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Everything posted by Pegs

  1. Transpose is it. :) Perhaps she'd like to take up an instrument which would allow her to participate in ensembles more easily? I think she'd have an absolute blast of it, from what you've described. I love love loved my string quartet and youth orchestra as a teen. Took up b-flat clarinet for a season too, so that I could join a band, and for the extra challenge of sight-transposing music written for other instruments. Not quite what you've been asking, but I hope you don't mind me contributing a tangential musing.
  2. I found DS' 5 hour session of testing to be exhausting too. It can feel like really high stakes stuff, even if we already have a pretty good idea of the findings before they're found. So! Here's another 2E autistic mother cheering you both on! Go forth! Find clarity! And be gentle with yourself.
  3. We just got a certificate also, but no enigma results online yet.
  4. You could just write a sentence neatly on appropriately sized lines and have him copy below. This is how I've done copy work with my 7yo for the last few years. Sometimes we take a sentence from a story he's enjoyed recently, or a silly line from a favourite song or poem, or a sentence he dictates to me about a topic which interests him. No worksheets required! :)
  5. DS sat the introductory science paper last week, and we posted it off the next day. He finished well before the time limit, filing the bubbles as he went. "Toddler science" was how he described the experience, so I think we can safely say that it hasn't knocked his confidence one bit. Insert eyeroll from me. Looking forward to seeing his grade.
  6. I did a really good logic MOOC by the University of Melbourne via Coursera a few years ago. It's not currently open for enrolment, but it's listed on the unimelb website with "Start date to be announced". https://le.unimelb.edu.au/elearning-design-and-development/melbourne-moocs-catalogue/# I recommend keeping an eye out for it on Coursera - "Logic: Language and Information 1". As far as evaluating a MOOC before starting, I'd say just dive right in and try some out. You'll know pretty quickly whether or not the presentation and content are a good fit for your son, I think. If you see any that pique his interest, you could also post on the boards and ask for reviews. :)
  7. How about a MOOC or two? Maybe on logic, or a new programming language?
  8. Hey Chooky, I have all of the intro books and their solutions manuals, and I'm happy to offer you an extended loan of them if you'd like. I'm not using them myself any more, and DS is still a few years off. PM me if you're interested. :)
  9. Yep. Mine thrives on structure and input. If I feed him enough when he needs it, he plays and dabbles independently on his own time. When I hit that sweet spot he is just delightful. When I don't? Not so much.
  10. How validating for you! Well done to you both. :)
  11. That impresses me also! Congrats to your DD.
  12. DS took the core and missed one question. He is very happy with silver and keen to try again next year.
  13. Oh that's great. Sounds like a very solid plan. Nothing much you can do until Monday, then. I hope the weekend is offering you some respite. Do take care, hey?
  14. I have close and very recent experience with adult mental health services not far from you, and I can confirm that post-discharge residential rehab is definitely a thing. The social worker is your friend, here. Your DD might need to be assessed by an OT also, depending on the intake procedure for whichever rehab you're looking at.
  15. OhE, thanks for clarifying wrt my use of the word quack. Sorry that I misrepresented your post - it was a misunderstanding on my part. My apologies to you.
  16. Thanks for your reply too, OhE. It does sound like an awful lot of work that you're doing with your DS in terms of input. I'm sorry that OT in general has stuffed you over, though. Sounds like you've spent a lot of time and money on quacks, and I appreciate the heads up. (Posting quickly before my phone plays up and eats my reply!)
  17. Thanks Marie. I don't know that sensory integration will *necessarily* become a therapeutic goal - it's something I'm exploring. I know that I as a parent could definitely use some guidance as to which sensory-related quirks should be addressed, and which should be accommodated, in any case. I have a good first impression of the OT following a telephone call, and I think DS will take to her. We are definitely not committed to anything other than the initial evaluation, at this point. I'm really taking all of this one decision at a time!
  18. This is both encouraging and not. The exercises which help your DS - is it not sustainable to keep at them? I'm just wondering why you'd let off. You're under no obligation to indulge my curiosity, of course, but I welcome your experience if you care to share. :)
  19. Well, we're booked in with an OT for a "full assessment" in a few weeks. I'm not sure exactly what this entails, but the OT is very experienced and comes highly recommended by a family friend.
  20. We're going with brainpop for now, because it seemed the easiest option for me in terms of subscribe-and-go. DS is keen to do the quizzes and other such activities, so I'm hoping it will be more like autodidactic learning and less like an electronic babysitter. (Is my mother-guilt showing? :/ ) I'll revisit the other suggestions on this thread when I'm not so flat out - I do appreciate all of your input!
  21. Thanks for the suggestions! I'll pre-view some of these tonight when I get some PC time to myself.
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