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Everything posted by Ibbygirl

  1. :iagree::iagree: It's been ages since she's been around. Nest of 3 too I know has been AWOL, but I hear she has a good reason. :) Does anyone know where Hornblower has been?
  2. Absolutely it's all relative. Girls and women come in many different sizes and I'm sure there are some women who are naturally slim hipped, but my Cuban hiney could no way no how ever fit a size 4. ;) :D I wouldn't want it to. For me, anything below a size 7 and I look sick.
  3. Maybe it doesn't exist now, but it very likely could in the future. A lot of things start with just one person with a vision. Title 9 will make a way for girls to compete and if there are enough of them competing, they will be a force to be reckoned with when they get enough numbers. Having their own league would just be the next step the same way they have a with women's soccer and basketball.
  4. stand on a fire hydrant while saying "I'm the queen of the world" Let's just say pride comes before the fall.... literally. :eek: I still can see stars when I remember it and it was probably almost 30 years ago. Check a wiggles, Teletubbies, Barney or Boobah video out of the library. :blink: Drink vodka that costs $8.00 per gallon. :ack2:
  5. That's terrible. Poor kid. He's d@mned if he does and d@mned if he doesn't. :(
  6. It is agressive, and yet there are already girls doing it anyway. I think they just might get a league of their own some day. It is an Olympic sport afterall so I think there would be an incentive there even for girls as another option to compete on the Olympic stage at some point IF there were a league. It wouldn't suprise me if one did develop eventually.
  7. Not yet maybe, but if these girls were interested in wrestling, I'm sure there will be others. These girls may even be the pioneers for female wrestling leagues of the future. I think it's great that the girls want to wrestle and participate in the sport of their choice. Hopefully they will have a league of their own someday. I'm sure they will. :)
  8. I think he was honest and was living according to his conscience. I can't fault him for that. I remember my grandfather telling my brother when he was young "you never, ever hit a girl. EVER." For some people brought up that way, hitting a girl or in this case engaging a girl in a way where she could get hurt, just goes against everything they've ever been taught, kwim? I think it's a good thing that he respects the girl and I think he was being chivalrous. According to their stats, I think he probably would have won the match and I think he knew that too which is why he bowed out gracefully. I think the girls should be able to compete if they want to, but I think wrestling is one of those sports where it's good to have separate teams for men and women. Just my humble opinion for what it's worth. :)
  9. thanks for the update. I was curious how things ultimately played out. That's weird that after all that pestering and writing that you only got silence from him in the end. Well, it's over now anyway. I swear, sometimes real life really is stranger than fiction.:001_huh:
  10. reading the Bible cuddling my son botanical gardens listening to music going to the guitar store to play chocolate :D
  11. Her face looks so thin and gaunt. I think they have to be a minimum of a size 4 to walk the runway as a typical model (not plus-sized), but I've read that now the girls that are coming in are competing with each other to be the thinnest so that size 2 has become the new 4 and size zero the new 2. :eek: :svengo: For their heights, I don't know how that is even possible. I know some people are naturally thin, but I am 5'10 myself and I don't think my skeletal frame could ever even be a size 0 or 2 or even a 4. My hip bones are too wide. I think it's scary how thin some of those girls are. :eek:
  12. I'm just curious what the outcome of this finally was. Recumbentheart, did you wind up cancelling the transaction??
  13. Hope you're getting some rest, Bethany. Please update us when you can. :grouphug: continuing in prayer for you and your family.
  14. Getting an Autism diagnosis when my ds was 2. That was pretty earth shattering. :svengo: Encountering God. That is the best kind of earth shattering experience. :)
  15. Awww. :001_wub: You're my best board buddy too as you well know! My siggy says it all. lol Love you girl! :grouphug: Ay, Aubrey, I had to piggy back on so many of yours. I feel the same way and you wrote so much nicer than I ever could. I cannot tell you how many times I think of Nakia talking about "flying the freak flag a little higher" and chuckling to myself. hehehehe Nakia you are an angel girl, but you're like the angels in the Bible that people don't recognize as angels right away because they look so human. You are an angel that is approachable, relate-able and real. You're the real deal girly. :grouphug: Perry, I would definitely want to be hanging out with you in an emergency. You're knowledge and wisdom are such a great source of wealth for this community. I remember when the swine flu news frenzy was going on how you were such a calm voice of reason during that time that could easily have gotten hysterical. Karyn- specialmama. You really really are special. You're like a sister to me not only in Christ, but in circumstances. You encourage me so much and I love, love, love your Canuck sense of humor. :grouphug: I feel the same way. There are too many to name and you are all so special in so many ways. I often feel like I'm the dumbest person on these boards, but still I learn so much from you all and am a better person for having been on here. :grouphug: You said it so well Mrs. Mungo. So I pass the Patron to you and offer a cheer and a toast to all our beloved boardies. :cheers2: and a special thank you to SWB for hosting this incredible site where we can all come as ourselves, wherever we are in our stages in life and swap ideas, and learn. It's amazing to me how I came on here to learn how to better home school my children, I never realized how much it would school me. Thank you all for that. :grouphug:
  16. Praying for your dd. I just wanted to ease your mind with something my pediatrician told me years ago when my dd's neck was swollen like that she said, "symmetry is always good. If it were just on one side, then I would worry."
  17. Oh man, it would be worth it to watch Midnight Special! Everybody was on that show! It's amazing when you look back just how many of the artists who were on that show went on to major stardom. I wish we had shows like that again. sniff. YES! I was waiting for your update on the DVD. I'm going to get it. Thanks so much for getting back to me on it. :) Looks like you got it really fast too. Props to amazon. :)
  18. :lol::lol::lol::lol: Did you use to have the tin foil on the rabbit ear antennae? We did. I remember having to hold it sometimes while my parents finished a show because the only way the image came in clear was if someone was holding it. lol Thanks for sharing your stories. :)
  19. Some more random 80's songs from various British bands. Enjoy. :) Kajagoogoo Too Shy Spandau Ballet Flock of Seagulls Human League
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