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Everything posted by mmasc

  1. UPDATE: well, my update is disappointing 😞 they finally sent me a letter and asked me to call them for the results. Weird, but Ok, so I called. They claimed that ‘the lab’ showed that there was no way the metal was introduced into the bagel at the factory. They said that there was a small hole in the bag and it was probably introduced once it left their plant. Ummm...no. I said that I most likely put the very small hole in the bag and that based on how the bagel looked and where the metal was located that there was NO WAY someone could have jammed a big piece of metal into a MINI bagel without me noticing that something looked weird. He said he could only tell me what the lab report told him 😕 I’m all for people making mistakes and just owning up to them. I told him I would’ve felt better about the company if they just said that yep, that piece came off a machine and it has now been fixed, than to try and say it happened after it left their company. I had even started buying their products again, but now I think I’ll have to stop...not because of the metal, but because I super hate ‘it’s not ever my fault’ attitudes. Boo on Thomas Bagels. ****************************************************** This is really weird and we’ve never had anything like this happen before. This morning my youngest DS (8) was eating his usual Thomas brand Mini bagel and said ‘mommy, there’s metal in my bagel.’ In my hand, he spat out a rather big piece of metal! ?It looks like a really thick staple maybe? It’s about an inch long. He said it hurt, but seems ok now thankfully. I know these things happen but I can’t believe such a big piece was hidden so well in a *mini* bagel half!!! I emailed the company with all pertinent info (upc, store and purchase date). I haven’t heard anything from them yet. Should I do anything else?
  2. When my DS got braces, he ate Ramen noodles. Which is weird, because he had never had it before but he wanted it, and it was easy to eat those first few days. He also drank a lot of Chobani Greek yogurt smoothies.
  3. Here’s what we’re having this week: dinners will be simple and uninspiring ? 1)spaghetti and sauce from a jar 2) beef stroganoff (new recipe from Pinterest) and green beans 3)tacos, rice, & refried beans (can) 4)chicken and rice, salad 5) loaded baked potatoes Lunches will be deli pepperoni slices, cheese, crackers, pb&j sandwiches, tuna salad, hard boiled eggs, leftover vegetable soup, noodle soup, grilled cheeses, maybe scrambled eggs. Some of us will eat a variety of that throughout the week; others will basically have pb&j every day. ? breakfast is always toast and milk, yogurt, or bagels with cream cheese. We aren’t heavy breakfast eaters here. Fruit and string cheese is usually mid-morning snack. some weeks I make really yummy, fresh, delicious stuff; some weeks are the boring tried-and-true-my-family-will-eat-this weeks. This week is the latter. ?
  4. Eh...I’ll pay that price when it goes to the store for me. ?
  5. Just because mold has been mentioned several times, I thought I’d throw out some info my kids’ pediatrician just shared a couple of weeks ago. She was asking how their allergies had been (we were in for a different reason), and said that if they were currently worse, it most likely would be because of mold. She said mold settles on/under fallen leaves and people with mold allergies are usually worse in the fall until all of the leaves have been raked/are gone from the ground. OP, I truly hope you find rest soon. It’s very difficult to be in a new sleep environment and desperately need rest.
  6. My two favorites are: The Domestic Dog- Training Pets, Teaching People Sunny Day Dog Training Both are clear and concise, and would work well with marketing stuff I think. I agree that ‘K9’ coupled with any type of training makes it seem more law enforcement-y. ?
  7. I’d go with the marshmallows. They look easy and fairly crowd-pleasing. I know it’s what my sons would go for at a crafts/food sale! Or definitely Rice Krispy treats like the PP suggested above...my kids would snatch those up too!
  8. Definitely! Butternut squash would be just perfect for that
  9. Thank you so much for posting the bread recipe too! I’ve had a no-knead Dutch oven bread pinned for *months* intending to make it, but I can never remember to get it started the day before I’m having soup! That’s just too much planning. I am not a bread maker at all!? But this recipe looks like one I can maybe be successful with. ? Plus it looks yummy. I have everything on hand, except I just have one Pyrex that is the correct size.
  10. That’s an awesome birthday present! Show us a picture!?
  11. I love shopping for this kind of stuff too! I’m all over the dishes threads on the board. I got my Fiesta dishes bc of these threads.?(And I love them) I think I may have actually gotten Tramontina at the time because it was America’s Test Kitchen budget recommendation! I’ll definitely check out the LC YouTuber! That will be right up my alley. I’ve currently been watching funny boxer dog/puppies videos, so now I can switch it up a bit. ?
  12. I was just in Aldi yesterday and didn’t see these! Honestly, I have a Tramontina that I bought about 8 years ago that I love. It’s starting to stick a bit though and I don’t know if the enamel is damaged or if it’s still safe to use. ?That’s the only reason I’m even in the market for a new Dutch oven. I really love mine though! I got it at Sam’s and it’s a really pretty dark green. Plus I get bizarrely attached to things like this and won’t want to let it go?
  13. That’s a really pretty piece you snagged! I’ve never even looked at Staub. Where do you normally get them? Where did you get the one for $110?
  14. Oooo...that *is* pretty! I think even prettier than the LC. I just noticed that the orange colored pumpkin in LC is showing out of stock. I just got the email this morning! What the heck?!
  15. I’m sorry for the temptation! I only have one piece so far; but my goal is to get my coveted Dutch oven before anything else, so I’m not tempted on the pumpkin. Now if I had endless Le Creuset money to spend...you bet I’d get it!?
  16. I agree. I think it’s cute (I love orange and fall), but no way could/would I buy it.
  17. You gotta say what it is!
  18. It’s back and so cute! I had a thread a while back asking you guys what your favorite Le Creuset pieces were, and I feel like somebody mentioned wanting the pumpkin cocotte. Maybe??? Anyway, here’s the link. You can get the regular size for $150, plus a free mini one and free shipping! https://www.lecreuset.com/pumpkin-cocotte?trk_msg=759HA3HQ6TDKN6QSEG7CTMDIS4&trk_contact=IA4HP3RBCAQBROHQ4K0BVE0VDO&trk_sid=N90V6GAJP6I34KU22P0HAFLB2O&utm_source=Listrak&utm_medium=email&utm_term=https%3a%2f%2fwww.lecreuset.com%2fpumpkin-cocotte&utm_campaign=PumpkinCocotte100518 Feel free to start talking about your favorite stuff and colors again if you missed the last thread?
  19. My favorite thing to take is easy and my children actually eat it, so win-win. It’s also always eaten by everyone else too! On a big tray, I put cheese cubes, assorted crackers, grapes on the stem (6-8 grapes each stem), strawberries (if in season). Sometimes I even get really fancy and stick toothpicks in the cheese cubes. ?
  20. I have just $61 worth of stuff in my cart. Does anyone have a free shipping code they would be willing to share? Thank you!
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