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Everything posted by Ibbygirl

  1. What are you doing for Martin Luther King Day? We're all going to have a dream. :)
  2. I am so sorry. I don't know what you're going through, but I do know what devastation feels like and I am so sorry to hear that you are going through it. :( I just want to give you a hug and let you know that you're not alone. :grouphug: :grouphug:
  3. ROFL "ashes, ashes we all fall down." lol You could even put another word that rhymes with ashes that is more potty related, but we won't go there. That was a great one Jean. :D :lol: :lol:
  4. Three people made a face at me today.... I can't understand why though. :(
  5. Would you prefer a one or two story home? Oh, I prefer a home with many more books than that! :)
  6. Has anyone tried an "all at once" elimination diet? I have lots of Q's I have. It seemed like a good idea at the time until the toilet exploded. :blushing:
  7. That would be something!! I never did get to see them in concert.
  8. Wow! I can't believe it!! :svengo: They must be really hard up for some cash if they're getting back together to tour. That was one nasty band split! :eek:
  9. If you receive a bar of soap and a ziplock of "dirt" in the mail... you might be a redneck. ;) :p (Just channeling Jeff Foxworthy, no offense to anyone intended :D )
  10. :iagree::iagree: What she said! When I waited tables, I had to hustle non stop all day on my feet. It's a very exhausting and physically demanding job. I was paid $2.15/hr plus tips and had to tip out the bartenders, busboys etc also. There were some days when I took home only $11.00 after a full day's work. Not rich by a long shot.
  11. Guess what I'm doing based on my shopping list ... I'm guessing either Chemistry or you're making a bomb.
  12. I was sad the Saints lost, but I have to give the 49's credit. That last touchdown was amazing!
  13. Rice here. With beans, peas, plain, yellow, dirty, moros, veggies etc etc.
  14. :iagree::iagree: The Word of God IS powerful. I was saved by a single verse from the Bible (Matthew 11:28). I was in a difficult place in my life with no hope and those words spoke life to me. I still get choked up when I hear them and I've been a Christian for 22 years now. You never know where a person is at in there life or what they are going through. Hearing the Word just might save someone's life. I know it saved mine. I think that is the heart behind the commercial. IMO anyway. :)
  15. :iagree::iagree: I live not 5 minutes away from where Adam Walsh was taken. It shook up the entire community. I remember when it happened how scared we all were when he went missing and then when he was found murdered we were all devastated. We have "Code Adam" in all the stores here now where the stores go on lockdown when a kid goes missing and they stay on lockdown until the kid is found. Yeah, even in public you're not safe. Last year in the county north of mine a woman and her daughter were both found murdered in their car in the mall parking lot in a very busy mall. It can happen anywhere.
  16. I am so so sorry for your loss. My deepest condolences to you and your family. :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:
  17. Wow! I haven't heard that song in YEAAAARS!! That really takes me back. I think I'm going to have to play that one now. :)
  18. I have some fresh swamp gator and water moccasin that we just wrastled last night. If you want I can be over in two shakes of a dog's tail! :)
  19. you're welcome hon! It's my fav too. ;) :D Here's a couple more for ya and then I'll restrain myself. I promise! hehe ;)
  20. Did somebody say kilt?? :D :D Not a kilt, but you can imagine one. hehehehehe
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