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Everything posted by Quiver0f10

  1. Thank you for posting this. I would really love to see them offer an affordable video/streaming type program.
  2. Using credit cards for living expenses while waiting for our house in Maine to sell.:banghead: We will be paying those debts off for along time.
  3. My DD is turning 14 on the 30th and one of her gifts is a cell phone. She is involved in a few activities and usually takes my cell, so it will be nice for her to have her own and I feel much better with her having one.
  4. We did OT first and just hit the 6 month mark with OT and today was his first VT session. We started down this path because of his dyslexia but as time went on we discovered he has more issues that need dealing with.
  5. It will get better! The first few days are hard. Just keep the lessons short and make sure you take plenty of breaks.
  6. We have a 19 year spread and I am struggling with keeping the joy in it all. I made one of our goals this year to have more fun and we have done more projects and fun stuff so far, but it's something I have to force myself to do. :grouphug: Hang in there.
  7. I did the same thing with my last baby! Thank goodness DH and the MW were level headed and able to talk me down. :)
  8. Yes! Each baby brings more fear and worry, but the labors have been easier since then and delivery is a breeze in comparision. :grouphug: ALmost over!
  9. I just took bread out of the oven. Not sure on dinner yet, but I am thinking a thick veggie soup.
  10. I paid my water bill yesterday and it was $185.65 :eek:. I would say we average @ 16,000 gallons a month.
  11. We made our own using card stock, a hole punch and binders. I did buy premade time line figures off the boards here, but in the past we have used google image and just resized them.
  12. Thanks everyone. I am not sure what we will do yet, but I did find out the college nearby wants a 4 to accept the AP course. I am not sure where he is going to apply to yet though and so doing some SAT II might be a good idea. I need to talk with my son and see if he wants to do both, which might be best for us.
  13. Which would be the better to take as far as what colleges are looking for? Is one test harder than the other? Thanks!
  14. I am thinking of switching my younger ones to MUS and then switching to chalk dust in 6th grade. I was wondering how hard the transition would be and whether there would be any gaps that would need to be filled before we could switch over. Thanks!
  15. It's OK. I kept thinking I was missing a book and was just about to call CD to ask @ it when my DD found the test page.
  16. My 10th grader schools from @ 8:30 till @ 3:30 this year with a small break for lunch.
  17. We have always just used our stove, but I want the kids to get used to using an alcohol burner and have no idea what type of alcohol to use. Thanks!
  18. The test are in the book at the end of the chapters.
  19. I forgot @ the SAT II test. I, too, wonder if it would make a difference to have honors and a good SAT II score in that subject?
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