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Everything posted by Quiver0f10

  1. Is there such a thing as graph paper but with larger boxes? My son has dysgraphia and lining up his math is a struggle but regular graph paper is too tiny.
  2. or are you adding to it? If you do add to it, what are you using/doing?
  3. SWR did not work for my dyslexic son. I had tried 100 EZ lessons and that didn't work either. Barton's has been wonderful! Worth every penny. I am learning things with Barton's that I am using to teach my other kids to spell.
  4. My only C section was after an induction that didn't work. Now that I look back I wish I would have left, gone home and rested until my body was ready. Unless there is a true medical reason for induction I suggest waiting. Drink lots of water, walk if you feel up to it and let nature take its course. Every single one of my kids were 9-14+ days over due.
  5. Well what does DS want to do? He is an adult just about to receive his AA. I;d lay it all out for him just like you did here and then I'd leave the descision and the making calls to UPS people, applying to college , moving etc all up to him.
  6. I have everything bought and the last item I was waiting on shipped today. :001_smile:
  7. Thank you all for the replies. My son is doing very well at school and has excellent grades, but he has always been super motivated and self disciplined. Sounds like most if not all of you do redo the work but don't adjust the grade. I think I will use this method instead of erasing the old grade. I do agree that I have been too slack with deadlines and am going to get stricter with this too.
  8. My 20 yo Ds and I were talking tonight about homeschooling and he said one of the issues he had with HSing is the lack of consequences for poor work or bad grades. If my kids do poorly on a lesson or test, we do it over. We work until we get it right. I see this as mastery but he said he sees it as not having consequences. He said in college if he were to do poorly on a lesson or hand an assignment in late, he would receive a low grade and that keeps him motivated to do well. His point is that if a student knows they have a second or third try at something this might make them not try as hard the first time. I am guilty of not sticking to deadlines such as on assigned papers. If something comes up I might give them an extra day or two and I can see how this habit could hinder them in college. So, In a way I can see where he is coming from. What is there to keep a homeschooled student motivated to do their best all the time? Is working towards mastery doing more harm than good? I feel like I am rambling but his comments have me thinking.
  9. Thanks everyone. I am glad that I am not alone in saving all this paperwork and will keep my file going. :D
  10. We have to fill out a pre-formatted form every year. We don't receive anything back but we have to test inthe spring. I have kept copies of this form and the testing results. I also have copies of the forms I made and sent in NH and Maine as well as any replies, copies of their portfolios and any replies. LOL. The file is getting a wee bit thick :lol:
  11. Buy a good bread knife and as hard as this sounds, let the bread cool completely before slicing! :D
  12. how long do you save these? I still have the ones from NH and we have moved to two different states since then :blush:
  13. I am so sorry for your loss :grouphug: I went through a molar pregnancy last Febuary. The actual D&C procedure itself was easy. I did have general anesthesia and had no complications. I was home about an hour and a half afterwards and I had minimal physical pain and was back to normal within days. If you are interested this is a message board for molar pregnancy: http://community.babycenter.com/groups/a113685/molar_and_partial_molar_pregnancies If I can be of any help, please feel free to email me at Quiver0f10@yahoo.com
  14. This link has some info on what to look for, signs & symptoms etc http://bartonreading.com/dys.html#signs and a pdf of signs to look out for: http://bartonreading.com/pdf/Dys%20warning%20signs.pdf There are many different sides to dyslexia it's hard to say based on what you wrote if she does have dyslexia. Like the PP, my son could not read at all and while he can read some now he has to struggle through every single word. I recommend getting her evaluated by a professional, either a private eval or through your school system.
  15. Wow, we have had to pay for all of our dual enrollment classes taken at the CC. I didn't know some states paid for them.
  16. Can an average student sucessfully use MCT or is it meant for only gifted students? I am looking at the vocab for this coming year and while it looks nice I noticed the web site states curriculum for gifted students. My children are not gifted. Thanks.
  17. Another option is Art Reed's DVDs http://www.homeschoolwithsaxon.com/onlinevideo.php We have been using these and my students like them. My Dd was having some trouble and Mr. Reed spent time on the phone with her and told us to call anytime we need additional help.
  18. What can I do or use to help with reading comprehension at the high school level? Thanks!
  19. :iagree: My upcoming Ker will do Phonics Pathways, Horizon's K math, HWT and lots and lots of playing.
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