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Everything posted by Reefgazer

  1. I get my original prescription from the doctor, then re-order through an online supplier; the online supplier is much cheaper.
  2. Did you ask the vet for his advice on this?
  3. OK, see, regarding that video: Once I am sitting up, getting up is no problem. But I can't get to the "Sitting up" part. That's what I mean when I say I can not even do one.
  4. Cool! Thank you! HIs stuff is a bit more focused, but hat gives me a starting point.
  5. DS spends a ton of time online researching stocks, stock trading, investments, etc. We've given him some money to trade and invest, and he has done a good job of it. He spends hours researching on You Tube, in online seminars, and online discussions. I know absolutely nothing about this topic or about this field and he is thinking he might like to go to college for business. I would like to give him a 0.5 credit of an elective for this activity. What title would you give this class on a transcript? How do I do the course description if DS has used no conventional textbooks? As you can see, it has been difficult for me to break out of the school and textbook mindset.
  6. This is the tentative plan: 9th - Ancient World History 10th - American History or Western Civ (I see you did that as part of your ancients course, so maybe I am mistaken on that and am calling what I am looking for by the wrong name) 11th - American 12th - Government/Economics So, I really want to do some sort of world-type history that is more modern than Ancient history, but DS does not really enjoy studying India or China or Japan. So I thought maybe European HIstory or Western Civ. Is that right, or am I mistaken about what exactly Western Civ is?
  7. I did look at that book, and was wondering if there were other options to consider. DS does not want to do the GC; he doesn't want any video or online classes.
  8. She's wrapped up her DE courses, so we're good there! I wouldn't have been able to assign a final transcript grade without those.
  9. Honestly, it doesn't matter what side of the debate I am on; accurate numbers are important for all of us to make important decisions.
  10. Eh, I go about doing my thing regardless of what day it is, so if mowing the lawn was what she normally did, I wouldn't think twice about it.
  11. We just finished History Osyssey's American History and loved it. I like HO history programs, but the assignments can be uneven from lesson to lesson; in other words, 1 lesson can be very short and the next is like, write an essay. This American History is not like that. It's very evenly spaced, thorough, and my daughter (not the academic type) really liked it because she said the readings were actually interesting.
  12. I have no patience for true conspiracies, but at the same time, I am being called a conspiracy-monger because I question the accuracy of the covid death numbers. So there's that.
  13. I can not do 1 single sit-up and I want to be able to. I can do lots of crunches and I can do a plank (not for a long time, but I can do it), but I can't do a situp. I can't even do 1; not even a partial one. How does one learn to do a sit-up, or build up enough strength in the abdomen to do this? Where do I start to be able to do a single sit-up? And no, I don't have muscle tears from child-bearing, so I can't even blame that. I'm totally serious about needing guidance on where to start to be able to do this.
  14. DS decided he might enjoy a course in western civilization for history next year. Can anyone recommend a good curriculum for that? I actually don't know where to start with that. We've done ancient history to death this year, so we would likely pick it up somewhere after the fall of Rome. He is not interested in Great Courses or an online course. Also, would this be a 1 or 2 year course? Our local college offers it as a 2-semester course. A second question is what to do for a 4th year history if we treat western civ as a 1-year course? Throughout high school, DS will be taking/has taken ancient world history (1 credit) , U.S. Government (0.5 credit), American history (1 credit), and western civ (1 credit). So we're deciding what to do for a final 0.5 credit. Would geography work for that?
  15. When I submitted DD's midterm transcript to the college she will attend, I listed her expected graduation date as 6/15/20. Because we have been locked down during the pandemic and she has had time to devote to her schoolwork, she is finishing up early. For various reasons, I would strongly prefer to submit the final transcript with a 5/15/20 date of graduation (so a month earlier than projected). Would this be questioned or frowned upon or thought of a sketchy by the college?
  16. If I want to create a list on FB that I can exclude from seeing certain posts (in other words, make a "friends except...." list), can I do this and still be able to see all their posts? I also would like to create a group that is completely blocked from ever seeing my posts, but I still want to see their posts. How do I do this?
  17. For the typical student, I would not recommend either of those without a solid high school biology or chemistry first.
  18. It was originally to flatten the curve, but the goalposts seem to be changing.
  19. I think schools teach civics and the basis of the American Experiment very poorly . Actual civics and a grounding in our founding governmental principles is replaced with indoctrination about the government being a provider and protector, which is not what our constitution is about. So I teach government from the POV of someone who accepts that we are a constitutional republic with guaranteed rights, and no additional decorations. This is one of my primary objections to public school because not teaching these principles opens the door to so many other abuses. I am also not happy with the indoctrination that teaches, but does not explicitly say, that all children must achieve the same outcomes. It's anathema to excellence.
  20. I've got (had; said child is finally outgrowing it now) an older bedwetter and I wet the bed until 10-11. The kid will outgrow it in time; some kids just wait longer and can't be rushed on it. I would not worry about it at all, in the absence of other, related physical issues. My best advice: 1. Contact North Shore Care for samples of teen /adult absorbency diapers that don't leak. They will help you choose the correct diaper and send several types off free samples for you to try. 2. Buy a washable, waterproof pad for bed that can be laundered easily. Or buy disposable underpads for bed (but they aren't as big as the re-usable and washable ones). 3. I was late bedwetter; please remember the kid hates that he wets the bed and isn't doing it on purpose.
  21. Any and all of those count as social studies. I used psychology for a social studies credit and the colleges accepted it for admission and all the colleges took the psych credit in for credit transfer (she took it at the community college).
  22. Many of DD's college classes in the fall are mostly face to face, hands-on type stuff (beyond labs - videos would be useless), and this is what I have advised her. Her problem is that she has a year of credits of gen ed already done as high school dual-enrolled, and that means she has to start digging into her major coursework for things that can be put online. Given required sequencing and pre-reqs for higher level classes, she has some really limited options if they don't start up in fall.
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