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Everything posted by Loesje22000

  1. lire et s'entrainer / Black Cat = B1 eli = B1 but has less text in audio, just every other chapter The books from livre poche jeunesse are 4me according the french schoolsystem. So grade 8/9 I suppose. B1 is what we cover during grade 9. In France and Belgium it isn't uncommon to read 'bandes dessinees'. So if a child needs more support through pictures one can opt for a BD version of Les Miserables.
  2. Sorry :blush: I should ave written my posts carefully :blush: I have no idea what Americans study in French 1 or 2. I know that Flemish and Dutch start reading in grade 9 after 2 years of French... But it was your child who went to immersion camp this summer Reefgeezer? Or am I mixing up two board members? I will take a more detailed look and come back to order the materials at difficulty.
  3. 30 minutes per language per day,here. But not every language has the same amount of days. 3 days minimum, 6 days maximum
  4. I would love to hear a session about how to deal with multiple foreign languages in highschool (European setting) And multiple in the sense of 3+ languages (dd. will have 5) and most at a serious level (4-6 years). Charlotte Mason did it, somehow...
  5. And others with CD: http://www.blackcat-cideb.com/french-catalogue/357-miserables-les-9788853009111.html http://www.languages-direct.com/eli-graded-readers-les-miserables-victor-hugo.html
  6. Would this work? http://www.amazon.fr/misérables-Jean-Valjean-Texte-Abrégé/dp/2010015770/ref=sr_1_2?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1444044448&sr=1-2&keywords=Miserables http://www.amazon.fr/misérables-Cosette-Texte-Abrégé/dp/2010015789/ref=sr_1_3?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1444044475&sr=1-3&keywords=Miserables http://www.amazon.fr/misérables-Gavroche-Texte-Abrégé/dp/2010015797/ref=sr_1_4?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1444044496&sr=1-4&keywords=Miserables
  7. Repost: Sorry you have such a bad weather! We had a lovely sunny autumny sunday, perfect for a 7miles walk through the bosses and aboard the canals. I finished Emile from Rousseau last night.(in Dutch) I'm glad I have read it, but I think I don't I will have dd read it for French Literature (in French)...
  8. Sorry you have such a bad weather! We had a lovely sunny autumny sunday, perfect for a 7miles walk through the bosses and aboard the canals. I finished Emile from Rousseau last night.(in Dutch) I'm glad I have read it, but I think I don't I will have dd read it for French Literature (in French)...
  9. We have done 4 lessons sofar, and dd is getting bored, very bored due to the slow speaking of the teacher. Our only reference are the AoPS video's which we like. And the teacher looks quite often down instead of straight to the camera. I compared yesterday Grammar of Poetry with a Dutch textbook, en we will work with the Dutch one. Mixed with An Introduction of Poetry from Progeny Press. It is an expensive misser with the custom charges added.
  10. I like to read the thread. Reacting on the 'Sabbath during the week' idea: In Belgium all students from preK - 12, have no school on wednessday afternoon. They can make homework or attend music or fine arts lessons, sports etc. As dd attend the academy for fine arts on wednessday afternoon, we have just the morning for lessons. I scheduled it with most of our '1time per week' subjects. Therefore the wednessday got a different feeling. M-T are pretty similar days. Then we got Wednessday as 'odd day' and then T-F are similar days again. This cycle works for us. And yes we still continue with the 30 min. per class system This way we can still manage to do all the work without evening homework.
  11. The DVD of Grammar of Poetry Now I have to decide to skip the whole program, teach it my self or make a mix with other poetry sources. Poetry is supposed to be something joyful...
  12. We use this: http://www.galorepark.co.uk/Product/9781902984599.aspx
  13. Our dd is someone who needs her sleep. So her outside activities are limited to wedness afternoon (cultural thing here) friday night and saturday during daytime. Sports in the evening are only allowed if they don't cross our bedtime limit. But I can see a different child could be in need for more sports time, mine is in need for enough free reading time and that is easier to realize. In our dd's case I would opt for the project school or the online classes, not a combination of both. I know her time management skills are not developed enough to handle both. Your schedule is too much for us, but I realize we live in a lower pace then some other people.
  14. I would watch the AoPS video's. Much more efficient then working through the books in my case. I would pick the most regular math text in your area and study that. For everything that seems odd explained, or do not understand myself I would search for substitutes in the books you have. Being raised with: you can math or not, but you can't learn it, Learning about a grow mind set was the key to me to become a better math teacher to dd.
  15. O thanks!!I can't PM any longer at the boards as I lost my PM function. OtherJohn can't find a solution so far.
  16. At the site of this publisher: http://www.livredepochejeunesse.com/ You can select per (french) grade, When I have made my choice I order at Amazon :) Besides that, we used: http://www.amazon.fr/mots-contés-Lecture-expression-lélève/dp/2701116201/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1443458334&sr=8-2&keywords=Conte+le+mots
  17. https://duo.nl/Images/Duitse%20taal%20en%20literatuur%20versie%202_tcm7-53459.pdf I hope it works now!
  18. I have also another list. More focused on 'Literature' It is found on page 11-15 from this document: https://duo.nl/Images/Duitsetaal en literatuur versie 2_tcm7-53459.pdf The document is in Dutch, but these pages contains the allowed titels for German Literature This is what Dutch collegebound students moght read for German Literature during grade 11-12. As German is an elective not everybody will reach this level. Students are supposed to read 6 books from different era's and different authors. We aim for 10, it used to be 15 books. AP Latin is grade 10 level in Belgium ( I have already checked that) so I presumed it would be the same for German.
  19. I finished 'North & South' from Elisabeth Gaskell this week. I don't think the book is briljant as half way you presume x & y will marry each other. And I don't like to 'wait' when 'everybody' (=parents) dies so someone can marry. It has a similaring as Shirley but a different point of view. It has a brave heroine though. I'm almost done with Les Miserables. The book differs much from the musical version! (Most dutch translations are written according the musical version several years ago, It was hard to find an unabridged translation)
  20. I think your dc can better start at level 4/5 This is the description of the levels http://www.lezenvoordelijst.nl/zoek-een-boek/duits/home/leesniveaus
  21. Would this link help? http://www.lezenvoordelijst.nl/zoek-een-boek/duits/ It is a dutch site, but the German part is almost completely German. Niveau 1 (= level 1) is easier then niveau 6 (level 6) Easier in the meaning of maturity, complexity etc. These are not 'first readers' in German. At most of the books, assignments are available. Following the thread otherwise as I was wondering how to get dd from 'Erich Kastner' to 'German literature'
  22. Grade 9-10: French Conversation Bravewriter writing course We have no transcript issues here, just exit exams in grade 6,8,12 As long as dc pass people don't ask how you did it.
  23. I finished: - Ma vie avec Mozart/Ernst Emmanuel Schmitt (in Dutch) - Madame Bovary (in Dutch) Still working on Les Miserables (in Dutch) As you can see I am working my way through the readinglist for French Literature :)
  24. Yes, I have an American kindle, and buy kindle books at www.amazon.com In English, French and German :) So far we have Contes de Charles Perrault Stories written by Comtesse de Segur Sans Famille / En Famillie by H. Malot For Grade 8-10 Barbe Bleue / Nathalie Nothomb Ma vie avec Mozart / Ernst Emmanual Schmitt (These 2 we have in bookform but are very enjoyable to read)
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