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Everything posted by SoCal_Bear

  1. I've found that ground news is pretty helpful. It aggregates news for you. It shows you the bias for the reporting agency. You can read pieces from left, center and right and see what the blindspots are is for the left and the right. https://ground.news/
  2. I'm Asian...this really did happen because our communities were talking about it. This is a SF local news station. https://www.kron4.com/video/nancy-pelosi-encourages-chinatown-visitors/4354116/
  3. I saw that. Bravo for her for speaking the truth. I really hope she does not get blowback for what she said.
  4. I'm responding to the OP. I haven't had a chance to read all the way though. The reason why it's difficult to comprehend is generally people like to to look at things from a binary framework. Understanding what is going made a lot more sense to me after I read this from George Packer about Four Americas. I really want to read his book The Last Best Hope eventually. https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2021/07/george-packer-four-americas/619012/
  5. Watch the video I posted, Dr. Offitt addresses this question.
  6. I listened to an interview with Dr. Paul Offitt. He disagrees with Pfizer's push for booster. https://www.chop.edu/doctors/offit-paul-a
  7. On the homeschooling front, they sell Pentel Twist Erase mechanical pencils. THE BEST ONES EVER. The longest eraser and you click on the barrel when you grip. 0.7" leads which means my son doesn't constantly break the leads. Amazing price for them! And in the warehouse RIGHT NOW. https://www.costco.com/pentel-twist-erase-click-mechanical-pencil%2C-15-count.product.100302064.html
  8. We have some car washes in my area. Before Covid, the food courts in our region had hand packed gelato pints in addition to the cones. Costco is why I have an upright freezer in my garage and a second fridge.
  9. where I live, Costco sells poke. Thought the poke at Costco in Hawaii is waaaaay better. My kids love the giant Costco chicken pot pies...the food (street tacos, etc.) we are talking about is their prepared foods section. It's a quick and easy option. The bakery is so cheap as well. I also get Shar gluten free bread from there. So much cheaper.
  10. Diapers are a great price when they go on sale about every 3 months or so. Regular price for vitamins is good...on sale even better. Same thing for OTC medication.
  11. My kids are obsessed with Kewpie salad dressing. It's in the warehouse seasonally. My kids are also really into the Korean seaweed salad. You get 10x the quantity you would for the same price at the Asian market. One thing you will learn about Costco is that there is a lot of stuff that shows up seasonally. So don't miss out. And a lot of things are regional as well.
  12. The Kirkland brand is often made by big names. Love the shampoo which is really Pureology. https://moneywise.com/life/lifestyle/the-big-brands-behind-costcos-kirkland-signature-items The organic produce is such a bargain. We have a Costco Citibank card...between the card and the membership rebates, the membership pays for itself. Pharmacy is really well priced as well if you need to pay out of pocket or have a high deductible and want to try to use your $ wisely. I'm forced to use CVS ($$$) because of some agreement my husband's company has with them. Also, there are things you can buy that are only stocked behind the pharmacy counter. That's where I get the big tubs of Cerave cream. That rotisserie chicken is super cheap and easy.
  13. Zero Covid Alliance's Long Haul video series: https://zerocovidalliance.org/the-long-haul Long Covid SOS' film: https://www.longcovidsos.org/film (translations available in 5 languages) Open letter to Boris Johnson: https://3ca26cd7-266e-4609-b25f-6f3d1497c4cf.filesusr.com/ugd/8bd4fe_e3779d8fa84c4c32bbd8ed43d70cd3cf.pdf
  14. Separate thread from the other threads as this is a topic of interest in those threads. I just watched this Long Covid interview with two women who have long covid and have been at the front lines of patient advocacy (WHO, health care and governmental agencies), studies, international efforts and behind the message in the bottle film Long Covid SOS. I highly recommend this. I will copy and link some of the resources on this youtube video for easy reference below. One thing that they mentioned is that among long haulers is that symptoms and relapses do occur many months after. They also mentioned that covid appears to amplify weaknesses in sufferers. So, if you suffer from skin rashes for example, then long Covid symptoms tends to manifest in the skin. As someone with multiple autoimmune and chronic health issues, I really don't want any more issues and don't want my children to risk having to live the way I do. The number of countries who recognize long covid is shockingly low.
  15. I was planning to go as a family to my son's golf tournament. He made it to the sectional playoff tournament. Now, I'm going to stay home with the 4yo. Mixing it up with hundreds of people for hours with my 4yo isn't something I want to do. Less concerned about the outdoor as we could space...more concerned about the indoor spaces like restrooms.
  16. So far, it's mild. She's young. 20-something. My 4yo has an underlying heart condition. I am cautious for a reason. I going to ask my son to attend the Asian church on Sundays now. He also goes to their youth group. Still masked and outside. Honestly, it's mostly the Asians still masking in my area.
  17. Well, our vax'd middle school director just tested positive for Covid. She's roommates with the children's ministry coordinator. VBS is supposed to start on Monday. MS and HS are going on retreats 8/1. I let my vax'd son go to church masked on Sunday and youth group on Tuesday. I am glad I kept my 4yo at home with me because I was feeling uneasy about her. I'm no longer comfortable with sending him since they are indoors, and most everyone is not masked. My son says at least half the kids tell him that they are not vax'd.
  18. I have a bunch of cloth masks that were made for our family. We've opted to use Happy Masks ourselves. You are welcome to them just for the price of shipping. Most of them have a filter pocket and nose wire.
  19. @Not_a_Number I'm losing track of threads. I think this is the one where you asked about when vax for youngers will be availabe. Fauci is quoted as saying late fall or early winter would be the earliest. Also, the data about pediatric cases doubling makes sense why AAP came out with their recommendation. I also didn't know that there have been 400 pediatric deaths. This makes sense why they would start messaging with some areas going back to school in just a couple of weeks. https://www.cnn.com/2021/07/20/health/covid-children-cases-schools-reopening/index.html
  20. get the lanyard they have...I just got them. So convenient to be hands free
  21. Although trial results are expected in the fall, an FDA official told NBC News the soonest an EAU would be granted for those under age 12 would be midwinter, as the agency requires more safety data. For adults, the FDA required two months of follow-up safety data after the vaccine trials. It will require four to six months for the under-12 trials. https://news.yahoo.com/fda-may-authorize-covid-19-002600698.html
  22. FYI for those waiting on vax for under 5-12 yos...that is not expected to be approved any earlier until mid-winter. FDA is requiring more months of trial data.
  23. This is the guy's bio: Stephen Dinan, a bestselling author, social entrepreneur and visionary political strategist, is the founder and CEO of The Shift Network, a leading global provider of online transformational courses and trainings. He was previously a senior staffer for both the Institute of Noetic Sciences (IONS) and Esalen Institute. At IONS he was the driving force behind the Shift in Action program; and, at Esalen he directed and helped to create the Center for Theory and Research—a think tank for scholars, researchers, and teachers to explore human potential frontiers. Stephen is the author of the bestselling book Sacred America, Sacred World: Fulfilling Our Mission in Service to All (Hampton Roads) and Radical Spirit (New World Library). He is a graduate of Stanford University and holds a master’s in East-West Psychology from the California Institute of Integral Studies. Stephen is also a member of the prestigious Transformational Leadership Council and Evolutionary Leaders groups. He resides in the San Francisco Bay Area with his family.
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