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Everything posted by JIN MOUSA

  1. Image resolution really doesn't vary provider to provider. The size-limiting feature will be size of the original image. There may be sites that will print an image at a lower-than-recommended resolution, but it's going to look pixelated. Examples: https://www.google.com/search?q=pixelation+example&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjt0e3yw63YAhVI1CYKHc7TCzwQ_AUICigB&biw=1263&bih=703#imgrc=SocGh_hHFq2j6M:
  2. Have you recently checked with your service providers (internet, cell phone, insurance, etc.) to see if you're currently getting the best rates?
  3. Habit stacking Every habit has a cue, action, reward. So think about something you regularly do anyways, make that the cue for a new small habit, and then pat yourself on the back for doing something that you don't normally do. Here are a few examples: Current habit: regularly checking the mail Add-on habit: dropping junk mail into the trash/recycling bin before setting any of the mail down Current habit: loading up the dishwasher Add-on habit: wipe down the easily accessible parts of the counters after loading the dishwasher Current habit: starting a load of laundry Add-on habit: walking around the house with a laundry basket to pick up laundry things that need to be cleaned I think the key is identifying something that you already do automatically, then adding on something related and helpful, but not so massive that it feels like a Big Thing. Once that new add-on habit becomes a regular habit, find a new add-on habit to intentionally target. It's not a get-clean-quick scheme, but it builds on itself over time. eta: Here's a link that explains the brain science behind this concept. https://jamesclear.com/habit-stacking
  4. The absence seizures are something I had not considered - thanks for the videos! These pauses are much shorter, like just long enough to take a breath and continue speaking, so I don't think it's that. And I think y'all are right about getting a screening, especially if it's something easily addressed now, and also gives me and DH a professional's opinion on what to do (or not do).
  5. Thanks for the responses. And that's a great idea about talking to some friends who hear her talk regularly.
  6. No answers, just a big ol' "Thank you!" for asking the important questions :lol:
  7. DD7 sometimes pauses in the middle of a word. I did not even notice this until my FIL said that she needed to be in speech therapy for it. FIL has a habit of pontificating on topics about which he has done zero research and has no information, just letting everyone know how he *thinks* things should be. So I have a habit of ignoring his advice. Now DH works on correcting DD when she is speaking, telling her he can’t understand what she’s saying and that she needs to pause between words, not in the middle of them. I doubt this is helpful, as I don’t think DD’s pausing is a conscious thing. I’ve tried to pay attention to when she does it, and it seems to stem from maybe three things: 1. Her brain is way ahead of where her mouth is, and she's having a difficult time getting thoughts into words. 2. She’s somewhat out of breath, either from running around or being really excited about what she’s saying. 3. She wants to maintain control of the conversation. Her capacity for talking far exceeds anyone in our family’s capacity for listening. If someone would listen to her, I expect she would talk for at least 15 hours a day. So by pausing mid-word, her thought clearly isn’t finished, and someone else cannot jump in and say anything. Again, I don’t think any of these reasons lead to a conscious pause in the middle of words. I don’t feel particularly worried; firstly, because FIL said she needed speech therapy, and he has no idea. I have no issue understanding her, but outside of maybe her sister, I’m the person that hears her speak the most. Also, I expect that these are things that she will grow out of. But should I be worried? eta: I forgot to bring this up with the pediatrician at DD’s most recent well child visit. Obviously I'd check with her ped if it seems like this is a concerning issue.
  8. Umm, I haven't seen you around my house, but this describes us to a T...
  9. Dd received Ocean Raiders as a gift. It's similar to Chutes & Ladders, but with addition. Had I known that, I would not have put it on her wish list. Math game is a plus. The interminable gameplay of sliding up and down, I. Just. Can. Not. Do.
  10. I'm with others, in that "should" isn't really helpful. In our family, we hope to be able to pay for it all. Dh and I were both fortunate enough to have our parents/grandparents cover the entire cost, and we've experienced how much easier that makes things financially for us, especially compared to friends who are still paying student loans. We've been saving for each kid since they were born, and as they get older we plan to talk to them about college costs and how we can work together on it. While we would (hopefully) like to avoid them taking on loans, we think they still carry a responsibility to do well in school to have plenty of options, consider credit by AP tests or dual enrollment, apply for various scholarships, and strongly consider reasonably prices options if they make sense.
  11. We use an old iPhone on a dock with the White Noise app.
  12. Post-baking storm here I think I baked about 20 dozen cookies yesterday, plus fudge, cream cheese mints, and pretzel hugs Got to play Christmas elf today delivering treats to friends :laugh:
  13. I don't think it'd be weird to Sharpie over the price. That was fairly common in my FOO. I also wouldn't be concerned about it permeating through both the label and the plastic.
  14. Don't feel silly. You've volunteered to help, and they definitely should not see your assistance as any kind of burden.
  15. Happy to report I finished everything up last night! So high five, self :coolgleamA:
  16. Do you know someone else at the church that could put you in touch with her? Or maybe call the church office and see if they can help connect you? If you're on Facebook and think you may have any mutual friends, you can try looking for her that way. Do the coffee hours usually involve homemade treats? If so, then your plan to have some already sounds like a good one.
  17. We went with this one. https://www.homedepot.com/p/Glacier-Bay-2-Piece-1-28-GPF-High-Efficiency-Single-Flush-Elongated-Toilet-in-White-N2428E/204074796 It's fine? I mean, it's a toilet, and it does its job. I found it through Emily Henderson's round-up. https://stylebyemilyhenderson.com/blog/28-simple-budget-friendly-toilets Some of the options are more budget-friendly than others.
  18. I've got about a dozen to do after the kids are in bed. Not feeling particularly motivated, but this really is the best night to take care of it. Anyone else???
  19. Oh and - I don't know that everyone would necessarily consider this a splurge, but it is absolutely worth the money to use a good general contractor. Someone who had been in the business for quite a while and had a good reputation. Ask me how I know ...
  20. How important is resale value? Because if that's important, I think it's worthwhile to pull in a local realtor who can give you an idea of what finishes are important for your neighborhood and price range. Then look for inspiration from magazines or Pinterest, and then be realistic about your family's lifestyle and needs and your budget. Sometimes I find a thing I really love (specific mirrors in the bathroom or a special shell mosaic backsplash for the kitchen) that's rather spendy. I try to look for more budget ideas (say in light fixtures or floor tile) to balance out the expense and still end up with a space I like. I think splurges are also worthwhile for the workhorses in the house. For me, that's especially kitchen counters, and I went with quartz, which was certainly more expensive than other options, but worth it to me.
  21. If you don't mind sharing, what are your qualms with Disney? I can identify with the hypocrite part. I don't like how Disney markets to kids, and pushes the need for (insert character) everything (Ariel toothbrush! Elsa plates! Belle sheets! Dory backpack!), so I refuse to buy any character items. That hasn't stopped me, however, from planning an epic family Disney World trip in a few years. :lol: :lol: :lol:
  22. So do you think that streaming video would fall under the same category?
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