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Everything posted by Quiver0f10

  1. Yes, we home schooled her from 7th through graduation. My DD took math through algebra II and for science she did biology, chemistry and Apologia's marine biology. She was in a pre-vet course at the university, but has dropped out because she decided she didn't want to go that route. She is very happy as a vet nurse and plans to take some college courses this spring in business management with plans to open an animal shelter/boading clinic down the road. I highly recommend taking as much science and math as your DD can as she will need this to be well prepared. My DD struggled with math the first semester as math is her weakness. For science I would recommend biology, chemistry, advanced chemistry and maybe animal science or another science elctive and I would try to do math through pre-calculus.
  2. Good that you can see her today! Thinking of you :grouphug:
  3. Yes, it does. In ME we paid $1.65/# cut, wrapped and ready for the freezer. Here in AR is is @ $1.95/# ( last time I called was @ 6 months ago though). I would call a few places and get some quotes. Thats way too high imho.
  4. My DD is a vet nurse at a large animal hospital. When she was 16 she shadowed a vet and she also volunteered at an animal shelter. Some states have different laws regarding vet techs as far as education, so I would start there. See what your state requires and what schools are available. Then you can plan your course accordingly.
  5. LOL no, not what I'd want. Thanks for the help. We did end up working it out.
  6. We are having company today and I am not sure what time they are arriving. My DH wants me to order the pizza now so my teens who have to leave for work can eat. If my company doesn't arrive until later, can I just put the pizza boxes into the oven @ 100 degrees? Woudl the boxes burn? Thanks!
  7. Another vote for water. It was wonderful and really helped take the edge off the pain.
  8. I have bread rising now and we are cleaning the house this morning. This afternoon I want to organize some more school stuff and get our binders finalized.
  9. I just watched the first lecture DVD and I am very happy with this purchase! The speaker really makes it easy to understand and is interesting to listen too. I have always been afraid of teaching literature and I feel this series will be a huge blessing to me.
  10. I thought I heard on one news report that she took a 2nd mortgage to get the dog cloned, but who knows now. :confused:
  11. We start back the 25th, but not our full schedule till after Labor Day.
  12. Thank you for the update. Glad you are doing well and hope you can get some rest.
  13. Dinning room/school room. I posted pictures this week : http://www.homeschoolblogger.com/Quiver0f10/574047/
  14. There is a workbook with chemistry, but the practical ( looks like lab) book has no key either. I think this would be over my head LOL.
  15. This would be my choice if it wasn't so expensive! I would like to use Rainbow with my 7th and 8th graders and spectrum fo rmy 10th. For now I have Apolologia for them and am praying about which course to go with.
  16. :iagree: He wont give you more than you can handle. I suggest easing into things. Don't try to start school with a full schedule right off. Maybe Deschool for a bit and then add in a subject at a time until yuo are comfortable and then add in another and so on. If they are close in ages then definitely group them together as much as possible in school. This is a time and sanity saver! As far as day to day life, I suggest getting a schedule together asap and getting the kids to help. The 8 and 6 yo's can load/empty the dishwasher, haul laundry to the laundry room, empty trash barrels, vaccum etc. Not only will it help you, it's good training they will need. We don't do many outside activites now as it's just not feasible for us. They do 1-2 things and we have our home school co-op, which keeps us busy enough. You learn to pick and choose what is important to you. Maybe find something that everyone can enjoy together rather than seperate activities. Maybe take a year or two with NO activities. It wont hurt them. Spend time getting to know each other and forming your new family. The most challenging thing I have found is making one on one time for each of them. When my older ones were small I used to rotate and take a different child with me each time I left the house. The best? I don't know if I could choose one thing! I love having a large family. It's noisey, fun, busy, never dull, tons of love which just grows with each addition. I wouldn't change a thing if I could. Blessings to you!
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