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Everything posted by Quiver0f10

  1. I do think between the latin, spanish and IEW that she will have enough grammar. Plus she will finish R&S 8 this year. I most likely will not use an additonal resource, but it's nice to know there are options available if needed.
  2. Both book 1 and book 2 look like a full program so I am trying to figure out how you would do both books in one year. Anyone have a schedule? Thanks!
  3. Wow! Thanks for sharing and hope you all have a great visit.
  4. My Dd will be in 1st next year and we are planing on: BJU Math 1 SWR HWT/Copywork/Dictation ( maybe WWE) FLL MFW RtR or TOG year 2 with her siblings If we do TOG then we will do Apologia Zoology 2 & 3 for science IEW memory work
  5. Put the roast in the crock pot and sprinkle on a packet of onion soup mix, then top with a can of cream of mushroom soup and a tiny bit of water. Cook on high for a few hours or low all day.
  6. We usually do cookies or something, but I like the idea of fresh baked bread! I think that's what I will do this year.
  7. I have always done something sweet like cinnamon rolls or danish, but the kids get their stockings first thing and generally dig in and then never eat breakfast. So I started putting cereal bars and juice boxes in the stockings, which they eat first thing. DH and I usually have a bagel. We do some finger foods later on and then a larger meal for lunch.
  8. :iagree: No way would I send the kids to PS in order to make friends. Look for other opportunities.
  9. Thanks, I will look at AG and Barrons. I looked at EG earlier and it's on the list of possibilities.
  10. I agree that it's probably too much grammar. I would like something to use for review though. I wonder if easy grammar or daily grams would do? She will get grammar with latin too so she should be fine, I just worry that she will forget everything lol.
  11. He lives in Fitchburg and said some parts do have power so he is hoping they get it back soon.
  12. Wow unreal! Dh and I both graduated from Mascenic :D
  13. She isn't planning on college down the road, but I want her prepared no matter what as I know a lot can change in 4 years. She isn't academically gifted but does OK. Her biggest issue is motivation :glare: R&S English 9 (over kill?) IEW SWI C Lightning Lit US Lit ( both eary to mid and mid to late) Henle Latin I SOS Spanish I BJU Physical Science ( might use their Earth & Space instead-not sure yet) Notgrass Exploring America (History only) Chalk Dust Algebra I She is hoping to take voice lessons and is involved in a musical theather group as well as CAP. What do you think? I know it's early to be thinking of school for fall but we buy our supplies in Jan/Feb so I need to make some kind of descision soon. Thanks!
  14. I haven't been paying attention to the news and knew there had been an ice storm, but I didn't realize just how bad. My dad is in a shelter because they have no power. Hope everyone in New England stays safe!
  15. I am thrilled with our 22 degrees. I wish it were warmer, but I am not complaining! :D
  16. Actually other furnaces can too... "Carbon monoxide (CO) is a tasteless, colourless and odourless poisonous gas often referred to as “the silent killer.†It is produced when fuels such as natural gas, oil, wood, propane and kerosene don’t get enough air to burn up completely. Damaged or blocked venting inside heating systems, as well as inadequate air flow can allow CO to build up inside the home." http://www.safety-council.org/info/home/CO.html
  17. I checked out the web site http://www.2mminutes.com/ and it looks interesting. I am hoping to purchase the DVD after the holidays. One thing that got to me is the exam page. "But perhaps I overstate the high standards of the developing world, particularly India and China. So, to test that assumption, my company Indian Math Online has created the “Third World Challenge†– this is a shortened and greatly simplified version of the multi-day proficiency test that every 10th grader in India must pass to go on to the 11th grade" I don't know if I could pass it!:blush: http://www.2mminutes.com/third-world-challenge.asp
  18. Thanks ladies. He just called and has arrived safely.
  19. My 18 yo has his last two finals this morning and we have had freezing sleet over night. A lot of the area schools are now closed, including the ones in the town the college is located, but the college is still open. He has a 30 mile ride with the majority being the highway. He just left and I am a wreck. Please pray for his safety as he travels. Prayers for his finals wouldn't hurt either lol.
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