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Everything posted by rose

  1. I read an article years ago about the challenge that moving from one city to another is for women. Men seem to have an easier time feeling at home. For woman though, relationships take a long time to really feel comfortable. If I remember right the article said that it can take a year or two for women to really feel at home. From my experience I think that this is right. Our home is our nest but we need to feel like our nest is in a safe location. I think that can really only come about when we have safe relationships outside outside of our actual house.
  2. I actually agree that's it's likely I just think that it's unkind to make all this speculation on the off chance that he's sincere. Imagine that he is for a minute, what should he have said?
  3. He is in the spot light and holding up his actions to public scrutiny is legitimate. You all are probably even right about many of the speculations but I just don't see the point. Why make a whole bunch of speculations when the facts themselves show his character. Here's the only legitimate charges I can see against him: Molested siblings as a young teen Viewed porn Sought Adultery Called for violence against homosexuals Outspoken in opposition against homosexuality while seeking to commit adultery (ie. was a hypocrite)
  4. I'm struggling a little with this thread. I don't want to sound like I'm defending JD or the likes. In fact I find much of his activism grossly inappropriate for someone claiming to follow Jesus. What I find distasteful about this thread is all the presumptions being made about his motivations for the statement he made. The fact is that none of you know. Maybe he's just a scummy business man who will try to market on this too or maybe he's genuinely sorry. Maybe he had an "in the flesh" affair or maybe it was just porn but we don't know. We just don't know what's really going on until we see what he does in time with it. The speculation and presumptions are pointless and gossippy.
  5. My dh says that the dark web is a kind of dramatic term. He says that basically the sites on the dark web are utilizing an anti-censorship technique. How it works is that the receiving computer can only access a site through a randomizing proxy which means simply in layman's terms that that receiving computer can't trace where the sending computer is originating. They do this so that they're sites can't be pulled down or traced to the host. This technology can be used for the worst of the web that none of like to think about but also stuff like wiki-leaks or material opposes fascist governments.
  6. rose


    That's wonderful!!!
  7. I am under the opinion that weird homeschool kids are created by parents that fail to teach manners. Ps kids learn these manner because they're bullied for failing to follow them. Social conventions just need to be taught like any other skill.
  8. You can print it yourself as you need it: http://www.printablepaper.net/category/graph
  9. rose


    I just ran away from my son who was vomiting yesterday because it made me want to wretch too. I felt like a superstar Mom. I'm 8wks pregnant so it's explainable but still hardly appropriate. I suppose that in your dd's situation this is probably just a phobia like any other phobia and needs to be dealt with as such. Does baby spit-up upset her? Maybe being around some reflux babies could desensitize her a little.
  10. I pray for patience and grace and a growing measure of all the fruit of the Spirit. I believe that God will abundantly provide us with the strength that we need to be righteous in any and all situations. This is the manifestation of our salvation now. How much we access that gift is in our hands. When it's my children's immaturity that is pushing my buttons I also pray for them. I memorized Titus 2:11-14 with my children awhile back. It is both an encouragement and a challenge to me. Here it is:
  11. Obviously not everyone's cup of tea but when I'm losing I pray. I feel like it helps.
  12. When we go to the library I pick out non-fiction books and they pick out fiction. We don't go back to the library until all the non-fiction is read and discussed. This week I got books on the circulatory system and the respiratory system and one about neo-natal development all age appropriate. I'll throw in other material as I feel inspired.
  13. I keep looking at Henty's books on good reads and I've got question. Are they all violent? Does the protagonist always join in the conflict? Do they promote a pro-white man, paternalistic view of the world? I'm just really suspicious that he's a cheap writer that's not worth exposing my dc to but I can't help wondering if maybe I'm missing something good.
  14. Cheese on everything. :) I wish I needed to gain weight.
  15. DS4 was stung four times yesterday by hornets. Poor boy. :( Anyway, last night he developed a fever and nausea. From a little look around the internet it looks like it's a non-allergic reaction to the venom. He's still feverish today and has a headache. Has anyone had a child react like this? The 'net says that this type of reaction can herald an allergic reaction next time. That scares me. What are your experiences with bee/wasp allergies?
  16. That's SOOOOO rude!!!! Sometimes the stories on this board just shock me at how rude people can be. I'm as curious as the next person as to how my two friends with 14 children manage their families but I would NEVER even dream of doing something like this.
  17. Melty beads that you put up for decorations like these ones: https://www.pinterest.com/explore/melted-bead-crafts/ Bookmarks made out of plastic canvas mesh: https://www.pinterest.com/hoffmankaren/plastic-canvas-crafts/
  18. I don't know how well taking away toys would work for us. I think that some of the problem is that ds doesn't really have many toys that are suitable for his age. He's got play dough, lego (not much), a junky tool set, some toy cars and blocks. We've got a bunch of baby toys but not much else for him. There might be a few other things that are insignificant but that's really about it. I'm not interested in buying any more for multiple reasons (not the least is that our house is only 800 square feet).
  19. There is no way my parents could have helped me with math past grade 9 or science past grade 10 unless they were doing everything with me from the get go which they just weren't interested in doing. Remember this is ps that we're talking about with all comers. Some parents just aren't able or don't want to go to the work of helping their kids and the teacher is all that they have.
  20. I've got a bunch from my teen years too. I don't even know if I want anyone to ever read them because some of those years were quite dark for me but I just can't bring myself to throw them out. Maybe when I'm dead someone with want to right a biography about me. :D I say keep them. You'll get a good laugh when you're 60.
  21. I'm going to weigh in on the rabbit trail. I don't ever plan to use bc again but if a doctor tactfully asked me if I was interested in discussing options I would not be offended. If they persisted in asking or indicated that they thought that I was foolish not to then I would be annoyed. IMHO offering advise once should not be considered offensive. It strikes me as being hyper-sensitive to be annoyed at that.
  22. I'm open for suggestions. My 4yo ds is a lovely little boy but he is causing so much trouble whenever I'm trying to allow both my big kids to do school or chores at the same time. He whines and complains all day because he's bored. He'll rotate between playing with toys, cut and paste, drawing, climbing a tree, play dough and looking at books. Nothing seems to carry him longer than about five to ten minutes because he's done them all before and is craving stimulation. If I give him something new he can last quite awhile on the activity so I don't think that it's an ADHD sort of thing. He's also not a very active child so I don't think that it's an exercise issue. Even after a walk he'll be immediately bored. One thing that I've noticed is that he seems to have almost no imagination. I try to encourage him to play with dd2 who is perfectly content on her own and has a lovely imagination but these sorts of games don't seem to grab his interest much. It's like he just can't get into role playing. He'll pretend to knit and he'll build model farms with blocks and toy animals so his imagination isn't completely non-existent. I will say that I do try to engage him and give him new stimulation as much as I can. I also try to give him some exercise every day. I'm so glad he's not an only child. :ohmy: Besides going out and buying him a ton of toys or always having someone assigned to him constantly do you have any suggestions?
  23. What I like about this trend if it continues is that it means that homeschoolers will probably have new options in the future. I don't see why we couldn't do a partial enrolment where we use the lectures, do the same homework assignments but where the parent is the tutor instead of the teacher. The student could then show up for the test and get credits for the course.
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