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Everything posted by Quiver0f10

  1. I would keep them home too and do only the bare minimum. I'd do grammar, math and writing with the 9 year and 7 year olds and get books on tape for science, history and literature. The rest can wait until things settle down somewhat.
  2. Well we have BC/BS and don't pay that much on monthly premiums but our co- pay and amount not covered is killing us financially. We have accumulated an insane amount of medical bills in the last two years and we are fairly healthy people.
  3. I am doing reading with my dyslexic son and my 6 yo so they don't lose what they learned last year. Otherwise we are enjoying our summer!
  4. Our system is pretty simple; we don't give allowances. That probably wasn't very helpful though :D
  5. I sent you a PM. I know someone who just started a puppet ministry a few months ago and who would possibly be interested.
  6. My pastor's wife just bought a bread machine and asked me for a recipe for WW bread. My recipe is for either hand or bosch and makes 4-6 loaves. I'd like to give her a recipe for a singlel or maybe two loaves. Any tried and true recipes? Thanks!
  7. I use map aids, but the kids need an atlas to fill in the maps? For year 1 we used the Holman Bible Atlas.
  8. I am looking for an atlas recommendation to go with TOG year 2. Ideally I'd like something they could all use but something geared towards dialectic is fine. Thanks!
  9. We have graduated 3 so far from our homeschool and plan to homeschool the rest all the way through, Lord willing.
  10. Thank you for this! I emailed Art with a few questions and he was quick to respond and very helpful.
  11. I saw this posted on another board. Looks interesting. I wonder how the classes will be handled. Will they be the generic courses that would go with any curriculum or will it be geared like homesat was? http://www.thehomeschoolchannel.tv/
  12. Would you recommend Systematic Mathematics for a kid who is not struggling with math and who plans on a math/science field?
  13. http://www.systemath.com/ Anyone use this? I'd love to hear if you liked it or not and if you feel it's a stand alone curriculum. Also, if a student did the intro and advancing algebra courses would that = Alg 1 and Alg II? Thanks!
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