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Everything posted by Quiver0f10

  1. He can narrate and we have been using FLL and also doing narations from his history (sotw) and science ( apologia). I agree with you that narration/copywork might be a better idea for him until he reading is better.
  2. We have been using WWE this year, but he simply copies the sentences and hasn't been reading them because he couldn't. Maybe we should redo level 1 next year as he should be able to read a lot of it.
  3. We use TOG for history, but have used SOTW in previous years. For science we have done a science encylopedia and library books, but this year we are using apologia elementary science books. Latin right now is LFC. Writing we are using IEW. I just expect different things from each kid no matter what curriculum we use. SOTW, a 1st grader might narrate 1-2 sentences and a 5th grader might write 4-5+, same with science etc kwim?
  4. We use the IEW themed books and my upcoming 9th grader will do in adition to the medieval one: R&S English Vocab. From Classical Roots TOG's year 2 lit Teaching the Classics Latin
  5. I combine science, history, writing, read alouds, latin, bible, memory work, art, and music. In the lower grades all that they do one on one is math, phonics, english and penmanship, the rest is grouped together. Although this coming year I am going to teach my 9th, 8th and 7th graders together in english using R&S, because they all need the review. As they get into the upper grades I try to keep them together as much as possible too because some things are more fun in groups, such as experiements. Pretty much by the time mine are in 7th they are working independently.
  6. They said it has to do with the world book copywirte. :confused:
  7. I specifically asked this and was told that we may NOT sell printed copies of DE no matter if you print them or have TOG do it. It was one reason I was really considering dropping TOG. That is a lot of $ to me to not be able to resell or give away.
  8. We use it and I don't do the index cards either except for site words. I prefer this to 100 EZ lessons and plan to use it with my youngest when he is ready.
  9. Yeah. Feels good because I was getting frustrated and knew something had to change.
  10. That was one point he made and also that you can get calcium from other, non-dairy sources such as leafy greens and such, caclium fortified OJ etc. You don't have to drink milk :D
  11. I think scheduleing a big block and then alternatng the 6 and 9 yo is going to work best. Atleast it looks good on paper :D As far as computer games, another excellent idea! Thank you. I did buy Brainware Safari for the 9 yo, but I am going to look into something for the 6 yo. Maybe ETC online? And I forgot all about MUS online drills! My 9 yo is using MUS and I bet he'd love this!
  12. This is kind of what we have been doing, but with 7 schooling it is just too stressful. It gets done but I feel like I am rushing all day long. Thanks for the suggestion though!
  13. Just from my own personal experience I would say you would be better off going into CD pre-algebra after TT pre-algebra. TT does not cover the same as CD and I feel it is behind some. I know others will disagree, but this is from the experience we had going from TT to saxon.
  14. Thanks again. I will check out the links.
  15. I enjoyed it and while I was already eating a vegan diet it did help reaffirm my descision to not eat animal products. I also loved the book " Mad Cowboy" and that sealed it for me LOL.
  16. Thank you all for sharing your insight and experiences. I recently read A Thomas Jefferson Education and this is what got me thinking about after high school.
  17. Thank you! We are doing Spanish I and I am glad to know we can safely award high school credit for this program. We plan to do II next year and I think I am going to add secondary before hand to the rest of my upcoming kids.
  18. What is OPE? Does each child have their own PC? Yes, scheduling a ton of kids is always fun NOT :D
  19. I do think 30 minutes is going to be her limit. I really thnk breaking her time up is best. Thanks for the ideas guys. I knew trying a solid hour with a 6 yo wasn't going to work well for her.
  20. Oh, this makes so much sense! Thank YOU! I think this might work!
  21. I am working on our school year schedule and I have come to the realization that there simply isn't enough of me to go around. I am thinking in order for this to work best for me I would like to schedule a 1 hour block first thing for my 9 yo son with LD and then the next hour for my 6 yo. During this hour we would do the three R's and then in the afternoon we could do science, history, art, music and read alouds together. During this time my older ones will be doing independent work and then after the 6 yo and 9 yo are finished I can do the group work with my older kids. My problem is that I really think short sweet lessons are best for this age and I am not sure my 6 yo would do well with the 1 hour block. What do you think? Any other way I schedule it it seems I am being pulled into different directions or being rushed to teach one while another is waiting, which is how I have been doing it but I really need to make life less stressful for myself.
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