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Everything posted by Ipsey

  1. I've never really thought about it. I grew up eating elk, deer, and antelope. Didn't understand that beef tasted different, really. I probably would tell folks they were eating game because they might find it interesting. It would have occurred to tell them otherwise. I'd assume if they ate meat, they'd eat all meat, unless they said otherwise. I don't see anything wrong with letting them know, but it's a schema shift for me. I wouldn't have thought anyone would care.
  2. I had trouble with the income answers as well. For an independent person or for a family the size of mine? I think there are different possibilities. So, I said the next-to highest range, even though I think that's not at all impoverished for singles or couples.
  3. Ooh, yes, I'm going to go watch this now. It rather reminds me of Jesus camp. Children can learn to do this easily. For one thing, they don't have some of the reservations that adults often develop to these sorts of goings-on. When people are elevated, preachers, teachers, whatever, for doing these things, children will take them on as well.
  4. Oooh, interesting! I'm going to go read through those. Read them. . . Wish I hadn't. How depressing.
  5. You can also look up "Glossolalia," which is the scientific term for these sorts of utterances. Christians aren't the only ones who perform this sort of thing. It is considered to be a learned behavior by most cognitive psychologists, or inspired by a heightened state.
  6. Hmmm. Don't know it. But it reminds me of Williamsburg Academy. http://www.wacademy.org I haven't looked that closely though. Lots of online schools are cropping up. These two are a little America-centric, and Williamsburg seems a bit less doctrinaire. Conservative, certainly. Looks like they both offer real-time classes. Interesting. I'll be interested to see if any less-conservative classical schools can try this. I.
  7. I saw it as a 10-year old with children starring. It depends. It's not gumdrops and roses, but it's not going to be "R" rated either. So, I guess for me, I'd have no trouble with my children being involved. It's a good history lesson, too. And "intimate acquaintance"? I'm just laughing over that. "Intimate" is not necessarily a euphemism for "sex" and certainly not back in the 19th century.
  8. :001_smile: Not at all. I wasn't offended, and thank you for taking my response so well.
  9. Well. . .I think you're naive :) I was too. I started working at a co-op farm this summer. I work 4 hours a day for a flat of fresh food. I don't just pick; I plant, box, wash, graft, etc. Only 4 hours a day. Not pregnant. Healthy. It's hard flippin' work. The first two weeks I was so sore I had a hard time getting out of bed the next morning. (And I regularly practice yoga). Bugs and heat. Cucumbers and zucchini have big ol prickers. Did you know that? And you can get big old thorns in your hands or you can wear gloves that give you blisters. Ask me how I know. :) ETA: I also drove 1/2 hour each way. For folks who don't have a car or gas. . . they were pretty SOL, eh? If you could, I wish you had the opportunity to work on one of these farms, doing this job for one day, nine months pregnant, and come back and tell us how wonderful it is!
  10. I bought headcoverings from all of these places, back-in-the-day. :) Loved them all!
  11. What suggestions do you have? My mom has a little one that's a "bloggie" camera, and you post stuff immediately to sharing sites. Is there something where I can take 2-minute videos and send them to another person without connecting to a computer? I can't keep up with stuff. :) Thanks for any information!
  12. No. My husband and I stayed in our Evangelical Christian church after we became atheists. We stayed for a year until we could extricate ourselves carefully from our duties in Sunday School, Bible Study, and watching in the nursery. We were very glad husband had turned down Deconship several years prior. We felt we were hurting our children by staying. By the time we left, we were so glad to be gone, it was a relief. I think we were in a different situation than you, probably. We didn't hurt anybody by leaving, other than those who were "hurt" that we now disagreed with their beliefs.
  13. A "Vatican I" Catholic is what one becomes when typing too fast and the second "I" is lost. She's Vatican II. ;) ETA: These women (my Catholic friends/family on birth control) all know that their church disapproves of birth control. They just don't agree. It's not that they're ignorant, they just don't believe in the church's stance.
  14. I know tons of practicing Catholics. My husband's family (he's one of 9 siblings) is Catholic, and I've got scads of Catholic friends. All of the married females are on birth control. I know only one friend, a Vatican I Catholic, who has 7 kids, and I'm assuming she doesn't use birth control. My very serious CAtholic sister-in-law who teacher at a Catholic school finally went on birth control after 4 boys in 7 years and an out-of-work husband. I, too, imagine that the "good catholics" have to be a small percentage of the church. My husband is still in the rolls, though he's an atheist. I think it's "what are the deal breakers", when it comes down to it.
  15. Crepes with nutella, sliced bananas and sliced almonds. Heaven!
  16. We have one land-line phone. It's downstairs on the charger. No cell phones. We were broken into in the middle of the night several months ago. It can happen.
  17. Hmmm, maybe it's the United States that's the danger! We're a country of joined states. Probably we're bringing the anti-Christ in some way. Why is this end-of-days stuff always about Europe or the US joining in some dangerous liaison with other countries. Why don't we just look at the US? It's not sexy enough, I think.
  18. Yes, this is a major performance, you can't just slip out unnoticed. :( Wait, it will come again.
  19. Heh. Seriously, Google it. Utter nonsense. :rolleyes:
  20. Ok, I think I get Tumbl now. Redit=Fark. (LOL, I've never even seen the word "Fark" before). :)
  21. *sheepishly* I know I could probably wiki this, but I just want someone to explain quickly and simply how some of these things work. Is Redit like. . . someone responds to an article and a whole thread starts on it? What about Tumbler? You set up a tumbler account and can post or repost things that interest you and others can comment. I understand Twitter, basically. Maybe this could be a thread to explain all sorts of information sharing. . . platforms (if not "platforms" what's the nomenclature for this group of information sharing. . .stuff). Anyone interested? TIA, everyone!
  22. That is too funny! I had hoped to meet him afterward, but we wound up leaving, as no one knew whether he'd be out to sign stuff or not :( I wanted to tell him what a big help he'd been in my embracing skepticism and science. I bet he gets a lot of that :)
  23. It was a LOT of fun. Dh and I haven't seen lots of shows before, but I think, by any measure, this was terrific. Dh was laughing so hard at "Lullaby" he had to take off his glasses and wipe tears. Minchin closed with "White Wine in the Sun". Just wonderful! Wonderful, wonderful :)
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