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Everything posted by SoCal_Bear

  1. Library is constantly mispronounced as liberry. Like nails on a chalkboard.
  2. Yes, schools teach in a spiral fashion for younger grades. However your daughter is reaching the point at which science and history aren't spiral any longer. I think perhaps you might want to take a look at what lies ahead for high school boards and consider what your/her goals are for her at the end of high school. Then work backwards from that for shaping what her homeschooling journey will look like.
  3. Perhaps look at the Vionic shoes. They design shoes for plantar fasciitis. https://www.vionicshoes.com/women/plantar-fasciitis-shoes.html
  4. I know there are other families who have kids who love chess. Phil Cradle's homeschool chess club was wonderful while it lasted as a real outlet for my son to have other students to play. My son was really disappointed when it didn't continue. I wanted to come and share about a local after school chess program that pivoted during Covid-19 and developed a robust online chess program. Keep in mind the times are PST and they do offer a 10 day free trial. I will say that if you have a student playing at an advanced level, they did start program that directly serves these students. It's been such a great experience for my son to learn from multiple coaches. https://www.chessclubhouse.com/
  5. Just speculating out loud here...I wonder how much undiagnosed myocarditis there is in the general population. I know it is the 3rd leading cause of sudden death for children and young adults.
  6. @8filltheheart I would say teaching in your home would not count because it is not paid work. This definition would be addressing are you engaged in similar work for compensation. IRS doesn't care one whit about voluntary activity. Yes, there are obvious limits to when the co-op is operating. Does the person have the freedom say this is my availability or not. Or does the group say you must be available at these times and compel someone to provide services. Obviously an IC would say that they have limits within the operating hours of the co-op. For example, dan the IC turn around and offer said similar service outside of the group for compensation at a time and choosing of their convenience? Nobody might do it, but the key is whether they have that control and freedom. For CC, you must be available from x time to y time for all tutors. CC you can't do it outside of their control. In fact, they are fairly controlling about how the materials are to be used as well.
  7. Speaking as a CPA, the CC tutors are most definitely misclassified and have always been misclassified. They have no control over where, when, and what to teach. This has been my issue with them all along because they have not offered clarity as a corporation and wrongly in my opinion told directors it was their responsibility to figure out what their obligations were as CC could not offer guidance. Sorry, that's dodging the issue. If they have changed that stance recently, then all I can say is finally and about time. The main issue is who has control. A co-op who invites a outside teacher to come and teach. Allows said teacher to control when they teach and they are free to turn it down or request other times. Said teacher retains complete control of what curriculum, what happens in the classroom, control over the fees that are charged, collects their own fees, etc. Said teacher was regularly engaged in providing similar services outside of said co-op. Then I would be satisified that they would meet the criteria that is proposed. My other issue with CC is that it sure seems like when it is convenient they put on the business hat...when it is not they say they are a ministry in order to silence dissent and criticism.
  8. That's interesting because all the churches I have ever been a part of had many small groups. It's the core focus of the churches. I suppose one reason is that the smallest group I have been a part of was about 300 people...the others have been in the 3k to 5k range.
  9. Coronavirus: The risk going forward is 'general confidence in vaccines' There are bar charts by ethnicity, age, political affiliation for United States that are on here. Asians are missing again, but from other sources, the likely to vaccinate survey in December 2020 was 83%. https://finance.yahoo.com/news/coronavirus-confidence-vaccines-155052501.html
  10. Apparently in 2014...but I know I lurked for YEARS before that.
  11. Patients With Long COVID Face Lingering Worrisome Health Risks, Study Finds https://news.yahoo.com/patients-long-covid-face-lingering-185649476.html
  12. I literally know hundreds of people who have had the vaccine and early in the priority grouping. One of the things about being Asian and going to Cal for college is that I am friends with an inordinate number of HCWs. Contrast that with the homeschooling world, it seems pretty 50-50. These are also the people who aren't masking either. That's where I am experiencing the most risk exposure is the homeschooling community. There's no way I'm going to be out and out in that community with getting vaxed. It's many degrees higher riskier to be a homeschooler than to be part of the system. I can also tell you intended vax uptake among Asian Americans is estimated somewhere around the 80-85%. Miles away higher than any other demographic in the US. Why? We know about coronaviruses. The vast majority took Covid seriously and early. Asian countries have outperformed the rest of the world in controlling the pandemic. Lots of us have many family and close relationships with frontline HCWs (lots of Asians in this space) so we believed what they were saying that Covid is no joke, and you don't want it. I do know people who have died and plenty living with long term Covid. It's sobering and a reality check.
  13. I do IF but I do 16/8. So I don't eat until about noon and usually my last meal is around 7. I recently lost 10 pounds without changing anything in about 8 weeks...I gained some weight over Covid because I have been suffering a frozen shoulder throughout most of that year. The only way that I could sleep was to take Aleve before sleeping. I would eat something with the Aleve to prevent stomach irritation. Add to that being unable to move my arm...my activity level was down as well for most of the year. I've done IF in the past successfully to lose weight I would gain from the steroids I would have to take for asthma. I can't seem to avoid gaining weight when I am on meds. Luckily, this year with masking, that recurring issue has been avoided. I haven't had a viral illness in well over a year. It was the frozen shoulder that did me in. I will say that I can up the rate if I exercised more and did low carb. That has happened as well in the past.
  14. No in Bay Area...for driving that far to Central Valley or Sierra Foothills.
  15. I can report in CA...it is very challenging to try to get in a vaccine appointment. I know people who have driven more than 100 miles to find one.
  16. If taco seasoning isn't easy to get. A Costco cannister of taco seasoning could be really useful to take there. I heard before that you can't get Flamin' Hot Cheetos or real hot sauce like Cholula or Tapatio.
  17. @kand I read the same thing but from the CDC's data following whether or people were getting their 2nd shot on time.
  18. I'm so sorry. This is exactly what moral injury is.
  19. I shocked a group on justice and racial reconciliation when I said in a way I don't regret what has gone on this past year from COVID, George Flyod, BLM, the election, insurrection, etc. I believe that God is using all of that to show us many things in people and our society that have been hidden. It's immensely painful, but I believe that God is using this to move many out of complacency.
  20. https://www.thegospelcoalition.org/blogs/kevin-deyoung/why-reformed-evangelicalism-has-splintered-four-approaches-to-race-politics-and-gender/ `
  21. Ugh...I meant 4. Sorry. my typo. I was looking at the chart not the numbers (in the article) I'm a 3 with heavy leaning towards 2. Forgive me, please! I'm rather is thrown today by the messages I have gotten. It's thrown me for a loop.
  22. EDITED to Fixed my comment because was not thinking straight. Thanks, WTM, for pointing that out. Using that schema that I posted about upthread for the purposes of discussion, I am an actually 2 3 leaning heavly towards 3 2 It's probably clear that the main leadership of the group is a 1 4. I just care a lot about maintaining relationship and unity the 3'2s and 4'1s and our witness to the world. Copied the schema below for discussion purposes. Contrite: “Look at the church’s complicity in past and present evils. We have been blind to injustice, prejudice, racism, sexism, and abuse. What the world needs is to see a church owning its sins and working, in brokenness, to make up for them and overcome them.” Compassionate: “Look at the many people hurting and grieving in our midst and in the world. Now is the time to listen and learn. Now is the time to weep with those who weep. What the world needs is a church that demonstrates the love of Christ.” Careful: “Look at the moral confusion and intellectual carelessness that marks our time. Let’s pay attention to our language and our definitions. What the world needs is a church that will draw upon the best of its theological tradition and lead the way in understanding the challenges of our day.” Courageous: “Look at the church’s compromise with (if not outright capitulation to) the spirit of the age. Now is the time for a trumpet blast, not for backing down. What the world needs is a church that will admonish the wayward, warn against danger, and stand as a bulwark for truth, no matter how unpopular.”
  23. I get a lot of talk about how it is not for us to tell anyone how to make private health decisions, that masks are a symbol of government overreach, etc. I spend loads of time explaining that fundamentally I was resigning over a leadership integrity issue because when I searched Scripture the overwhelming message is to Love God and Love Your Neighbor. On top of that Scripture about elders being above reproach and blameless, obedience to the authorities, how we are to treat our weaker brother, about denial of our own rights and freedoms for the sake of others, etc. No need to literally cite chapter and verse here as I think all of you are well aware about what I am talking about. As far as I can tell, we have not been asked to deny our faith and are not unable to gather and worship. They see it as a symbol of oppression. Though the irony as a POC listening to them talk about oppression makes me cringe. She just offered to give me a copy of Slaying Leviathan: Limited Government and Resistance in the Christian Tradition. That probably says everything right there about why there will not be a meeting of the minds on this topic.
  24. I have asked multiple times for a Scriptural basis for their reasoning. They have nothing other than to say that they must not allow the government to infringe upon their right to worship and to gather.
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