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Everything posted by Terabith

  1. https://www.cathedral.org.uk/about/news/detail/2021/07/13/choristers-welcome-dippy I mean, plaster cast model, but still. Also, there's a video!
  2. Cardiomyopathy, I think? Though I think there was something maybe even rarer than that that was kinda trivial and then weeks later I found a Med Page press release about the data on it. I can't remember, honestly.
  3. Yeah, I have been impressed by the Hive's conclusions on covid and how they have almost all arrived (with sources cited) weeks before official sources have concluded it, including about the prevalence of some relatively rare side effects. Frankly, I think the Hive collectively may spend more time reading journal articles than the average researcher, too.
  4. Right, his resume is definitely not epidemiology. But as we know from the Hive, there are lots of people who might not have a degree in something who have developed expertise.
  5. Terabith


    Both of my in laws had it done, my MIL 25 years ish ago. (She had cataracts from the time she was 12.). My FIL's was maybe 2 years ago? No anesthesia was involved for either. They both had eyedrops to put in. They literally came home and we all went out to lunch and they had a completely normal day. It was, shockingly to me, completely trivial and a non issue.
  6. Okay, I just read this article, and I am scared. I don't know who this guy is or if he's remotely trustworthy, but the logic is, well, logical. @Not_a_Number or @regentrude, could you guys look at the math? https://stephendinan.substack.com/p/why-we-are-headed-for-a-brutal-fall?r=3ziav&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web&utm_source=twitter
  7. 47.7% in my city with one dose. 50.4% in the "metro area" with one dose Our city went for Biden, but the surrounding county went for Trump. We are definitely one of the blue areas that is poorer and higher percentage of minorities and more vaccine hesitant.
  8. Honestly, I'm not sure. Probably? Could also possibly just create toxic fumes. It seems like a bad idea all around.
  9. I would be alarmed about the potential for electrical fire. Unless, of course, someone HAS, in fact, been burning Clorox. But that seems unlikely.
  10. I don't think so, but I'm not 100% sure. I was in my car driving by, and it was so surrounded by flowers that it was hard to tell. But it did not obviously have any clothing. I think it's just a stone goose.
  11. I bought plain yogurt when I was still trying to make chicken tikka masala, but after five spectacular failures, my family has declared a moratorium on me making Indian food and has decided we should just support the local Indian take out place. But that leaves me with some plain yogurt, and for some reason, I can't come up with a great main dish to make with it. It should also be said I am not a creative cook; I mostly make a rotation of the same dozen things or so, so more variety would be welcome. Any ideas? I will try to get a photo of the goose statue near the monolith.
  12. My youngest uses phone alarms pretty extensively, and has been very successful with managing her medications that way. Tooth brushing is a whole nother story. I realized the other day that we had been home from our trip for a week, and there were only two toothbrushes in the bathroom, one of which was mine. I was like, "Um, so who all is not brushing their teeth?" Turns out my husband has also been using my youngest's toothbrush for a week, and oldest, the one who is supposedly neurotypical, just hasn't brushed their teeth in a week. On the other hand, they've never had a cavity, so while I am concerned about developing the skills for this task, apparently it doesn't make all that much difference for them?
  13. Oh, absolutely!!!! I think my calculus would be different if my kids were unvaccinated, for sure!
  14. We were locked down pretty hard from March 2020-June 2021. Not quite as hard as some folks here, but way harder than anyone I know in person. But now all four of us are vaccinated. And I'm worried about Delta, but I feel like we have to take some risks. I'm doing a day treatment mental health program to make some much needed psych med changes. My kids are doing some small group visits with other vaccinated teen friends. We're catching up on some medical appointments. We saw family for the first time in two years. I don't think I can keep my kids out of school another year. My oldest will be a senior next year and has had some pretty major mental health issues, and there is no way they can go from full virtual life to college. My youngest one, if we were actually homeschooling, would probably be fine, but our relationship doesn't work homeschooling, and she has not learned anything from virtual school in the last year and a half. That's a massive academic hit, and we cannot sustain another year of it. I don't know that it's the right choice. I feel like we've tried to do the right things, the safe things for so danged long, and I know viruses don't care, but there are real costs to being locked down indefinitely as well.
  15. Our doctors will not see anyone with anything remotely upper respiratory, or gastrointestinal. They tell everyone to go to urgent care. I could get a tele-health appointment with my doctor for a sinus infection, but when I thought I had an ear infection, they said I had to go to urgent care, because ear infection might have been caused by something respiratory, and they aren't seeing people who are sick with potentially contagious ailments. Which is kind of a nice gig for doctors, but kinda sucky for the urgent care folks.
  16. Yeah, after a lifetime of zero cavities, we moved, and our new dentist told me I had eight cavities. I didn't go back after they "filled" the first four, and I have yet to have any other dentist think they existed. At our dental practice, we have two different dentists who have different standards for what needs to be filled. One is far more conservative than the other, who does a "watch and wait" approach. I have one spot that he's been watching and waiting and has not had any change in 8 years, but it does look slightly funky on the x-ray, so I don't think the first dentist is a scammer, just has a different philosophy.
  17. I am so very, very sorry. That is horrific. Your poor son!
  18. DBT would be awesome, but I do not know of any around here that offer it (hospitals, partial hospitals, intensive outpatients, therapists...). My psychiatrist called them, and I talked to the intake person, and they want me to start Wednesday, so no long wait list. There is also an intensive outpatient, which is usually used as a step down program. That part is all new. We'll see how this goes. To be honest, this program is pretty much the only one in town for mental health. There are a few that deal with substance abuse, but not a lot for depression and anxiety.
  19. Thanks. Just trying to be proactive.
  20. My youngest started breast buds around 9 and got her period a few months after her 10th birthday. We did not do anything to prevent it, although puberty was not great for her in general. On the other hand, I had breast buds by THREE, was a C cup by kindergarten (where I was almost 5 feet tall), and started my period in second grade. I had to see a pediatric endocrinologist, but it was considered idiopathic and nothing was done. If I had a kid who was going through truly precocious puberty, I would do blockers in a second, because between the social difficulties, the emotional stuff, it makes the kid much more of a target for abusers. It did stunt my growth, but since my projected height was 6'1" (and my sister is that tall), I'm fine with being 5'7".
  21. To be clear, I'm not suicidal at all. I have had some bad thoughts, but no intent to act on them. I don't need to be inpatient. I sorta see this as more of a "I notice that things aren't as good as I would like them to be, and maybe this could prevent things from getting bad." My psychiatrist thinks it is a good idea and could be helpful.
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