1. Woo Hoo!! I'm so happy for him too!! He deserved it! He skated his heart out! Way to go Evan!! :party: :hurray:
  2. Come on WTM of course! :) I personally don't watch t.v. much. I am trying to keep up with the Olympics, but even that I'm missing almost everything. Usually I don't have any down time until after 10pm at night so I usually just surf the net, check emails and do work on the computer in my downtime. :) youtube is nice too for watching old music videos and stuff. They have a lot of educational videos on there too so it's nice. :)
  3. I started my kids on veggie puree too when they were about 4 months and then gave them rice and beans (mashed up) at about 6 months I guess. At 8 months my daughter decided she wanted curry chicken. lol She wouldn't eat her food at all until we gave her some of the chicken off of our plate. :)
  4. I LOVE this. Thank you so much for writing it. I need to memorize this one. :) I tend to try to engage people and defend my position when I've been wrongly accused or someone is obviously operating on gross misinformation and I often forget that I can just walk away. :)
  5. That is so true!! I have Spanish and Cuban relatives and it's so funny how a word can be harmless in Castillian Spanish but in Cuban Spanish it is a rude word and vice versa.
  6. I hope it's okay to post this here. If not mods please delete. I couldn't find the survey for taking anymore because they published the results already, but you can see the results of it and the maps of how things are said regionally. You have to click on each question in order to see the map of the answers, but it may prove interesting to some. Dunno. :) Here it is. :) http://www4.uwm.edu/FLL/linguistics/dialect/maps.html
  7. I once saw this questionnaire someone in Harvard made up that within 20 questions could tell you what region of the country you were from. It was fascinating. I'll have to see if I can find it and post it here.
  8. Me too! I was 26 and someone at work was like, "wow check out this grey hair you have!" (my hair is really long). I didn't believe her so she pulled it out from the back of my head and sure enough it was all grey. It's been downhill since then. I didn't dye my hair much because I hate how hair dye dries my hair out (it's fine, but I just have tons of it so it looks thick) but I dyed it recently because I have so many grays coming in and the dye didn't color them. GASP! I don't know what to do now! :svengo:
  9. Yes I saw that too! It had me in tears! My youngest child has severe Autism and so any stories of disabled people always touch my heart. I was so uplifted and encouraged by the love that he has for his brother. He is a beautiful human being. God bless him! :)
  10. I know what you mean. I am American, but my family is Spanish/Cuban so I grew up with Spanish and English around me all the time. I have no problems whatsoever with a thick Spanish accent in English because the people I loved most in the world all had them and couldn't say Pepsi to save their lives, but I'm sure to another American it must be like nails on the chalkboard to them. But I on the other hand have a hard time with the American "r's" in Spanish, it's just hard on my ears.
  11. :lol::lol: That's funny. :) :iagree: I wouldn't consider an American accent in English "charming" (with the exception of well bred Southern of course. ;) ). I mean, I think if we're going to assign adjectives maybe "hip" or "cool" would be more suitable. I mean, Cary Grant was "charming" but Clark Gable or Humphrey Bogart would definitely be consider more "cool" for example. I appreciate British English. I think the posh accents are very nice and even some of the others are pretty amusing like "norf London", but some things can really only be expressed in American English. I mean, anyone who has ever met a New York Italian from Lawn Guyland knows that it just wouldn't work with a posh British accent. ;) But I have to go with Ester Maria on the American accent in foreign languages. They usually are pretty bad, but in fairness to my fellow countrymen, I have met some that can actually hold their own pretty good and am always pleasantly surprised when I hear them. :)
  12. Hubby is home from work. Autistic ds is home from school. Holiday for us all. :D
  13. :iagree::iagree: It is obscene, opportunistic and about as heartless and crass as can be. I cannot even imagine what his poor family are going through. I can't believe that NBC would be so callus as to do something so abominable as this!!! Shame on them! Shame! Shame! Shame! I'm glad that I missed most of the opening ceremonies and did not see the video. What poor judgement and taste! :iagree::iagree: I just watched the lugers just now and I was shocked at how fast that track is. I was afraid to watch it! I started praying for all of the lugers for their safety. That is way too fast! :eek: I think the idea of writing NBC's affiliates is a great one! I shall do the same. I did not see the video (thank God), but I will write them just the same expressing my opinion to them. Thank you for the suggestion.
  14. LOL What she said. :) Dang, I don't know 'bout ya'll but we got some big possums round here. They're so big they get into fights with the racoons. I don't know who wins, but there's a lot of noise outside when they go at it. :eek:
  15. :hurray: That has to be one of the most awesome things I've ever read! :)
  16. Wow!! What is it with old ladies! Aren't they supposed to be sweet and bake cookies? This one sure didn't get the memo!! :eek: Wow! I'm so sorry that happened to you. I know how you feel. I've had people (ironically mostly elder ladies) do/say similar things in store but never on that grand a scale. Wow. I don't know why some older women feel it is their place to repress younger women. I hope that your children were not hurt by her remarks. How did they take it?? It looks like your kids could teach her a lesson in being well behaved! Looks like she missed that memo as well. I'm so sorry this happened. I think some chocolate therapy is definitely in order! :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:
  17. This is an interesting thread. I have never heard of Deborah Ruf or her teachings. Is there a link or something where I can learn more without asking questions and derailing the thread?? Like what the levels are?? TIA. :)
  18. ROFL Scary Mary! hehehehe That was really funny. Thanks for sharing. :)
  19. Oh my gosh that is SO SCARY!! I thank God that your dc are safe and sound and that the police officer and EMT were there to bring them home. Wow! :grouphug:
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