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Chris in CA

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Everything posted by Chris in CA

  1. Rod & Staff Grade 1-5 or 6 and Chalkdust from grades 6 (Basic Math) or 7 (Pre-Algebra) on up I'm not very mathy : ) so I like to keep it simple
  2. I believe that keeping ourselves attractive and in good shape is a ministry not only to ourselves, but our husbands. I blogged about this just this week on my Date Night Challenge post. LOL! What timing. - Tami I love this Tami, so true. Whenever I feel guilty about spending money on myself, I try to remember it's for my dh too : )
  3. So sorry that happened to you (((hugs))) Could it be that they don't consider you in the same group as other sahms because you hs? Just a thought and not at all an excuse
  4. Mommy or Mama always Daddy for dh always my girls are 11 and 12, but I don't expect that it will change
  5. We use Rod & Staff from 1-6 and then switch to Chalkdust in 7th (Pre-algebra). At least that is what my oldest (aka Guinea Pig) has done. My youngest may do Chalkdust's Basic Match in 6th instead of R&S
  6. Big sweet tooth here, have to limit sweets to once a week or I'd eat candy everyday, all day :)
  7. My dd will be in 8th grade next year and we've always done very teacher intensive/lead curriculums. I want her to become more independent and was considering meshing in some BJU classes (with the dvd) beginning in 8th. I would be adding BJU English and Science for 8th and then have her do BJU for English, Science, History and French in hs. I'm still on the fence about the English for hs, but I think this could move her into a more independent mode. She is using Chalkdust for math. thanks for any advice
  8. We are in Southern California, but I hate being cold, so it's at around 72 at least when we need it
  9. I'm surprised too. Funny, this is something I never thought of before, we bathe everyday here, but to each her own : )
  10. I just read Beowulf, surprisingly I loved it, what did you think?
  11. Sorry, I wasn't clear. If I am finishing up TOG year 1 we will end at the birth of Christ, so I would want to pick up with Omnibus at the time of Christ or thereabouts. I was concerned that the breaks may be different with Omnibus, but it looks like I would be fine with Omnibus 2. thanks
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