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Everything posted by JIN MOUSA

  1. There was also a pretty nasty fall on the freeskiing half pipe qualifying runs. A guy landed on the deck (not in the pipe) and just flopped down into the pipe like a rag doll. There were medics tending to him for a while, and he was eventually able to walk away. Add this one to the no-go list for my kids. I should maybe stop watching Olympics (or sports in general), lest I come to the conclusion that they all need bubble wrap full suits for everything...
  2. I found a series that would interest DD (the American Girl historical books, first the Kirsten series, then Kaya, maybe Josephine next). I use usually just the first chapter of the book for WWE, and it's not available for DD to read until we're done with it for WWE. I try to plan 4 to 6 weeks at a time, and that usually just about covers that first chapter. I try to go ahead and write out the copywork when I plan as well. After the first chapter, I turn it over to her for free reading and move on to the next book in the series. It was more work when we first started this about 8 months ago. We also alternate doing only FLL or WWE each quarter, usually trying to do it 5 days a week.
  3. No official knowledge here, but when I look at the two options, bussed is the past tense of bus, and bused confuses me because it rhymes with bruised.
  4. The team relay in speed skating looks so chaotic! The announcers are getting all into it, and I'm so confused, trying to figure out which member for each team is currently racing? And which team is in the lead? And where did those skaters who just tagged out go? Are they back in the middle of the oval? How many skaters does each team have? How many laps did that skater just do? eta: The more I try to figure it out, I think part of the confusion stems from it taking place on the figure skating rink, so it has minimal speed skating markings, with the racing lane only designated by the little black "cones" on the ice.
  5. I saw that, and I agree that it doesn't seem to fit the spirit of the Olympics. I can't help but thinking that the time and money she spent traveling to so many small competitions could have been used to train for the events and put an honest effort into the sport and competition. Maybe honest isn't the right word; she was obviously within the rules. Maybe a wholehearted effort?
  6. I've taken that as Facebook's not-so-subtle hint that I've spent too much time on social media. :lol:
  7. Well apparently I live in banana desert. And it has been recent, like only in the last two weeks. Hopefully it is the flower thing.
  8. All of the grocery stores around me are sold out of bananas by about noon, every day. And they've said that they're not receiving as many bananas as previously. Is this a national thing? (I'm in the Midwest.)
  9. Following along I'm not very good at finding refreshing things throughout the day/week and usually end up taking 2 or 3 weekends throughout the year to get out of town alone.
  10. That's basically like biathlon. Well done you #overachieving
  11. Fun game for a Saturday night What sort of unconventional Olympic events would you be competitive in? I think I could make a run for gold in Overcomplicating Things. I would probably also have a good showing in the headlining event of Identifying Actors or Actresses Who Have Had a Small Role in One Episode of The West Wing. This is mainly due to my intense training, consisting of watching every episode multiple times.
  12. And she's better at snowboarding than skiing. Competing in two sports at a single Olympics is impressive enough, but winning the one that is not your best? Next level.
  13. I see him as the "adult" of the bunch, allowing NBC to cover their a** by not allowing Johnny and Tara free reign...
  14. The women's Super-G final was crazy. A skier from the Czech Republic came out of nowhere to win, and her response at the end of the run (disbelief and incomprehension, for quite a while) was fantastic.
  15. Today's Amazon delivery was marked in my account as having been handed directly to a resident, but it wasn't; it was left on the front porch. I'm obviously not worried about this package, but I'm concerned that if a package gets stolen off my porch, Amazon can basically say it's my fault, since their system says it was handed directly to a resident. We haven't had a package stolen before, and as far as I know, it's not a major issue in my area. I just think that inaccurate delivery information is a problem waiting to happen. So should (or can) I do anything? Am I being crazy, borrowing trouble from something that hasn't even happened? Has anyone else had this happen?
  16. What about something with the front twisted and pinned, to keep it off your face, but still look nice? Some ideas: https://www.google.com/search?rlz=1CDGOYI_enUS772US772&hl=en-US&tbm=isch&q=easy+hairstyle+front+twist&spell=1&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiW34rpz6vZAhVOy1MKHfamC7cQBQhFKAA&biw=375&bih=591&dpr=2
  17. I didn't understand anything they were saying, but sumo skiing obviously transcends language barriers. :lol:
  18. I find myself wondering how much there is for the bottom person to do? Are they primarily ballast?
  19. Also consider shirts that fit well now and you could add a belt on top once they're a little large. J. Crew also has some cute wrap tops https://www.jcrew.com/r/search/?N=0&Nloc=en&Ntrm=wrap%20top&Nsrt=&Npge=1&Nrpp=60
  20. Yes, it was! I really enjoyed their short program too.
  21. A Dress Barn search https://www.dressbarn.com/dressbarn/search?Ntt=wrap%20top A Macy's search https://www.macys.com/shop/featured/wrap-top?ss=true Something to look out for is that a "faux wrap" or "wrap-effect" won't adjust to different sizes the way a true wrap top will.
  22. No specific items to recommend, but what about wrap tops that you can tie a little tighter as you need to? Jackets and cardigans meant to be left open would probably also work for quite a while.
  23. I thought one of the commentators this year said it had recently been reversed, which seems to be true since there were a number of outfits consisting of leggings and no skirt. The Katerina Rule was that the female skaters had to have a proper skirt (no feather/fringe-type business), right?
  24. I'm the same. I've had some serious gardeners help me make decisions, and I always tell them that I do a decent job of getting plants in, then maybe some bit of care to get them established, but after that, the plants are mostly on their own. I've found that native plants require less care, so maybe look for an ag extension or botanical garden in your area for native recommendations.
  25. I'm watching the full replay now, with the British woman commentating (so not Tara and Johnny), and I enjoyed her enjoyment of the Russian athlete having a kiss and cry jacket. It was the pair that skated to La La Land, and he had a costume jacket to go with their outfits, that he only wore for the kiss and cry.
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