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Everything posted by Quiver0f10

  1. How many days per week do you schedule a 2 hour block?
  2. I am planning already and start shopping with our tax return. I will have a second grader this coming year using: CLE math 2 SWR R&S English 2 WWE 2 HWT TOG year 3 Apologia zoology 1 & 2
  3. would you suggest cooking then freezing or freezing the raw dough? If raw do I thaw before cooking or cook frozen? Thanks!
  4. I lost 107#s but eating a low fat, high fiber, whole food diet and daily excersize. Unfortunately I have put some back on over the last year by eating junk and not excersizing. I made a comittment to eat healthy again now that the new year has come.
  5. I was thinking of trying this recipe http://allrecipes.com/Recipe/Kays-Spaghetti-and-Lasagna-Sauce/Detail.aspx and was wondering if whole peeled tomatoes would work as well as stewed? Thanks!
  6. My son is 10 and we use: Bartons ( we just started level 4) WWE Winston Basic HWT I am thinking of adding IEW in the fall if he is ready.
  7. Thanks. I don't think I have had a fever yet so I will keep up the meds and try to be brave and rinse.:D
  8. Warning some TMI :D I have had a cold for a week with head ache & stuffy sinuses, tiredness, sore throat and cough. I have been taking sudafed for the sinus head ache part but have had no drainage. Yesterday I started Mucinex D and am finally able to blow my nose but the mucus is very bloody. Will the Mucinex D and maybe an antihistimine clear this up or do I need to see the doctor? I also have Nasonex but I haven't used it yet and a sinus rinse kit that I am too chicken to use. What do you think? I had a sinus infection a few months ago and would like to avoid taking anotibiotics again so soon. Thanks!
  9. Neat! I lived in Fort Fairfield for almost 4 years. Beautiful country. You couldn't pay me enough to move to NYC :D
  10. My teens are having a party so I am sitting here trying to be invisiible in the midst of 15 teenagers :lol: My DH is playing board games with the little kids.
  11. My 9th grader is doing: Saxon Alg 1/2 TOG Apologia Physical Science R&S English IEW Writing VFTCR Henle Fallacy Detective/The Thinking Toolbox
  12. Yogurt! http://crockpot365.blogspot.com/2008/10/you-can-make-yogurt-in-your-crockpot.html
  13. This is a struggle with us too. My kids always had plenty of land to roam and explore. Now we live in a subdivision with a postage stamp yard.
  14. Do you think it's possible to step back from too much media? I have been feeling like my kids use it way too often and I'd like to step back, but is it too late? I miss the days before we had a TV and multiple computers.
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