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Everything posted by Ibbygirl

  1. As a mother of two children on the Autism spectrum this absolutely breaks my heart. :crying: I can't imagine how those poor children feel. Those kids all the more need love and care and compassion ay it brings tears to my eyes. :crying:
  2. Brave woman! I've always heard socks were really hard. I would like to learn that too. If you find an easy way to make them please share it. :)
  3. :lol::lol::lol: That's hilarious. Possums never seem to get the lesson though. :tongue_smilie:
  4. I just wonder what they would do with a child who had special needs. I shudder to think what that Chinese mom would do to an Autistic child. It makes me want to cry. :crying:
  5. It is a bittersweet day I'm sure. I hope you have a wonderful celebration with him. :)
  6. Of course! Don't you know that in real life I'm Mary Poppins. I'm practically perfect in every way.... NOT!:tongue_smilie:
  7. LOL Ay si con Carmencita! jeje I like that one too. They were so funny. Or the one with the abuela when she overhears them saying that they should take her to a nursery and she thought they were going to put her in a nursing home so she starts trying to dress and act hip and cool so they won't kick her out. :lol::lol: I LOVED the abuela. She was the best!! I like the one where she's bragging about her family crest and mocking Antonio because his family didn't have one and she gets all high and mighty and is like, "No puedo creer que me case con un hombre cuya familia no tiene escudo." and the abuelo is like, "si, para ser los mejores limpiabotas en Espana." :lol::lol: Ay y la vecina Marta! Ay Dios mio. The way that la abuela would kiss her on the cheek trying not to touch her and make that face. jejejejeje She was so funny. I used to have such a crush on Joe too. :drool: :tongue_smilie:
  8. Ah gotcha. I don't think I read your OP closely enough. I was just thinking you were looking for an alternative to a land line, but yeah for a young girl home alone I would want something more realiable too. :) I hope you find something that works for you. :)
  9. Absolutely! You're a ray of sunshine Rosie dear! :grouphug: Ooops. I'm doing that verbal thing again. :tongue_smilie:
  10. LOL You know I can't help it! We Cubans are "linguistically gifted". ;) :tongue_smilie::grouphug: Here. For you. Because I care! Happy Birthday darling! :tongue_smilie:
  11. Oh honey, I am so so sorry. I cannot even imagine what you are feeling. It's so hard having special kiddos. Lots of hugs to you. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:
  12. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: We had it in our house too. It was ROUGH. It took 3 weeks to get over it. I'm so sorry you all were sick.
  13. My husband found a way to make "phone calls" through the computer using his gmail account. We just use a cheapy logitech microphone to speak and the speakers on our computer to hear. He calls his sister, who lives out of state, all the time for free and he's even called his dad internationally for very cheap.
  14. Yeah that's on the other coast and further north. It does seem weird that only one airport would require those changes, but what do I know? :tongue_smilie: Okay, I know what is happening with all of these birds is not good, but that just Aflockalypse just struck me funny.:lol: Poor little birdies. :tongue_smilie:
  15. LOL easy as falling down isn't it? ;) :D Welcome. :)
  16. Whoa! I hadn't heard that. I wonder if all of the earthquakes and tsunamis have anything to do with it? Do you remember which airport in Florida it was? I live right near Ft. Lauderdale/Hollywood International :)
  17. That is very cool!! Congratulations to your dh. :) :hurray:
  18. Enjoy your special day!! I love you girl!!:grouphug::grouphug: :party: :hurray:
  19. I think it's funny. I think everybody should be able to laugh at themselves. It's good to be able to recognize the humor in the silly things we do. :) And if some are won because of the type of service that the church provides, then God be praised. I think Paul sums it up best when he says, "I have become all things to all people so that by all possible means I might save some." I think that is the heart behind it and there's nothing wrong with that. :)
  20. Oh yes the more exposure to accents the better! I grew up speaking Spanish and English but only was familiar with the accents of the people where I live. Cuban, Spanish, Colombian, Venezuelan etc. I'll never forget when I met my husband. He is from the Dominican Republic and he was the first Dominican I'd ever met. When I would go visit him and talk with his parents I had a hard time understanding them at first because I wasn't accustomed to their accent. I just remember always asking them to repeat stuff, but then I got used to their accent and have never had a problem understanding them since. So yeah that was a really long and roundabout way of saying, "exposure to accents is good". :D hehe
  21. I grew up watching Que Pasa, USA on tv here in South Florida. It was put on by PBS and was the first bi-lingual television program on US television. The shows have the typical 30 minute sit-com format and they chronicle the lives of a Cuban exile family living in Miami and how it affects the three generations who live in the house (the grandparents, the parents and the kids who are becoming Americanized). It's a good show and funny and deals with a lot of issues pertaining to culture (and the clashes thereof) and of course the pain of exile. It's bi-lingual so your dd can probably follow the story pretty well even and a lot of times a line of dialogue will be repeated in both languages. The Spanish they speak is VERY Cuban though with the accent and certain words that only Cubans use, but for the most part it is still proper Spanish. ;) :D I think Youtube has some episodes or maybe PBS's website. :)
  22. :) The Youth pastor where I serve always wears the screen (screen or screened??) t-shirts and has the tattoos too. We even do the whole video, lights and contemporary worship band. :lol: But they don't sell their cd's in the youth band, that's saved for the "big church" in the main sanctuary. :lol::lol:
  23. :iagree::iagree:This is so true! I remember my great grandfather (who was born and raised in Cuba) and my grandfather (his son) who was born and raised in the US and fought in WWII, used to have heated debates because my great grandfather told his son that the CIA tried to kill Fidel Castro. My grandfather who was a proud patriot vehemently denied that the US government would ever do such a thing. Turned out Great grandpa was right. I cannot tell you the number of times that I have heard very patriotic Americans say, "This is the greatest country in the world." And when I sincerely asked what makes America greater than all of the other countries in the world I've been called a Communist in reply. I've never understood that. :confused::confused:
  24. That was a nice video. Thanks for linking it. :) I remember on the anniversary of 9/11 seeing a piece narrated by Tom Brokaw about all of the US bound flights that Canada landed. I had never heard the story before. I was amazed, humbled and so very grateful for the kindness, compassion and hospitality that our lovely neighbors to our north poured out on our people. God bless the people of Canada! :grouphug::grouphug:
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