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Everything posted by Quiver0f10

  1. :iagree: it really depends on the curriculum. if it is somethign easily replaced then I'd sell it, but if it is something that might be hard to find, or in high demand and thus priced high, I'd hang onto it.
  2. Thank you. I do like IEW, but I am just not sure he is ready. Maybe will we wait a bit and see how he is progressing and reevaluate at that time.
  3. LOL I made my husband swear if I died he would use my life insurance $ to hire a tutor and continue to home school the kids. :D
  4. He did do the PSAT last year and I will have him do it again this fall because he will be in 11th, but he didn't do as well on the psat as he did on the ACT.
  5. Wasting time on practicing, studying for both ACT and SAT is my concern too. I am going to just stick with the ACT and a few SAT II. Thanks again ladies.
  6. Thank you everyone! He is receiving literary theraphy twice a week via web cam through the univesity in my state. They have a speech and hearing clinic and I called them when we first moved here to have him evaluated. They offer this service as part of training for the students who will soon be graduating as therapist. Each student and client is observed by the professor throughout the program. At first we were driving there twice a week and then when gas got insane they offered the web cam service, which we jumped at. Also at first it was just speech, but the professor was helping me with his dyslexia and now it has morphed into just literacy theraphy. They use an OG based program too. The univeristy offers this program on a sliding scale but they have scholarships for income based needs. I highly recommend calling the universities in your area. He has also evaluated by a child psychologist, who diagnosed his dyslexia ( reading disorder), ADHD and possible auditory processing issues as well as possibly memory issues. He is having a complete neuro-psych eval by a Pediatric Neuropsychologist on April 30th. HTH!
  7. Thanks again. I don't think I am going to worry about adding more in.
  8. I am having my 10th grader take a few of the SAT II test, but I really wasn't planning on haviing him take the SAT, only the ACT( not sure yet). Will this look funny to the colleges he applies to?
  9. I guess what I am thinking is that in year 1 we did a lot of mapping of the Bible lands, but the area has changed so much. Will we cover the same land each year updatng it as we go so that at the end of year 4 we have coverd it all ( and the rest of the world)from ancient times to modern?
  10. We have been doing copywork, but until now that is mostly for penmanship as he couldn't really read the words. We did FLL orally and are going to start Winston in the fall. I am wondering if I should start a writing program with him yet or give it more time? Barton's recommends IEW but I don't know if he is ready. He has other issues than just dyslexia, with the major issue being with his memory. I don't have any official diagnosis on that yet, but he is having another eval on the 30th. So what route would should I go with him?
  11. My 9 yo son is dyslexic and we have been working through Barton's and he is getting literacy theraphy through the university here. Yesterday I went to the library and grabbed him a few of the very easy readers. Normaly he would just look through the pics but yesterday he sat down to read. When he got done his first book he was so proud of himself and excited that he just kept going. He read 4 of the books in a row. This morning he wakes at 6, stumbles down the hall and asks me where his book is LOL We still have a long way to go, but I am so thrilled for him!
  12. if they are not in a liberal arts/humanities type program, how did they transition to typical text book college courses? I guess I need to rewrite this? I am thining if you did a GB type study all through high school and then you have say a science major who is now doing lots of text books, how did they manage the change?
  13. I am thinking of lumping my 8th, 7th and 5th graders together and teaching them using R&S. Would it work to do this orally and then just assign the worksheets to go with the lessons?
  14. In our case, we spent a small fortune staging our house and had no bites. We moved and left it bare and it sold. :)
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