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Everything posted by NanceXToo

  1. My 10 y/o daughter got "The Daring Book For Girls." There's one for boys too (The Dangerous Book For Boys, I believe) that maybe your older son would like?
  2. My husband surprised me with a Nook this Hanukkah. I hadn't really had much of an interest in getting one... I don't want to sound ungrateful or anything. I thought it was a nice surprise. But, I don't know. I looked at it, I watched the demo thing, I held it a little bit, I downloaded a couple of freebies that I haven't read yet because I was already in the middle of a couple of real books... ...and this thing has been sitting on my desk untouched for the past week or so at least, and the truth is... I just don't really have an interest in it. I LIKE books. Real books. They feel comfortable in my hands, I like to turn and feel the pages. This feels kind of heavy and awkward and it just feels like something to have to get used to, and I'm not sure I will. I'm not sure I want to. Does anyone else feel this way about these things? Do I just need to give it more of a chance? I feel bad saying "I don't want this thing" after he surprised me with it. But it also seems wasteful to have it just sitting here not being used. And I'm just not feeling drawn to the thing. So now what? :P
  3. So, did you guys who already read this book go to the yellodyno.com website and download the free video and pdf booklet? I read about them in this book, went to their website, and they have things to purchase, but they also have a "free" section where you fill out a form and then can download a video and a pdf 'script' thing- it's meant for grades 1-3 but I think that it could be "give or take" a year or two. Just a heads up. :)
  4. It does look good! I think I will see if my library has it! :D ETA: Nope. They don't. Ah well, there's always Interlibrary Loan!
  5. The prices they charge for their snacks and drinks is what's "wrong" here. What a rip off. Yes, I absolutely "sneak" my own stuff into the theaters! If they'd charge a more reasonable price, I wouldn't have to. :P ETA: Sometimes we do buy popcorn. But I'm not paying for the ridiculously overpriced drinks or the candy; I'll bring candy and a couple bottles of water from home in my purse.
  6. Thanks, everyone :) And, Jami, congrats on nearing the 50 lb mark! That's great! I can't wait to join you there :D And you guys are right, of course- this was never about any one particular day/week/weigh in, but a long term goal of losing weight and making better choices overall! Sometimes real life just happens, and I've just gotta keep going. :)
  7. Today was my Week 16 weigh in! Unfortunately, I had a small gain this week. But it was only 3/4 of a lb, not too bad (considering the non diet-friendly restaurant meal out, the cookie baking/cookie exchange, and the homeschool group holiday party where everyone brought a dish, all of which took place this week)! Status Report: 8/26/10, Week "0" Weight: 237 1/2 lbs BMI: 37.2 Height: 5'7" 9/2/10, Week 1 Weight: 235 1/2 lbs BMI: 36.9 Weekly Change: -2 lbs Total Loss: 2 lbs 9/9/10, Week 2 Weight: 234 1/2 lbs BMI: 36.8 Weekly Change: -1 lb Total Loss: 3 lbs 9/16/10, Week 3 Weight: 231 3/4 lbs BMI: 36.3 Weekly Change: -2 3/4 lbs Total Loss: 5 3/4 lbs 9/23/10, Week 4 Weight: 229 1/2 lbs BMI: 35.9 Weekly Change: -2 1/4 lbs Total Loss: 8 lbs (I'm out of the 230's!!!) 9/30/10, Week 5 Weight: 226 3/4 lbs BMI: 35.5 Weekly Change: -2 3/4 lbs Total Loss: 10 3/4 lbs 10/7/10, Week 6 Weight: 226 1/4 lbs BMI: 35.5 Weekly Change: -1/2 lb Total Loss: 11 1/4 lbs 10/14/10, Week 7 Weight: 224 1/2 lbs BMI: 35.2 Weekly Change: -1 3/4 lbs Total Loss: 13 lbs 10/21/10, Week 8 Weight: 221 1/4 lbs BMI: 34.6 Weekly Change: -3 1/4 lbs Total Loss: 16 1/4 lbs 10/28/10, Week 9 Weight: 218 lbs BMI: 34.1 Weekly Change: -3 1/4 lbs Total Loss: 19 1/2 lbs (I'm out of the 220's!!!) 11/4/10, Week 10 Weight: 219 1/2 lbs BMI: 34.4 Weekly Change: +1 1/2 lbs Total Loss: 18 lbs 11/11/10, Week 11 Weight: 218 1/4 lbs BMI: 34.1 Weekly Change: -1 1/4 lbs Total Loss: 19 1/4 lbs 11/18/10, Week 12 Weight: 215 3/4 lbs BMI: 33.8 Weekly Change: -2 1/2 lbs Total Loss: 21 3/4 lbs 11/25/10, Week 13 Weight: 215 3/4 lbs BMI: 33.8 Weekly Change: +/- 0 Total Loss: 21 3/4 lbs 12/2/10, Week 14 Weight: 213 lbs BMI: 33.4 Weekly Change: -2 3/4 lbs Total Loss: 24 1/2 lbs 12/9/10, Week 15 Weight: 210 3/4 lbs BMI: 33.0 Weekly Change: -2 1/4 lbs Total Loss: 26 3/4 lbs 12/16/10, Week 16 Weight: 211 1/2 lbs BMI: 33.1 Weekly Change: +3/4 lbs Total Loss: 26 lbs Summary: Goal- to lose 60 lbs. 26 lbs down, 33 lbs to go. (I've decided to lose an even 60 instead of the 58 I had previously set as my goal). --- Check out my fun weight loss picture updates here: http://nancextoo.livejournal.com/139113.html And thanks again for your support and encouragement, and for letting me continue to be more "accountable." :) --- Now, back to the grind- I REALLY want to get out of the 210's already! :D ---
  8. It does bother me some, especially when they're really nasty about it, and saying things that just aren't true... but I've NEVER had this come up in real life or things said to me personally, I'm just talking more along the lines of reading nasty things online.
  9. By the way, want to see a funny conversation I had with my son pertaining to this subject? http://nancextoo.livejournal.com/98326.html Scroll down past the pictures of the ducks and the kiddie pool until you come to a picture of a book called "You Were Born On Your Very First Birthday." Read from there. It's funny. :D
  10. Here are Alexa's latest: May 16, 2009 (Alexa is 8 years old)... We were driving in the car when Alexa said "Oh, I found a quarter, but it's under the seat!" She bent down to the floor trying to get this quarter. I said to her, "Alexa, you have to sit up properly in the car with your seatbelt on the right way, or else it isn't safe and your seatbelt can't protect you properly if we get into an accident." Then I added "and a quarter isn't worth that, trust me." Alexa, with the infinite wisdom of an eight year old, replied: "But at least the quarter would help you pay for the hospital if I got hurt." --- 7/18/09 – Alexa is still 8. We visited Quiet Valley Living Historical Farm. Staff dressed in period clothing would re-enact life in the old days. In each building, a different person would talk to us about the room and the things they did there. We saw how they might make toast way back when, how they used coals for cooking, how it took so long to make candles that only burned for 20 minutes, how they kept warm in the winter and different things like that. One girl kept talking about her "sister in law, Cara" and saying how she couldn't cook and how she'd burned a cake she was trying to make because she didn't cool the coals off enough or some such. So you know what they say about "out of the mouths of babes." Ben, three years old, speaks up and says aloud to the room "My mommy knows how to make cake." Everyone laughed. Then Alexa piped in with "but usually she just buys them." Everyone laughed harder. --- October 3, 2009 - Alexa just turned 9. There's a small, shabby diner in town that we pass all the time as it's right on the main highway going into and out of town. We'd gone there a few times in the past for breakfast, but it's been quite a while since we've gone. So today Alexa randomly asked me "Mom, we go to the diner, right?" I said "Well, we have, but it's been a long time since we went there." She said: "When I grow up, I'm going to take my kids there." After a moment, she added: "If I can remember how to get there." --- October 25, 2009 - Alexa is 9. We were in the kitchen and Alexa suddenly demanded: "Why do we have tobacco in our house?" I turned around saying "What?" and saw her holding a little bottle of red sauce. I said "That's not tobacco. That's tabasco." "That's the same thing! Isn't it?" --- November 13, 2009 - Alexa is 9. Alexa was asking if a boy usually asks a girl to marry him, or if a girl could ask a boy. I said a lot of times the boy asks but that sometimes a girl does or they just talk about it together. She asked if I thought somebody would ask her to marry him. I said I'm sure someday somebody will. Which set her off on a train of thought that went: "But I have to make sure I really like him. Like, we will probably spend a day together, maybe have lunch, go out to dinner, he can ask me questions, and I can ask him questions, and then we can decide if we think we should get married..." Of course I had to explain that it takes a lot more than one day of spending time with someone before you decide if you love them enough to get married. "How many days?" She then wanted to know. --- November 17, 2009 - Alexa is 9. Alexa and I were sitting in the waiting room of the doctor's office. There was a lady there with a little boy who looked to be maybe a year and a half old. Alexa wandered over to them and very casually, in the same way you might say "I like your shoes," said to the woman: "I like your kid." --- December, 2009 - Alexa is 9. Alexa and I were starting to read a section from "The Care & Keeping Of You, The Body Book For Girls" for Health. This particular section covered "the pubic area." When I first mentioned it, Alexa said: "I already know what that is." And she proceeded to point to her eye. I had to inform her that pubic is NOT the same as pupil. :) --- Alexa is 9: I watched Alexa bring down a load of dirty laundry to her dad in the basement, and go up to get more. I reminded her that we still had a bit more schoolwork to do. Alexa: What’s more important? School or laundry? Me, jokingly: Yes. (meaning: both!) Alexa: Would you rather be educated or naked? Me: Huh? Alexa: Well, if we don’t have any clean clothes, we’ll have nothing to wear, and then we’ll have to walk around with no clothes on! Me: So are you trying to say that laundry is more important than school? Alexa: Yes! And she proceeded to go upstairs and get the rest of the laundry. --- I've been maintaining a wordpad file of these things since she was like 3 or 4. She's 10 now. :D Some of the older ones are even funnier but I didn't want to go back too far and overwhelm you all with a hundred posts lol.
  11. OK so apparently all I did was preach to the choir over here huh? LOL. Well, maybe somebody will come across this thread who hasn't already heard of/read this book, and now they'll have a BUNCH of recommendations and not just mine! :D
  12. I don't think it would have even crossed my mind. It sounds like fun,a great opportunity! (I'd be more apt to worry about whether they were driving/arriving safely).
  13. Welcome to the boards! :) Nance, (who would love to visit Australia some day)!
  14. Too bad I didn't know about the discount code BEFORE I ordered lol. Ah well! It seemed a reasonable price, anyway, and I think it will be fun!
  15. Yes, I agree! I found that to be the case with the series too (as well as the Merry Gentry series by the same author). Loved the earliest ones, and the latest don't seem to have as much substance, but I read them anyway lol.
  16. I haven't been prescribed anything or recommended anything by a doctor, but lately I've been taking: a multivitamin a calcium chew (they taste good and since I'm on a diet, I figure they're good for me) a chewable Vitamin C tablet (they taste good too lol) and 1 or 2 biotin tablets a day (because my hair seems so thin and my nails were always very weak and it's supposed to be good for hair, skin and nails).
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