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Everything posted by happykids

  1. Ds was recently notified by his college that due to too many students and not enough housing, he and his roommate have been switched from their assigned room to a room that is not a regular dorm room. It is the room in the hall that houses the internet servers for the dorm. There is a floor to ceiling stack of internet servers that is fully enclosed right in the corner of the room. The room also has no sink, which all other rooms have. Having no sink is not that big of a deal, but sleeping in a room with all those electronics concerns us. I always thought that it is harmful to be near a lot of electronics. I have already called the college and expressed my concerns, but they said that they checked with the college doctor and he said that there is no research that proves it could be harmful, so it should be perfectly fine. My son and his roommate are in student leadership for that hall, so they need to remain on that hall. There is also nowhere else on campus where they could stay, as it is full. What do you all think? Thanks! Sabrina
  2. Is there a resource online or a book that has lots of examples of well-crafted literary analysis essays? Thanks! Sabrina
  3. It is scheduled to be completed in 10 weeks. There are 10 units, most taking one week to complete. We are almost finished and have been very pleased with it. We will spend the rest of the year working on other IEW lessons from the Theme based books and SICC. Hope this helps! ~Sabrina
  4. especially for a 9 year old. Then you can do the rest in any order. Some have 2 books per subject, like the ones on John, Daniel, etc., so of course do those in order. The How to Study Your Bible one is harder than most, so I would save that for when he is older. My kids have enjoyed and learned so much from these studies! ~Sabrina
  5. What kind of laundry detergent, dishwashing soap, and toilet cleaner are you supposed to use? How often does it need to be pumped? What do you put down the drain to keep it working well? Thanks! Sabrina
  6. Also, if food gets caked on it, how do you clean it without scratching it? Thanks! Sabrina
  7. http://shop.globallearningstrategies.org/product.sc?categoryId=5&productId=13 ~Sabrina
  8. He used the Comex College Math CLEP guide and the Peterson's one. He had already completed all of high school math when he took the CLEP. You need basic math, Algebra I, II, and Geometry. I don't think there was any trig. on the test. Dd is doing the same and plans to take the test in about a month. ~Sabrina in NY
  9. How does this work? Does he pay income tax for the state he works for, or the state he lives in? What about health insurance? Does it work to have health insurance from a job in another state? Anything else to consider? Thanks! ~Sabrina in NY
  10. These really look great and will be very helpful, especially this year, as we are focusing a lot on literary analysis! ~Sabrina in NY
  11. sold by IEW. It is a very effective review. http://www.excellenceinwriting.com/index.php?q=product/blue-book-grammar-and-punctuation-easy-use-reference-guide-and-workbook ~Sabrina in NY
  12. test-taking strategies and review, and we use the College Board SAT book and the Real ACT book for practice tests. ~Sabrina in NY
  13. because they are the only ones I actually like, will do (although consistency is my ongoing problem!), and are effective for me. ~Sabrina in NY
  14. For the math, he used the Comex Clep College Math guide and the Peterson's guide. For Western Civ. I he used REA, but did not like how it was written. He passed both exams and plans to take US History II, Social Science, and Humanities. It is best to start with a subject you already know plenty about, or are good at. Taking the CLEP right after you have completed the high school course is also best, as the material is fresh in your mind. Both dds plan to take Western Civ. I at the end of the year. If you know your college accepts CLEPs, it is really great to get some of the basic class requirements out of the way. You could end up graduating early, or just free up space in your schedule to take classes you are intersted in. ~Sabrina in NY
  15. I get dizzy spells once in a while. Get over the counter dramamine - the kind with the ingredient meclizine hydrochloride 25mg. It helps a lot, especially if you take it right away, at the first signs of dizziness. Also, drink lots of water and avoid salt. Hope you feel better! Nothing is worse than being dizzy. It is just such an awful feeling! ~Sabrina in NY
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