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Everything posted by Quiver0f10

  1. I was going to say the same thing here :lol: > I have some china that has been handed down a few times. I don't know exactly how old is it though.
  2. Thanks everyone! We have a health food store nearby so I think I will see if I can find some brownies. Maybe bring a carton of breyers vanilla ice cream and some nestle choc syrup for brownie sundays. What do you think?
  3. We are going to some friends house on Wednesday and I want to bring a dessert. One of their children has celiac desease so I want to make sure it's something she can have too. Any ideas? Thanks! :)
  4. We are renting and will probably continue for another 1-2 years.
  5. No, you were fine. :) I was glad to know so I could go back and edit.
  6. I met DH when I was 16, graduated when I was 18 and got married 2 months later. My oldest DD was born when I was 20 and besides a few odd jobs here and there I have always stayed home. I have baby sat off and on most of the time my older kids were younger and had a good sized family day care for a few years. I closed the daycare in 2001 when we started homeschooling. I still have no clue what I want to be when I grow up.
  7. How are you? I hope all is OK and that none of you are near/affected by that church issue in Knoxville. :grouphug:
  8. I have read the book I suggested and didn't find references to not being pro-life :confused: and by my signature you can imagine I am very prolife. Maybe I need to reread it, I wasn't reading it TO my child so I might have just skimed those sections and don't remember them.
  9. One thing I was thinking for you was is switching science to 2 days and history to 3 days in the same time slot. Penmanship can be copywork 2-3 of those days and use whatever program you use the other days. Logic doesn't need to be done daily and you could do math 4 days and logic the 5th, which if you do the above suggestions frees up your handwritng & logic time slot. Maybe do foreign language 3 days and art & music the other 2 which frees up another time slot. Just a few suggestions :)
  10. Another good book is raising Vegetarian Children by Joanne Stepaniak, which deals with diet but also on how to deal when one person of the family is veg and the rest aren't and so on.
  11. We have graduated 2 so far. My oldest was a pre-vet student at a university here, but decided she didn't want to go through 8 years of school and is now working as a vet nurse instead. She is planning on taking some courses at the community college this fall. My 2nd oldest graduated this spring and is heading to the university this fall for a degree in civil enginering. He has recieved a 10K scholarship to help pay the way.
  12. Thanks! I bought a set last night and my son is happy. He really liked the US History he did last year so I think this will be a good fit.
  13. Excellent question! My son told me the other day he doens't know how to use his calculator :confused: I was clueless LOL.
  14. When I had attacks I had pain that spread around my ribs on both sides and had lots of pressure/discomfort in the center of my chest. The area under my right ribs would be sensitive ( understatement lol) to touch, but the pain was all over.
  15. What exactly is "whole language" as far as teaching english? I don't really remember having much english in school either and I am learning more now teaching my kids using R&S than I ever did in school.
  16. LOL! I already have it for the other kids to use with TOG and figured why not. Nope, not going to work :D
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