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Everything posted by Quiver0f10

  1. Thank you everyone. I guess it really does depend on the area you live in and the house type, which I didn't consider. I see alot of empty houses and alot of houses for sale here. I saw on the local news last night they are having this big auction today and 200 houses are being auctioned? I don't know if this is an annual event of a sign of the times, but I was shocked.
  2. A person who lives in my house and will remain nameless thinks the market is fine and the media is hyping it up. I disagree. So, I figured I'd ask you all how things are in your neck of the woods. Thanks.
  3. Does she still post? I haven't seen her in a while and was wondering how she is doing.
  4. We have a Ford 15 passanger and I love it. Very roomy and I feel safe drivng it.
  5. This is encouraging because this is my plan for this year! I usually try to just school through the chaos and I hope this new plan helps things go more smoothly.
  6. We don't so school in the summer and I did order vacation stations this year and I find them working through them, but I admit I haven't been good @ making sure they are done. We tried year round school once and it didn't work well.
  7. We just met them so I don't know her likes/dislikes yet. I don't think she wears jewlery and they don't watch TV etc. Any (inexpensive) ideas?
  8. I budget $800 for 12, but I have been spending closer to $900-$950 with grocery prices increasing.
  9. Fo me it was all over the place, some at the beginning of labor, some days earlier, some I never noticed. Hoping labor comes soon!
  10. They say mom's intuition @ baby size is more accurate than anything, but a good MW can usualy give a fair good estimate. However none of it matters in the long run as your body wil do what it was created to do and you will be fine. If you can do 9 1/2 without trouble, you can do 11. Really :)
  11. In NH our insurance paid our MW 100% even though I did transfer at the last minute. In Maine they flat out refused and we paid for the birth out of pocket( which I'd do again in a second as it was worth every penny). Talk to your MW she most likely will set up some kind of payment system.
  12. They can't force you ( although they have got court ordered C sections, it doesn't happen often and would take time) but they could make your life miserable because you dare to buck the system. Chances are though that everything would go smoothly.
  13. I agree and like I said thats why I did choose to have a home birth, but if her husband isn't comfortable with it or she doesn't want a home birth, she still has options. I would not just walk in and allow them to cut me because of some stupid rule. No way, no how.
  14. I have never measured right on and have always measured huge. This is typical for 2nd and so on babies.
  15. Thanks for the update. PTL that they are safe.
  16. I haven't tried this, but it's been on my list of recipes I want to try for a while. Applesauce Cake Yield: 12 servings 2 cups Flour (I use 1 cup unbleached and 1 cup whole wheat) 1 cup Sugar 1 tbsp. Cornstarch 2 tsp. Baking soda 1/2 tsp. Salt 1/2 tsp. Cinnamon 1/4 tsp. Ginger 1/8 tsp. Cloves 1/4 tsp. Mace 20 oz Unsweetened applesauce 1/2 cup Raisins Preheat oven to 325 degrees. Mix the dry ingredients together; then add the applesauce and stir. Bake for 45-60 minutes, depending on the size of pan you use: more for small, deep pans and less for a 9 X 13 pan. Test by inserting a toothpick into the center; it's done when the toothpick comes out clean. http://www.fatfreevegan.com/desserts/applesauce_cake.shtml
  17. She could be busy the day of the scheduled C section and could simply show up pushing, but if it were me, I'd have a home birth, which is what I did to avoid a repeat C section.
  18. No advice, but a :grouphug:. So sorry and I will be thinking of you and praying.
  19. Butter here too, but we try to use very little.
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