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Everything posted by Quiver0f10

  1. We have gotten two diplomas from them and have been very happy with the results. For my oldest we used HSLDA and I prefer homeschooldiploma because you can have it personalized.
  2. Thank you! What ages/grades were the kids when you did this? OOps just saw the ages onthe page. Thanks
  3. My kids do belong to a co-op but I consider it enrichment and not part of their formal schooling. I live in a city of @ 48-50K. I love going because it gives my kids a chance to socialize.
  4. http://www.buyteachercreated.com/estore/product/0211. I am looking for a book or encyclopedia to go along with this. Thanks.
  5. I haven't tried this but I saw this recipe on another board: 1 cup isopropyl alcohol (rubbing alcohol) 1 tsp glycerin, stir and put into a bottle. Shake it up and use. It will be more runny than the store bought stuff, but works as well.
  6. Thanks. I am going to change it to her being a dependent.
  7. My Dd was not in college last year and worked full tme. She is 20 so we didn't claim her as a dependent on our taxes. She is planning on going back to school FT in the fall. I am making corrections on the fasfa and the question is on our family size, do I include her(making it 12)? But then on the parent's tax questions it asks what our 2008 dependents were and that # was 11 because we didn't claim her last year. Is it going to raise a flag because we had 11 on taxes and now 12 dependents? I guess I am not sure if we should even be claiming her as a dependent or not at this point. She is 20, going to school FT, dorming and working?
  8. Thanks for the info. I will make sure to do the blood draws at 12 hours. I am thankful for this new Dr. I am not sure what we will do with meds and will have to see what they find during the eegs.
  9. Thank you! I just got Intro & Intermediate Logic too. Can't beat those prices!
  10. I have had good experiences with: Life of Fred, TOG, Amazon, Ebay, R&S, Barton's, Sonlight The only problem I can think of right now was with chalkdust customer service recently. The older couple I spoke with had no clue what they were doing and the man was rude, even hung up on me.
  11. May I ask what meds? My son is already on lamictal, which has been working good for the grand mal seizures, so I don't know if they will need to change this for absece seizures?
  12. Oh, that was another thing! This new Dr wants his blood levels checked, the old neuro didn't think it was neccessary. The plan is to do a 2 hour eeg here locally and then a 24 hour one, where he will need to be in children's hospital overnight. I definitely feel this new Dr and new neuro is the right move for us.
  13. I am from MA, lived in NH for years, moved to Maine, where my will-yum was born, and now live in AR. :lol:
  14. One of my son's name is William and we pronounce it will-yum, so I would say 2 syllables :D
  15. and the Pediatric Neuropsychologist doing the eval thinks he is having seizures during the day( he has been diagnosed with seizures he has at night and is on seizure meds already, but we had no clue @ day time ones!). She noticed a few while testing and ended up not doing all the tests she would normally have. She is referring him to a new neuro, a child specialst, and wants him to have a day long video eeg, otherwise he will have a 2 hour sleep one. She also thinks his learning issues are neurological rather than adhd related, which is what I thought all along. I hope seeing this new Dr and having these test will give us a clearer answer now and a direction to go with him. She said if it isn't neurological than she wll need to do additional testing and we will go from there. There were other things, which I can't remember right now. I think one was visual spatial issues? She is sending me a typed report and my DH and Ic an go voer it better once we have it in writing.
  16. Join the http://groups.yahoo.com/group/HeartofReading/ yahoo group. A lot of people use Barton's there and you should be able to find it used. Also, don't forget Ebay. Then you sell a level and buy the next.
  17. I thought you decided on The Lost Tools of Writing? Did you not like it? :)
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