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Everything posted by Catwoman

  1. ROAD TRIP!!!!! And it will be educational, too, because we will be learning about new kinds of donuts. It will practically be scientific research, if you think about it. I wonder if we could apply for some sort of grant to fund our research trip.
  2. That sounds good! The maple cremes out here are maple creme-filled with maple frosting. Yours sounds better because sometimes all that maple is overkill. I would probably like one with maple creme filling and white frosting, though.
  3. There’s a big difference between the boxed donuts and the fresh ones. I wish we had a Krispy Kreme nearby so I could get the donuts while they’re warm and fresh.
  4. Years ago, I had a friend who took geology because she figured it would be easy, but as it turned out, the professor was some big shot geologist who had written the textbook, and the class ended up being a ton of work!
  5. That’s right! Here prime posting years are still ahead of her. :)
  6. I’m not a big fan of Krispy Kreme, although I must admit that I usually buy them at rest stop gas stations when we’re traveling, so we’re not exactly talking about the freshest of donuts. Come to think of it, the last Tim Horton’s I went to was at a gas station, too. I guess it’s one of the perks of driving a gas guzzler. More opportunities for donuts.
  7. Ooh! I like those, too!!! I also like the ones with the peanut butter cream filling and the chocolate frosting. It’s like Reese’s, only it’s a donut.
  8. Me, too! And they sound so much fancier than raspberry donuts.
  9. Maybe you can fix it so he doesn’t graduate yet. You’ve got to keep your priorities straight!
  10. I’m thinking I want one of those frosted jelly donuts.
  11. I haven’t, either, but I am always open to new sugary possibilities. :)
  12. I choose ALL OF THE ABOVE! And what is this “jelly donut with frosting†of which you speak?
  13. :lol: :lol: :lol: Is it wrong that I’m posting so I can see how many posts I have?
  14. I would love to have something like that from one of my grandmothers! I do have my MIL’s recipe books, though, and it’s fun reading all of the handwritten notes.
  15. I still remember your posts about your dh’s adult children not being able to figure out how to ride the bus... ;)
  16. I’m not positive, but I think that means you can offer the item to the next highest bidder.
  17. She is soooooooo adorable!!!!!
  18. :iagree: And I don’t think any of us is in a position to judge her relationship with her mother, particularly in such a harsh manner.
  19. When you respond within a quote, it makes it impossible to quote you, so I will simply say that I completely disagree with everything you posted. I think you are reading waaaaaay too much into eternalsummer’s posts about her mom, and your views of what constitute “healthy boundaries†are far too extreme for me to be able to agree with you, and your definition of people as being “emotion-heavy idealists†seems highly accusatory toward many people who are only stating opinions and engaging in conversations where there are opposing viewpoints. You seem to have very strong and harsh opinions as to what counts as being “respectful†and “disrespectful,†and I don’t think it’s wise to make such general proclamations.
  20. But why shouldn’t people ever try to persuade each other? I don’t understand why a mother and daughter shouldn’t have some back-and-forth conversations about issues they both consider to be important. I don’t think a lack of “healthy boundaries†are an issue in eternalsummer’s examples. Honestly, I don’t think there is a one-size-fits-all answer to “how adults should respectfully handle that kind of conversation.†What is right for you may be entirely different from what is right in other people’s relationships, and what’s right for eternalsummer in her relationship with her mom may be entirely different from what is right in eternalsummer’s relationships with other people in her life.
  21. I hope you start feeling better very soon, Diana! :grouphug:
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