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Everything posted by Hyacinth

  1. Anything you can share? Pros? Cons? What you wish you knew going in? What you’d do differently? Thanks.
  2. I’m increasingly convinced that we, as a society, have to learn to co-exist with this thing. I don’t know what that looks like long term.
  3. (Still charging the near $50k tuition though.) What are your dc’s colleges doing next year?
  4. Separate Lives By Phil Collins I Can’t Make You Love Me by Bonnie Raitt And So It Goes by Billy Joel What About Me by Moving Pictures Where Do Broken Hearts Go by Whitney Houston
  5. I have a rising senior. His school (public charter) hasn’t announced plans yet. I’d be sad/mad about an all-online senior year. I mean, I get it. But the loss is significant.
  6. If I travel to NY from a “spiking” state, stay only with my mom for a few days, and then travel straight home, I’m not violating anything, right? The 14-day quarantine means I’d need to stay put before I wander around NY, not stay put that long before going home, right?
  7. I can’t imagine they’ll be checking up on anyone. I read it as a “request” rather than an enforceable mandate. I’ll need to read up on it as we have a trip planned to visit my mom soon and we’re coming from a “spiking” state.
  8. Thanks, everyone! I’m determined to find him. It’s on my bucket list. Will keep y’all posted!
  9. Would you tell me about it? Did you go looking or just happen to see it? We have a couple barred owls nearby (we hear them nearly every day) and I’m kinda sorta obsessed with them 😁. Maybe it’s because of Owl Moon. Anyway, I want to try to see one of them. Am I crazy? Do you think it’s possible with a good pair of binoculars and some patience?
  10. I realize I probably need to talk to an accountant, but the Hive is the next best thing in a pinch, so . . . My dad set up a (UNIF Trans Minor Act) mutual fund for my son years ago. It has grown to about $10k and my son wants to redeem it for college this fall. The fund is registered in my name, but we can easily do the paperwork to change the registration to his name (as it's technically his, and has been since he turned 18. At least that's my understanding.) Taxes will need to be paid on this money. So, will we pay more taxes if it's in his name or in mine? Or will it not really make a difference? And does either option play into how financial aid will be calculated next year? Thanks, wise ones.
  11. I think advice for social media use is one of those “It depends” things. I have two teenage boys. Neither of them have Twitter. Only one has FB and that’s because he needed it to join a FB Group related to his college choice. He rarely checks it. Instagram is another story. Neither of them post much, but they consume a lot. Mostly basketball videos. We held off on Snapchat way longer than many of their peers. I think they both got it when they were about 15-16. It’s true that their friends did communicate through Snapchat and they did miss out on some conversations/jokes/plans, etc. I have access to their phones If I want it. The issue around here is less about the content and more about the quantity. Social media can be such a time suck. It’s way easier to keep scrolling than it is to get up and DO something (says the middle-aged woman sitting with her iPad while there’s a pile of dishes in the sink...)
  12. I had NO idea. Thanks for enlightening this suburban girl.
  13. My teens are both working part-time food service jobs. I’m comfortable enough. Reasonable precautions are taken at work and hands are washed upon entering the house.
  14. Thanks, everyone, for sharing my uncertainty. So revenue-generating is definitely hyphenated. We all agree there. No one seems to think there should be a hyphen between highest and revenue. Would there be in this sentence: That was the longest running sitcom on NBC. I think it should be longest-running sitcom (unless it was a sitcom about running). But using that logic, my original sentence would read: This the 14th highest-revenue-generating company in the United States. And that just seems like too many hyphens. Throw in the one between 14th and highest that y’all are debating and we’ve got hyphen mayhem. Or do we?
  15. If so, please use your powers to punctuate this sentence: This is the 14th highest revenue generating company in the United States. I know a hyphen belongs between revenue and generating. And "highest" modifies "revenue-generating," so does belong after highest, too? A. This is the 14th highest revenue-generating company in the United States. OR B. This is the 14th highest-revenue-generating company in the United States. OR C. Something else entirely.
  16. In my little part of the world, I’m seeing a lot of D-O-N-E, far more than a month ago, but still a lot of compliance, too For reference, my state has just over five million people and, as of yesterday, 177 deaths. We’re not in a hotspot and the virus isn’t something that seems to be affecting many people directly. So that, of course, informs some of the resistance to continued lockdowns. As to whether people are for or against continued SIP orders, I think opinions vary depending on (at least) three factors: How they see the role of government (and, thus, whether this is an overreach of authority or a legitimate means of providing for safety) What media they consume / who they trust for information Their comfort level with risk to themselves and their families Unfortunately, both sides make a mockery and caricature out of the other side But that’s fodder for another thread.
  17. Can you share how locals are perceiving the protest today? Is it seen as a fringe group making a little noise? Something bigger? Thanks!
  18. I think this is what the argument comes down to (not just regarding nursing homes, but every institution, workplace, social event, etc.). How much risk am I willing to assume for my own physical, mental, and financial health? But, of course, it isn’t that simple. Because one person’s tolerance for risk (and the associated behaviors, whether social isolation OR out-and-about life) impacts someone else’s physical, mental, and financial well-being.
  19. We have plans for Ireland in June. I'm doubtful it will happen, but dh is full of magical thinking. I feel for him. He's not ready to give up this dream that's been YEARS in the making. And with our oldest likely heading off to college in the fall, it's probably giving up the dream of a real family vacation (of which we've only ever taken one). Any Hive thoughts on whether Ireland during the second week in June is realistic?
  20. I’m 51 and I color. It looks great for two weeks and then the roots come in grey and they’re very noticeable. So I use that spray paint stuff for a few weeks until my next appointment. 🙄. I toy with the idea of letting it go but I’m just not ready. Some of my friends in their 40s and 50s have gone all grey. They look older, for sure, but I’m not convinced that’s a bad thing.
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