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Everything posted by Quiver0f10

  1. We are doing private OT, ST and will be doing VT soon. The university where my son is getting ST is also helping him wih his reading issues.
  2. I was thinking of trying to sell fresh baked bread and cinnamon rolls at my homeschool co-op group and maybe to the farmer's market or my DH's office. I don't want to have to get licensed or make a big deal, just try to make a few extra dollars. What would you charge for the bread? I am thinking both white and wheat. What about the cinnamon rolls? Anyone ever try this? Think there is a market for this kind of stuff? Thanks!
  3. I didn't get to see the sample class because we got our stuff set up too late. I would love to see it if you could email it somehow? Thanks for the review!
  4. Thanks everyone! I went and got my hair cut today and I spoke to her @ my apparent hair loss, which I am working on with my Dr, so she cut @ 3 inches off my length but said to wait until things settle down before trying a dye. So I am waiting and greying more :D
  5. LOL :D My DD said she would help. I am not worrie too much @ the first time. It's the root touch up part that scares me. I am picturing myself with dark roots and green length LOL.
  6. Thank you all. I called and spoke with the tech and he was very reassuring and calming. He said it should take @ an hour for my test. Now to have a good reslt-I don't want more surgery!
  7. My first car was a barracudda (sp), my 2nd was a 1971 March I mustang. I went from a mustange to a hatch back :( :D. We have had a few junkers, a huge station wagon complete with wood panel sides :lol:, then a mini van and then my 15 passanger.
  8. to see if I have a leak in my billary ducts. Just what I need right now :glare: I searched the boards and found a few post about this test and now I am really worried. I am claustrophbic and can't imagine a 2 hour test!?!? I think I wont be having the stuff that contracts your galbladder, so I wonder if that will make the test shorter? ANy helpful adive? Prayers and good thoughts are very welcome!
  9. My hair really needs to be dyed, but it's so pricey and pricey for the upkeep. I was thinking of doing it myself but I have never done anything like that and I am scared LOL. What do you think?
  10. There has been much debate on these bords as to the rigor of Apologia so you might want to do a search on that, too. I love how Apologia is self-teaching and all my children have enjoyed it, but I personally do feel it is lacking in depth compared to other high school science classes. My oldest, who was the pre-vet major, told me she didn't feel as well prepared as other students in her college science classes. I know many, many kids have used Apologia successfully and gone onto science fields, but for us we decided we wanted something a bit more rigourous and homesat/BJU fit the bill. I recommend if you do stay with Apologia, and Apologia is a great program, to do atleast one of the Advanced Science courses.
  11. Tracey, Have you used BJU phonics yet? I am debating between using the beginnings with my 5 yo or Reading Made Easy. I have bought both and can't make up my mind. I feel she will be reading quicker with RME and then we can move onto real books, but the Beginnings looks so fun and easy for me! I am curious what yout thought of BJUs' phonics program in general. Thanks! :)
  12. Thanks everyone, I did order the cursive books for them. You will hear wailing and gnashing of teeth come fall :D
  13. Dh and I have oatmeal just about every day. I add raisins or apples or a mashed banana and a tiny bit of walnuts. We sweeten it with a touch of real maple syrup or honey. On the days I want something different I have a whole grain bagel with some natural peanutbutter.
  14. Make up some muffins and pop them in the freezer. Then in the morning juke nuke and go. bagels Eng muffins Smoothies yogurt drink
  15. So sorry, but I hope you have a wonderful Birthday!
  16. My DD was in college as a pre-vet major this year and for high school science we did: Apologia: physical science biology chemistry marine biology If we did it again, I'd choose something more along the lines as Lisa did above. My other students are going to be using BJU science with homesat.
  17. Thanks, I ordered them new cursive books and we will work on the letters they have trouble with in printing, too.
  18. I am on the fence with this one. My boys ages 12 and 10 haven't mastered cursive and the 12 yo's printing is still messy, so I am trying to decide if I should work on printing and just forget about cursive. Most things now adays are in print and on screen. Are they really ever going to need anything beyond being able to sign their names? What do you think?
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