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Everything posted by Sdel

  1. I did not say this. I really do suspect this is the case though. For all his faults, CS enforcement is one of Abbott’s big things. I’ve never filed, but since some services allow the state to seek CS they probably have a blanket policy of requiring the giving of permission to seek CS.
  2. In short, not in this situation unless the father is also willing to sign over the guardianship. In TX grandparents have no rights. Any change of custody sought in this situation would have to be with dad’s agreement....and then it’s more likely that dad would just take or be given custody anyway. A CPS intervention would end up with baby with dad over the grandparents. I have guardianship over my grandson, but he was removed from both parents. With baby only living with mom, a removal would just see placement made with dad unless he refused it. OP, I’m pretty sure your CHIP issue has something to do with your daughter refusing to assign the state the right to collect child support from dad.
  3. You do realize that the only animals that have short lives are the boys right. At least half the population lives out a much safer, comfortable, and longer life than they ever would in a natural environment. And no, they wouldn’t be turned out of the barn....they’d all go to mass slaughter. Sometimes they just do it in the field and let them rot if they don’t think they can get enough money for them. Cattle, as opposed to pigs and chickens, are still a small farm operation where the majority of producers have 10 cows or less.
  4. I guess I just don’t see any animal going the way of the lions, tigers, bears, and feral horses as a “great” outcome for them or be celebrated as some great humane gesture. These animals would be eaten in the normal course of their lives. It is not some great awful thing for us to be to eating them.
  5. I understand that....but I’m not convinced that the alternative is going to be a great life. A best case is a natural life (and that is a slim possibility)....one that is not any longer or more free of “pain and suffering”. It’s just different circumstance. Once there is no purpose for them....they’ll won’t be living free happy lives....they’ll just be treated as a nuisance species and eradicated like everything else. And you are wrong that it will be a slow decline and without a lot of animals being killed. Any price drop/expense increase already causes producers to offload entire herds of animals in current market conditions.
  6. I have my doubts that this will be a good thing for the welfare of food animals. I think it’ll mean they all get processed or relegated to zoos if demand for consumption isn’t there. Not exactly what I’d consider a great outcome.
  7. Does this have something to do with paternal obligations requirements? They want a known dad involved before they put up....it was always my understanding that the state takes it upon themselves to go after dads first when single mom’s seek services.
  8. Waiting. I believe I have already had it, but I don’t do well with vaccines anyway. So with a broken hand I don’t want to sidetrack my body from laying down the healing foundation by purposefully creating an immune response.
  9. Anyone in the College Station or with a kid in the area please message me. Vax related. Looking to expand my phone tree.
  10. A bath and a good nights sleep. I got my cast off today and got a splint I can remove for eating and bathing. My two hour nap confirms that I can actually sleep in it. I’m going to enjoy tonight just doing nothing and probably going to bed early.
  11. And having one probably significantly raises the odds of having the other.....
  12. You could include the barn/pasture as part of the rental instead of as separate boarding. That is a big thing where I am...duplexes with a couple of acres and 2 stalls. Alternatively, lease out the 13 ac/barn for cattle and see about an agricultural tax exemption. Our cattle lease has the pasture and fence maintenance as tenant’s responsibility.
  13. Update: I’ve been taking methylcobalmin, methylfolate, magnesium and occasionally SAM-e since surgery....and I’m starting to tolerate the splint during the day. The doctor opted to give me a removable splint over a fixed cast...so if I wind up taking it off I can at least put it back on when I calm down. So far I’ve only had to loosen tightened ace bandages and I can reach in and massage some of my hand and forearm muscles. He also gave me a Valium script for if I need it and ordered B vitamins and Vit C. Still can’t sleep in the thing without help. Just can’t relax enough to get more than a hour of sleep in it unless I’m drugged. Some light yoga is helping the muscle cramping.
  14. Empty to limited depending on what you need. I have a broken dominant hand...so, limited ability to cook right now. There is nothing TV dinnerish in the stores right now. DD might have to get a crash course in cooking tomorrow.
  15. So 911 Lonestar has been running a story arc involving a volcano in Austin and a forest fire.....wondering if the next season is going to include an ice catastrophe arc.
  16. We are perfectly fine now. The grid is back completely. Now the damage is fires that can’t be put out because of no water and people who left space heaters plugged in and on while fleeing the cold and water damage from burst pipes. We camped in the living room with the fireplace. The longest we were out was 8 hours and then our power company we found it’s groove and kept us in a routine rolling cycle since we have a lot of the counties water facilities within a half mile of us (the power plant is only probably a half mile away too). We got the well back once we could get enough hot water to thaw the hose from the pump to the pressure tank. None of our pipes burst because the tank/pipes completely drained when the hose froze. The birds were all kept in warm water while the well was spewing all the water everywhere.
  17. I’m sure what has set me over the edge has been the last week without power and having to wear so many layers but the cast thing has been getting progressively more frustrating too. My normal routine was unavailable. I manage well with horseback riding, yoga before bed, and super firm mattresses/pillows to minimize the sinking in feeling, double blankets and a strict sleeping posture designed to counter the “push” from certain areas on my body. And nothing extra is allowed to touch me. As for anxiety meds I have access to 15 year old Xanax, Ativan, and my daughter has some hydroxyzine left over from a trial we did a couple of years ago. I have Mg, and found some methyl-cobalamin, and methyl folate, and SAM-e from a few years ago too. I won’t touch SSRIs unless it’s life or death.
  18. I broke my hand a couple of weeks ago. Lived in a crappy splint for a week and a half then had surgery and received 6 pins. I’m still in my post surgery splint and I’m going insane. The claustrophobia has a sensory element to it and it’s pretty bad. I’ve already pulled one stitch just from involuntarily clenching against the cast. I can control it when I’m awake but I do it in my sleep as well. I do it normally in my sleep against my blankets and will actually wake up in an arched position from trying to push away from the bed itself. I’m currently taking about 1,000 mg of Mg and an anxiety med at night. It’s letting me sleep but not helping with the other things.... Honestly I’m so overwhelmed right now between the cast and the multiple layers of clothes/blankets needed to stay warm this week. I took the wrap off and just left it laying over my incision and practically started crying over the relief of it being away from my skin. I’m supposed to get a cast for three weeks. Does anyone have any experience with this or know of any possible alternatives I can discuss with my doctor?
  19. Honestly, I think the biggest hang up about what you are talking about is that it would mean everyone would be more independent. I’m all for it, even if it took a massive gov’t outlay, to make every home energy independent. In my mind, independence is freedom and we’d all be freer from gov’t in our lives if our main utility was in our control. I think that scares people and entities. Some people would be scared of having to take over that responsibility. The gov’t and is scared of losing that kind of control/income source. And or course it would effect huge swaths of the economy.
  20. You know, this is the first time in my life that we’ve had more than one snow/ice event a winter and hasn’t only lasted 48 hours or less, and I’m getting closer to 40. We had a big snow event (like a couple of inches) the year before I was born. We had a big ice event when I was in elementary school because I remember the mailbox being completely encased in ice. We got a snow the year my DD was born (a couple inches). Then we got snow 2 years ago (3-4 inches). Then got snow last month (6 inches) and now snow again.
  21. We have three city utility water wells within 1/2 mile of our house(one at our farm around the corner, on at our pasture next door, and one down at the end of our road) and the treatment facility to cool it all down is just a bit further down the road). My aunt has had power at our farm since yesterday after workers were tinkering with the generator. We just broke our consistent 2:1 power cycle after 45 minutes. I’m concerned that after reports of burst mains and system wide pressure collapse warnings all day long they have now become critical to maintain pressure and have to have full power to pump full blast to maintain pressure.
  22. We just got our power back up after 30 minutes after very consistent 2 down 1 up cycle. I’m afraid that means the city utility water well on our other property next door to our house has become critical infrastructure now that the water mains are thawing and bursting open and they are having system wide pressure problems.
  23. I’m jealous. I just found out my aunt has had full time power at the farm 2 minutes from my house since yesterday afternoon. I suspect it has has something to do with the city utility water well located on site and they are desperate to keep it on line with all the burst water lines, but still, jealous.
  24. Our fireplace has been invaluable in stabilizing the heat in our house. We are crammed into the living room with high peaked ceilings, open floor plan, tile floors, north facing door and leaky windows.....but the fireplace had kept the temps stable for when the central heat comes every 3 hours. Otherwise our indoor heat drops like a stone once the power stops. It got stuffy and smoky smelling late last night so tonight we are just going to burn one log going into dark to bump up the house for tempos into the teens.
  25. True. I spent the whole first day of this arguing nonstop with my kiddo about not being allowed going out to play in the snow. It was a hard no. We got the whole “all my friends are.....”. We explained until we were blue in the face that we do not have proper clothes and this was not a situation where we could afford to have damp clothes, shoes, towels, floors , or the in/out that a snow day would mean.
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