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Everything posted by Loesje22000

  1. When we moved to Belgium to school, for integration reasons. I still had my Dutch expections of school so it clashed between teachers and me. It didn't help to integrate. When we decided to homeschool we used more afterschool activities, and more daycamp activities during school vacations, like other Belgian children do. We are still 'foreigners' and ever will be. But I tend to think there are more ways to integrate then school alone.
  2. This is what I posted this is how it goes Grade 8,5: Math: AoPs Intro A, Statistics the statistics doesn't seem to work, AoPs was difficult during all the grade 8 exams, but now they are done and AoPS is going better Science: Grade 8 exam, IGCSE Chemistry+BJU Physical Science We passed the grade 8 exam, will start the rest in January, not sure if everything will work. Dutch: Literature the first assignments didn't go well, but she is growing and learning English: Grammar of Poetry, Kids Write Intermediate, Real English Skills (EFL), readinglist We changed Grammar of Poetry for a Dutch Textbook, I enrolled dd for Bravewriter this week, and dd is working on her readinglist. We didn't have time for RES so far. French: Grade 8 exams, oral and written, Jardin des Lettres, readinglist She passed both exams, we decided to use C'est bien ça for the skills and continue JdL and readinglist for Reading. German: Praxis, Sprache und Literatur We decided to add Na Klar Latin: Phoenix no changes Greek: Elementary Greek i.c.w. Stathmoi we finished EG 1 and decided to use Mouseion a self study text for adults History: SCM Middle Ages,Ren, Ref / tweaked things are going fine, but - as expected - little learning happens for this season of life it is okay. Geography: Selfmade Course of course it didn't work out as she dislikes geography, we are back round the designtable probably using IGCSE Geography Technical Education: Grade 8 Exam and we are done! Arts: History of Rockmusic Not started yet, but she did a Swanlake project and is working on the story of Christmas Carols now :) Attending academy of Fine Arts yes she does Folkdancing yes she does Part of this program will be continued in 2016-2017 that is still the plan, it seems we are in different rythm now :)
  3. Can somebody help me? I started yesterday reading the Victorians: http://www.bookdepository.com/Victorians-N-Wilson/9780099451860 I like it so far and noticed there is a sequel: after the Victorians. Does a book like this exist for the era before the Victorians? It doesn't have to be limited to UK history, World History is also fine.
  4. Thank you for the compliment Nan! It doesn't feel like 'good' as it doesn't come easily. I only speak English in real once in two years, when we have holidays in the UK.
  5. Grade 9, no transcript, Latin - Modern Languages track Dutch: Literature & Composition, www.lezenvoordelijst.nl English: Real English Skills or Cambridge Advanced English + Literature French: C'est bien ca + Jardin des Lettres / Terre des Lettres Latin: finishing 2 starting 3 Greek: Mouseion German: Na Klar + Praxis Integrated Math: deciding continuing or switching AoPs Intro A Integrated science in a non integrated way: Physical Science?, IGCSE Chemistry, Biology? History: 1750-1910 sources undecided Geography + Global Issues (IGCSE) Just for interest: Philosophy, Psychology, Civics, Ethics. Or something like that :)
  6. Thanks for writing that explanation! I only learned formal writing at school. Dutch hasn't a fixed word order like English, but Dutch is not as free as Latin in word order. So normally I write short sentences :) and try to rember all the word order rules as I don't have any feeling for languages.
  7. Bookgifts in december: Sherlock Holmes complete in Dutch translation. Not longer available so 2ndhand A set of Roald Dahl books in translation, bought in the 'Roald Dahl week' Both for dd. Cookbooks: Dd loves her British Country Cookbook from National Trust.
  8. Yippie! The Story of Western Science is translated in Dutch!

    1. Tress


      It´s great!


      We need MORE books by Susan translated into Dutch!

  9. Yes. She failed the last one though, but had enough compensation points to have completed grade 8. Grade 10 exams are not required, so we skip those. Grade 12 exams will be necessary to get a diploma, and a diploma is necessary to enter university or to get a job. so our good intentions for 2016 are to not attend any exams :) (I doubt this is good English grammar, but that is a personal goal, how to express more complex thoughts in English.)
  10. I LOVE that chair,I would be able to sit with DD in one chair :) and I adore cookingbooks :001_wub: DD is official in grade 9 now, so I'll have more time to read now :) Now find something to read...
  11. We became official grade 9 today :) (dd passed the grade 8 requirements and has fullfilled the Flemish homeschool requirements!) Dd picked the Latin-Modern Languages track and will have integrated Math en Integrated Science exams in grade 12 I'm not sure if we will continue with what we are doing now. Latin, Dutch, English, French and German are required in this track, we will try to add ancient Greek. History and Geography are also required. Obviously we don't have the 'one hour per subject per day' system here so I am working on a schedule to fit this all in. We try to add subjects of interest like Philosphy, Psychology, Ethics, Civics...
  12. I was wondering the same about Bravewriter too. In Belgium we don't have the LOR culture for applications.
  13. If dd passed her last 8th grade exam, we will be no longer middle schoolers.... :(
  14. Tomorrow, hopefully our last 8th grade exam.

    1. quark


      Good luck!

    2. Loesje22000



      It became a terrible experience, though :(

      So we keep fingers crossed for the results.

      She can fail this one, but not a too big fail.


  15. My profile -> My Groups -> press leave group button ?
  16. I like her writingstyle, she seems to be able to describe the history of religions in a 'neutral' way, without offending them. It was good - for me - to read what some one 'outside' consider 'fundamentalism' and that often the 'fundamentalistic' part of a religion is a reaction to the more liberal part of the same religion. The line between 'conservative' and 'fundamentalistic' can be small.
  17. Do you know this: http://www.olyfran.org/olyfran/ https://www.goethe.de/de/spr/unt/ver/ido.html But here it is hard to attend such things without school.
  18. I finished 'The Battle for God' from Karen Armstrong. I started the book just before the attacks in Paris. I also finished a YA book about Berlin in the DDR time. It was a pretty mild book imo.
  19. It helped dd to relax a little, to see all those funny cats :) And that adults can be funny in anxious times too I also showed her the news about the Robot fair in Peking just to get the stresslevels down in house as we have an exam to prepare. It remains security level 4 until monday. From Wednesday on schools and metro are open again (despite level 4) The exams for homeschoolers were cancelled today and will be cancelled tomorrow, but will be continued from wednesday on. We'll have next week our last 8th grade exam and hope the securety level will be back at 3 by then.
  20. Preparing our last exam (technical education) we made a bike! and it rides....

  21. Brussels Capitol Area is still on security level 4. Every afternoon (local time) they decide to continue or not this level. Schools and Metro are closed: http://deredactie.be/cm/vrtnieuws.english/Brussels/1.2503380 I can't say much about the lockdown besides the media tells me. I don't live in Brussel or Brussel Capitol Area. But I hope for those who live there, police and army find what they are looking for very soon.
  22. No books finished, just following the news.
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