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Everything posted by SoCal_Bear

  1. FWIW, for us it was helpful to start with being able to recognize and identify logical fallacies. While I know that the authors are Christians, I have seen secular WTMers comment that they have been able to use Fallacy Detective and Thanking Toolbox. Some have been able to use Art of Argument as well which is published by Classical Academic Press. It's easy enough to find the posts about what the secular WTM'ers thought about all of these.
  2. If you have foreign income, I don't think you will be able to use the free tax filing program. Free file is for very simple returns. My DH develops Turbo Tax, and they make the the free file product for the IRS. I would tell her to file an extension. You can e-file a form 4868. https://www.irs.gov/publications/p54
  3. Should she need even more time, she can file for an extension which gives her until 10/15 to file her return. She doesn't owe anything so that's the only thing you have to make sure of is to pay enough in to cover any tax due. If you use TurboTax for her return...she might have difficulty being able to download it to use depending on the country. I know it was a big problem for my friend who is an expat in China for example. You could do it for her and just send her the pdf for the signature page that is required for e-filing. She can sign, scan and send you the file easily.
  4. This is completely anecdotal. My friend works every day providing afterschool care for a local private school. Said private school has had many outbreaks this past year. She was personally close contact for 7 of those outbreaks. She has endured multiple Covid tests and credits Happy Mask for keeping her safe while many others around her (adults & students). She finally has gotten her first dose of Pfizer and will get her 2nd soon. She tells me so loves her mask. Her husband uses Happy Mask as well, and he works in bio tech lab in our area. He uses it when he doesn't have access to the masks that they use inside the lab. They have 3 kids in college, so he actually moonlights on the weekends at Costco as well and wears that mask there.
  5. @Not_a_Number I think you may have purchased earlier on before this was added to their FAQs...but they also said that you can spray 70% isopropyl alcohol if you feel you need another level of disinfection.
  6. This is what is on their website: Our masks feature a wafer-thin nanofiber membrane, which is considered the gold standard in filtration efficiency. Our filter is especially unique in that it is washable, which enables each to be sewn-in for corner to corner coverage. In fact, our filters have been tested to maintain their efficacy for at least 50 washes, as proven through a Repeated Wash Test conducted at respirator testing laboratory OSH
  7. The info about the wash test is on the website. The lab testing reports about the filter is actually now uploaded as a pdf on their website as well. Honestly, for me the mask that gets worn and stays on is a big driver. For me, this is the only mask that I can personally tolerate for long periods of time.
  8. From what I understand, they tested how many washes (swishing in cool water with a drop of dish soap) before the mask no longer performed as well as new. They have more information now about the number of hours the mask can be in use which is approximately 250 before the interior filter builds up too many particles and starts to inhibit breathing. You shouldn't twist/wring the mask though. I gently press it between my hands in the folded position to get excess water out after I rinse before I hang it up to dry. The repeated wash test was performed by the Sun Yat Sen Medical School. I don't know if it matters to you or not, but this is overwhelmningly the go to reusable mask for the Berkeley alum moms who are health professionals (dentists, doctors, nurses, optometrists) that I participate in. I also noticed the bottom of their home page now has a number of written testimonialss by physicans.
  9. @Dicentra This possibility would be such a relief for my family as my son is taking that leap to know that there is a honors level still available.
  10. @roadrunner, are you filing a PSA or with a charter? If PSA in CA, you can report any high school credits earned prior to the official high school years. You aren't limited to foreign language and math.
  11. The K12 Human Odyssey series is what I have for my son as soon as we wrap up US History. There are some old threads about it here:
  12. This makes indicate the experts think we won't. https://www.nytimes.com/2021/05/03/health/covid-herd-immunity-vaccine.html
  13. That is Pfizer saying that they expect to ask for approval in September. This doesn't imply anything about what the FDA or CDC would do or when they would do it. I would imagine whatever clinical trial data that will be submitted will be heavily scrutinized as this is a very young co-hort.
  14. I could definitely see that being part of a risk management strategy.
  15. The reason given was that library volunteers have contact with the public and minors. I was operating a math circle. I also had to do a Live Scan for my fingerprints.
  16. I hate to say it but I had to do a physical like you described above to be a library volunteer. That's right...a volunteer was required to meet the same requirements as an employee.
  17. I am seriously contemplating taking a year before (technically on paper) reaching the high school years with my family and spending some time overseas and around the US travelling. DS already has some high school credits under his belt so he is technically ahead. I was considering keeping math up during that time, but I am open to letting a lot of formal education go. We have shifted to outsourcing a lot of classes for him this year because he asked to do that and has wanted more independence and separation. It just doesn't seem possible to do more than a class or two that if we decide to do a travel year. For me, this is completely out of the box thinking as this is certainly the road less travelled. The one thing for sure I would want to keep up is math. I don't think it would be a problem for him to not have formal science course or I could let him use the year to study computer science. He is set to do Latin 3 this year. So it is possible that he might want to continue on through AP Latin so I would not want him to lose momentum if that is the case. Everything else seems like I could let go without any major issues or focus on doing self-paced or with me when we are on breaks from travelling. One of the issues about self-paced learning is that he really thrives on the live component of classes. Something like a month away and a month back or some sort of routine like that. Thoughts as I contemplate this possibility path?
  18. I reached out to OG3 for this webinar they produced a couple of years ago as there are many new to the homeschooling world exploring different options. This is a really good overview of things to consider with online learning from Online G3 where they go over how it can be used and the range of learning options available through all the providers out there. https://onlineg3.adobeconnect.com/px7usnxtoufd/
  19. @Farrar It looks like this isn't a new offering? Is there anyway that teacher has a sample class recording for you to preview?
  20. Sometimes, when FB brings up "flashbacks" and I see what I was able to do 5 or 10 years ago, I realize the toll chronic illness takes. I mourn that loss. I know my son has memories of those times. It's hard for him because I'm not as able to do what I did in the past. I think about my daughter and not being able to give her the same things I did for my son for her homeschooling journey.
  21. @crazyforlatinI read that the Pfizer CEO was talking about booster shots for between 6 to 12 months from vax. So that would put your DH into the fall which is probably when you would want peak level of antibody response anyways.
  22. I noticed American English will keep "the" as an article with hospital. i.e. She is in the hospital. Versus British English drops the article. She is in hospital. I noticed only because of Covid, hospital comes up a lot in news clips. I wonder what Canadians do with "the" and "hospital."
  23. True North was a spin off of a now defunct provider. It's a Christian Classical provider. My sister's kids took a couple of IEW writing classes. She wasn't overly impressed by the organization of the teacher last fall. I haven't asked her how things are going. It wouldn't have been the first choice I wouuld have pointed her to but it was take what you could find/stop gap solution as this was a temporary move (Covid) to homeschool this year. I know that Stroberg is offering his courses on their platform now. IMO it feels more like a platform for various instructors to offer classes than it feels like provider that has a tighter control over what is delivered and how content is delivered if that makes sense. For me, quality can be uneven with the former than the latter. One thing that I do know they are doing which is providing support and classes to special needs families. That is not something I've seen being done anywhere. This was posted in spring 2019 by @CAtoVA Apparently, homeschoolworks4U is out of business. From the website: It is with both a heavy and glad heart that we announce homeschoolworks4u.com has been sold. As a result, HomeschoolWorks4U.com will eventually go offline. TRUE NORTH HOMESCHOOL ACADEMY (TNHA) is now the owner of this website and its content. TNHA is working to transfer the information from this site to their new website. TNHA will provide you with numerous choices for homeschool and tons of free information to help you, your child, and your family along the way. There will be a huge announcement once TNHA launches their website (anticipated launch date is the first quarter of 2018). To get in on any early-bird specials they may offer, email them and request to be added to their email list. The email address to use for this request is: YES@TRUENORTHHOMESCHOOLACADEMY.COM Thank you to everyone who has entrusted us with helping your child learn and succeed. May God Bless and Keep You!
  24. For those in CA, this is an interactive map that shows vax by zip code. https://dig.abclocal.go.com/kabc/ca-vaccine-tracker/SoCal_vax_zip_map.html
  25. I'm pretty sure that is a brand new course for True North.
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