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Above The Rowan

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Everything posted by Above The Rowan

  1. I find peppermint tea helps with the migraine hangover. Helps the overall ick feeling. I have a tea called Apple Ginger Mint that may sound weird but it works. Lavender bath helps too - the scent of lavender helps open the blood vessels which helps with the pounding sensation.
  2. I get frighteningly severe migraines (pre-migraine symptoms are similar to stroke symptoms for me) and often when I get a bad one, its a good week or so before I'm "normal" again. I feel ill and aching body, my headache lingers for a few days or a week usually. My stomach will feel queasy for a few days also. I feel for you - I wouldn't wish migraines on my worst enemy. Hope you feel better soon.
  3. Happy solstice!! We had a fun shindig planned but my significant other now has to rush out of town early tomorrow morning for a funeral of a family member and then back for Xmas eve and then we have plans to go outta town on Xmas day. So a quiet evening with the kids before he leaves will be our solstice festivities. Here's to the return of the sun!!
  4. I also find it similar to when I was a young girl going to sleepovers - we would all bring our favourite issues of Bop magazine and each be super into them. We would still share and giggle and chatter. I think electronics like this are the new version of that.
  5. This is kind of where I sit with this. I've seen my teenaged cousins and preteen nieces and nephews all sit together on their own devices but thy are still interacting. My BFF and I will often go for coffee and each look at our phones to find things we thought were funny to show each other, find vids or pics of the kids etc. But we are a very tech-minded family. I am sitting beside my daughter while she plays Xbox and I'm on my phone and hubby and my son are playing a game together on the laptops while we make breakfast sooooo perhaps I'm just biased. If your dd found it bothersome then next time she could simply ask her friends to put them away. If the girls were happy and still doing things together the I don't think the devices are problematic.
  6. I currently have a hodge podge of stemmed glasses and a few stemless but if I were to buy new, they'll be all stemless. I prefer the look and they fit into my cabinet better.
  7. I'm new here so more often than not, I find myself about to respond and then think better of it. I will reply to some but I have tried my best to hold back on anything super controversial or the hot topic stuff. Mostly I am on my phone so it's also a matter of me getting so annoyed with autocorrect and the small keyboard that I just don't bother with threads I know I will get really involved with.
  8. He wasn't outside of work. Dealing with press and media IS part of his job, and when he's doing so he is representing not just himself but the company and the tv franchise. I doubt anyone would want to interview him had he not been one of the stars of a reality tv series. I also doubt A&E would find issue with any number of things he may say while shootin the breeze with his buddies over a beer - but during media/press events, he is on record and he is representing his business and tv persona. And he knew all of this, and STILL chose to say things he very probably knew would ruffle feathers and cause a stir.
  9. I seriously doubt that he was ever asked to "advocate" for anything, least of all advocate for homosexuality. You can answer questions without being offensive, I feel very strongly he made a clear choice when he chose to answer in the way he did.
  10. Or, alternatively, Phil Robertson gave an answer that HE knew darn well would send people into a frenzy. He very well could have set this thing up himself, simply answering the way he did. That entire franchise panders to the "dumb redneck" stereotype, knowing that it sells and it makes them a TON of cash.
  11. My kid brother started calling me Sissy when he was a toddler and speech delayed and it just stuck. He's 23 and still calls me Sissy. We worked together briefly and while at work one day, he called me by my actual name and for a few seconds it didn't even register that he was talking to ME. I sign off on letters and cards "Love, Sissy" and haven't ever thought it was dumb or stupid.
  12. You think you are only gay once intercourse is involved? So am I only straight once I have sex with a man? I just can't wrap my brain around this sort of defining of sexuality.
  13. So I'm awaiting my delivery of the LoE Foundations curriculum, and am wondering if anyone who has also used (or are currently using) LoE, did you also do the Teacher Training program they have? Being in Canada, it may be a while yet before it actually gets here to me, and I thought this could be useful. Or is it just overkill? I would think the Foundations program is pretty user-friendly for parents. Anyone use it, and love it? Or find it unnecessary?
  14. We got rid of our front loader. It's REALLY difficult to keep the seal clean (where the door closes? not sure what to call that). I was bleaching it every couple of weeks to keep the mildew at bay. I don't want to spend more time washing my washing machine than I spend doing laundry lol. I prefer my top loader, but being 5'1 it WAS nice to not have to practically jump INTO the machine to get the lil child-sized socks at the bottom.
  15. I refuse to go into a WalMart or Target (one just opened here in my city and I still have not entered its doors, but its ALL the rage right now). It's less about the brand practices, as it is about the company itself. I've seen a LOT of smaller locally owned shops close when WalMart pushed them out. For food, in the summer it's the Farmers Market and in the winter it's as local as I can get it. For things I can't get at the Market, I go to a local food coop. I try to buy my kids clothes second hand as much as I can, or from a local store if I have to buy new. But it's truly getting to the point where for certain things, you HAVE to shop at a big MNC. Our city is box-store crazy. It's all there is - even restaurants, it's hard now to find a mom n pop restaurant now in this city. I do what I can, and forgive myself when I can't - sometimes it's truly out of my hands, and I won't drive 4 hrs away to shop at a non-chain. That makes no sense.
  16. I recently had to retire our old crockpot. It was handed down to me from my Mom, and I remember numerous times my (now ex) husband would say "but if you want a new one, lets just get one". NO! I do NOT want a new one. I now have a new one, but the old one just couldn't go on any longer. The new one is not the same. I'm feelin your pain, sista.
  17. I have to hold back my sneezes sometimes. If I'm sitting and sneeze a full out sneeze, my herniated disc goes again. I miss big sneezin'. Only time I can do that without worry is if I'm laying down. My UO: when otherwise lovely young girls take those hideous "duck face selfies". I unfriended a beautiful and brilliant daughter of my cousin on Facebook because every.freakin.weekend it was dozens of those godawful selfies in the bathroom at a club making duck faces and peace signs. It does not make you pretty.
  18. I think they have this false idea that if kids go to 'typical school', they will be safe from abuse. Schools miss the signs of abuse every.day and so the idea that schools will catch the abuse before something bad happens is just wrong. I can understand wanting to make sure that abusive parents are not homeschooling, particularly after a death of a young man in that very situation. But it's a small bandaid on a very large wound. It will not stop abusive parents from abusing kids - it just makes people feel better that something is being done. I think there's also a slippery slope here, that I can't seem to articulate right now until I've had at least one more coffee lol.
  19. -50? Brrr we had a week last winter of -45 before the windchill and I thought that was bad.
  20. The McDonalds' here have it, too (poutine I mean). I still maintain that poutine is only good when it's from Quebec - its a particular kind of "sauce" on it (bbq ish) that makes it poutine. Different than gravy. I had tourtiere this past weekend at my Mom's "xmas" dinner (we'll be out of town on actual xmas) and I'm nearly certain I ate 2/3 of one meat pie to myself. YUM!! I get hungry every time I see this thread pop up lol
  21. I have never heard of these. I'd be more inclined to do snowpants. Unless your girls go to a uniformed school where they have to wear skirts? Or you wear skirts for cultural reasons? I'm not sure I'd ever use these, if I HAVE to wear a skirt, I'd just use a long warm coat and some tall boots.
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