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Everything posted by Quiver0f10

  1. What age do you allow your kids to be examined alone by your Dr? Teens? Older? Younger? Thanks!:D
  2. I have always brought my kids in for yearly check ups, but I am wondering if this is really necessary for my older kids? They are healthy and up to date on all vax. We have insurance that would cover it so money isn't an issue. I just don't really see the point if we are healthy? If you don't do yearly visits, how often do you bring them in if they are NOT sick? Thanks!
  3. Only a medical Dr can diagnose ADHD so the school can't help you there. As far as other testing we chose to go the private route for some of the reasons you listed above, but our insurance did pay for it. I believe it's @ $1500 for a complete eval :eek:
  4. Thank you all. I guess this deal was too good to be true. Oh well LOL
  5. We have the opportunity to get a pool table, but we have to move it ourselves. The lady who has it said she isn't sure the top can come off or how to go about doing this. My DH talked to a guy about it who said we would need to hire someone professional to do the job. So now I don't know. Have you done this yourselves? How did you transport it? The table is 8 ft long and I am not sure on the width. Thanks.
  6. My 7th and 8th graders switched from Saxon 7/6 to CD pre-algebra this year with no trouble. We much prefer CD. I think if your DD is doing well with 6/5 she should be ale to go into CD pre-algeabra.
  7. I found a set on the boards hrere for a pretty decent price.
  8. My son thought it went well too. Now to wait patiently for the results. :D
  9. From the college board site: "Students may take up to three SAT Subject Testsâ„¢ on a single test date"
  10. Your student can take the psat, SAT and ACT anytime, but the PSAT counts for the merit scholarship in 11th ( I think lol) You will need to call your local high school to register for the PSAT, but for the ACT and SAT you register online and they will give you a list of available schools that are offering the test. If your town has private schools, they might be test sites and you can register via act/sat web site for those sites. If you are thinking of AP, you will need to call the collegeboard(where you register for SAT) and get your local AP cooridinators contact information.
  11. I think that was a lot of my son's issue to. He had taken the PSAT there, but there were only a handful of students taking it. When we pulled up today to the high school there were already @ 150 students in line. I don't think he expected that many and it was a bit unnerving.
  12. I just got back from dropping off my 10th grader. He is nervous, poor kid. I am praying for all the students taking it today!
  13. Thank you. I aprpeciate the help. The animal office did say what you mentioned about the saliva drying etc, but I needed to be sure LOL. I feel better now. :)
  14. For the past few days a racoon has been hanging out at our house. It's been in the garage and trying to get on our back porch, where we store our dog and cat food. Well it got into the pet food last night and made a mess. Today it was back again so we called animal control, who came and trapped it. He said he thinks it has distemper because it started seizing while he was here and it's fur was all icky. I am not sure that he can tell it has distemper by simply looking at it and I don't know if they plan on testing it or not. It didn't sound like it. My biggest concern is that my My 14 and 12 year olds feed the animals and they both touched the food that this animal had been into. If it did have rabies, could they be affected? We did clean up the food and tossed it, but they had touched it before hand. The above happened last night and I called the animal officer back this morning and they said the animal didn't show signs of rabies and it was showing signs of distemper so they simply distroyed it and it no longer can be tested. She said unless the kids had open cuts the chance of rabies would be very very small, but I am still a bit worried. WWYD?
  15. My 3rd grader has some LD, this is our plan: Bible Study Guide for All Ages Apologia Science ( I might do the human body though using TCM " My Body") TOG year 2 MUS Beta R&S English 3 (orally) Barton's Reading and Spelling 4/5 HWT/copy work
  16. I have a schedule saved, but I don't know who to give credit to as I didn't create this. I hope whoever made this will post so I can thank them! Exploring Creation with Chemistry Module 1: Measurement and Units TC Lectures 1-6 Module 2: Energy, Heat, and Temperature Module 3: Atoms and Molecules Module 4: Classifying Matter and its Changes Module 5: Counting Molecules and Atoms in Chemical Equations Module 6: Stoichiometry (This is the longest and, perhaps, most difficult chapter.) TC Lectures 7-16 Module 7: Atomic Structures Module 8: Molecular Structure Module 9: Polyatomic Ions and Molecular Geometry Module 10: Acid/Base Chemistry TC Lectures 27-29 (Acids and Bases) TC Lectures 17-19 (Molarity) Module 11: Chemistry of Solutions TC Lecture 30 (Solubility) Module 12: The Gas Phase Module 13: Thermodynamics Module 14: Kinetics Module 15: Chemical Equilibrium TC Lectures 20-26 Module 16: Reduction/Oxidation Reactions
  17. We use these too and my kids are finally writing! Easy to teach and it gets done. Works for us. :)
  18. We use R&S Eglish IEW CLE Reading TOG Lit So , no I don't think it's too much. I think it looks great!
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