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Everything posted by SoCal_Bear

  1. Lemon water soak or rub a paste of vinegar and baking soda?
  2. This is such a hard thing, and we do live in stressful, anxiety inducing times. I don't have much to add except perhaps a suggestion of a book that I found insightful in providing tools to help in a playful way. Opposite of Worry by Dr. Lawrence Cohen. https://www.amazon.com/Opposite-Worry-Parenting-Childhood-Anxieties-ebook/dp/B00BRUQ77W
  3. Can she get anything like a a Travel Jane to make this easier on her to urinate?
  4. I would say that wearing glasses to protect her eyes and from touching her eyes would help. A face shield would solve this problem as well as preven you from touching your face
  5. I slowed down because I'm not in a rush to get to calculus. I'm also not going to spend the bulk of our time with maths when he has other rigorous courses to cover. He has lots of other interests foreign languages, science, computer science, golf, competitive chess, etc. Plus Science Olympiad is a time sink. The rest of us aren't like you @Not_a_Number, I'm not going to design a customized math education. However I can take time to do other branches of mathematics using books that are readily available. I think you are getting a foreshadowing of the tween years. It's hard and challenging. I didn't want to kill a love for math when he clearly needed time to grown in EF and EQ. He also really needed to grow in pushing through frustration and learning to be ok with not getting problems right the first time he tries solving it. I think girls tend to organize their work more readily than boys do IMO.
  6. I slowed his progression wasy down on purpose. I realized given his nature, the time spent in exploring other math would be well worth the time. After AOPS PA, I did Jacobs: A Human Endeavor before we started AOPS Algebra. I wasn't tied to a class so we had all the time in the world. I also decided to delay both of these a year from when he was mathematically ready because I was working with him on executive functioning skills and EQ. He did Clover Creek Physics with Jetta and will be doing Clover Valley Advanced Honors Chem with Connie this fall.
  7. This past year and a half has really opened my eyes to a lot of things that were there but are not brought into the light of day. I'm thankful this has happened even though it has been difficult to sort of relationships and community. There are so many voices who were previously allowed to speak into my life, but God has shown me things that I can't overlook and can't unsee.
  8. For those who have had Cindy Lange as your teacher in the past. Please be praying for her and her family. Her home was destroyed in the Dixie fire in California ten days ago. I am sharing this so that you are aware of what has happened and can reach out to her. They have relocated to Redding temporarily.
  9. What I found was not going directly to pre-algebra right away helped transition him to the concept of worked solutions. My son was similar at this age. I did Jousting Armadillos before going to AOPS PA. It helped as a interim to practice writing out his work. However, I can't promise this will happen overnight. I wish I could tell you that it will magically happen, but he still gets lazy and at this level of math and science, he can't afford to do it anymore. When I correct his math, I will check each line that is correct and stop where he fails to show the next step and it's on him to rework it from that point on. I have told him that it's not just about getting the right answer...you have to provide a fully worked solution that ANYONE can follow who knows nothing about the problem. It helps that his physics course last year graded that way as will chemistry. I won't say I am not secretly dreading Geometry this year which is why it is outsourced. The frustration he has had over Intermediate Algebra has been hard because he has similar issues as your son and finally hitting some math concepts that don't come instantenously is a shocker. The step up from the Intro books is real. He's simply not used putting in more study effort. This is a good thing. I would rather he hit the wall at home with me then not hit this wall until college like me. ETA: There's no way for him to improve with AMC unless he starts working the problems out more systematically.
  10. New study out of Australia. This is preprint. Interesting because they were able to follow recovered Covid patients without risk of reinfection or vaccination due to Australia's Covid strategy. Only confirms my concerns about long term immune system issues. https://newatlas.com/health-wellbeing/long-covid-immune-dysfunction-australian-study/
  11. I had a hard with it until I started roasting it with curry and tumeric. Also, it is fine in Aloo Gobi, Indian curried potato and cauliflower dish.
  12. Pretty much we eat every veggie including a wide range of Asian vegetables you would never see in mainstream supermarkets. Now things I eat because it shows up in my CSA box, but I'm not really fond of...fennel - it's ok if I roast it with potatoes. Dandelion greens but I have to boil with baking soda first and then sautee it with bacon to make it edible. Spaghetti squash - only cooked with marianara and Italian sausage, brussel sprouts...still don't love it even roasted... I won't waste food, so I will eat it if it shows up. Turnips & kohlrabi aren't favorites either. Pea shoots is very popular dish in Chinese restuarants. Stirfried with garlic. It goes for $12-$15 in a restaurant.
  13. Well, that was brave of her because I guarantee that she's going to take a major hit in sales and in speaking engagements. https://www.relevantmagazine.com/current/nation/beth-moore-if-youre-not-going-to-get-vaccinated-for-the-love-of-god-put-on-a-mask/ https://churchleaders.com/news/403296-beth-moore-calls-out-unvaccinated-christians-greg-locke-and-sean-feucht-respond.html
  14. I thought I would chime in and suggest you double check that his college allows people to have appliances. Some do ban them or have a list of acceptable ones.
  15. I was mulling this over. If your son does well with pre-recorded lectures, and you aren't necessarily tied to AOPS. Derek Owens or Math Without Borders (Foerster's, no grading, but worked solutions provided). seem to be reasonable alternatives.
  16. I can't do any sunscreen that is lotion based as my skin reacts in ways that you describe. I only used powder sunscreen which goes on like makeup powder. It sits on your skin. My dermatologist told me to use this when I was diagnosed with a sun allergy. This can be purchased from Amazon. https://www.colorescience.com/?utm_medium=cpc&utm_source=google_search&utm_campaign=search&gclid=Cj0KCQjw6s2IBhCnARIsAP8RfAgk1w9Vl6uj6mqhNkl2CmY2J7TLB0ISBx9pNv4tXKOC3t0sgYWgppkaAiQjEALw_wcB I also got Brush on Block at Costco when they were selling it. Similar to Colorescience. https://brushonblock.com/products/brush-on-block Most of the time, I wear a lot of hats, have a sunbrella, and sun protective clothing and sunsleeves from companies like Coolibar. I broke out in hives when I ran a few errands from just exposure on my lower legs not covered by my capris and my arms. It was just walking from the parking lot into the store. That's it. Probably totaly cumulative time was less than 15 minutes.
  17. Things are probably going accelerate one Pfizer gets their FDA approval. Supposed to happen within weeks.
  18. San Francisco Unified announced that they will be requiring teachers to be vax'd.
  19. Not yet in California. Only mandates for state employees and health care workers so far.
  20. This is why I am hesitant to hand over a graphing calculator too early. Trying to decide when to make that available.
  21. They developed a virtual academy option in addition to the in-person locations.
  22. I looked really quick at the price for Intro to Geometry AKA Math Honors 8. The virtual is listed at 1650 for 2 hours of live instruction. Locally, the in-person class where I am would be around $2k. WTMA is $735 for 2.5 hours. RFP is $900 (I am guessing it is 90 minutes based on how the classes are scheduled). That's probably a fair statement that it isn't as intense as the text-based ones. It certainly doesn't move as fast as those classes do. From what people have said, in-person is less intense than the text based one. I suppose you have the option of doing the delayed option with WTMA as well.
  23. I suppose without diving deep into the studies that generally speaking I give more weight to the UK studies. They don't have to gather data because it is all there in the NIH. It's universal healthcare so everyone in theory has equal access. They can see data on on the patients prior to Covid as well.
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