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Everything posted by heartlikealion

  1. I guess I’ll try to be diplomatic (“that sounds hard, I’m sorry”) and let them know they have a safe space here. I don’t think there’s really any way we could be friends because she’s probably heard awful things about me.
  2. I saw that one, but haven't seen She Hulk yet.
  3. My girlfriend was already asking me when I'm going to meet her as it's important to be on good terms with a woman that will be with your kids. I just can't even get my brain there yet. I said uh I'll think about that if she actually moves to my state. Honestly, although I know very little about her, I don't feel like "this is a bad person." I just think, "when did you two start talking?" Which obviously doesn't matter now. But one can wonder. Then I got put in that stupid "you should date" conversation where they don't let up. Forgive me for not caring as much about my dating life as you??? lol
  4. No it’s not in there. And there’s just a small note that we must give notice if taking kids out of state, which he did. My lawyer friend says there’s really nothing I can do about her moving in, either (which is what I strongly suspect will happen reading between the lines… but it’s just a hunch).
  5. I am just now learning about quilling from this thread! I haven't made the time to do any crafting lately.
  6. And now it makes sense... xh told me tonight about their trip. Apparently they stayed with a female friend and her son. I inquired if I knew this person (no) and if she was xh's girlfriend. Bingo. He said she is and they are going back to visit her the next weekend he has the kids. WTF. No my circus, not my monkeys yeah yeah I know. And there's more, but I'll refrain from going into all that til I see what actually plays out.
  7. That's the book I own (and the reason I was able to reference a page number is because there's a glossary in the back -- but the glossary isn't very efficient. I had to skip over a few pages to find what I wanted). I also own the workbook that goes with it, but it didn't feel like the type of workbook I was expecting and I didn't make it very far into it. Sweet low maintenance dogs don't bother me. It's the big ones, that jump on you, jump on counters etc. that make me less comfortable. I just dog sat this weekend and the dogs were large and a little rowdy but I can handle it in small doses. They were sweet dogs, though.
  8. 10 min into Stranger Things season 4 and it was pretty gory ugh. I was worried about disturbing the dogs I’m pet sitting lol hopefully they don’t pay attention.
  9. Had a short walk this morning to get doggy to pee. Called it quits after that as to not get all sweaty. I’ll get some more steps grocery shopping after I leave here. Owners won’t be back til 3 or so.
  10. Aren’t some 5ks a choice to walk or run? I couldn’t do the run at this point. Impressive.
  11. This one dog will rarely pee for me in the yard. Jumped up on me in the bed twice this morning - I took her outside both times and she just won’t go. So I’ll probably end up taking her on a walk. I just read some dog walking etiquette I didn’t know oops. It says you should only let them pee in the grass between sidewalk and street vs in someone’s yard. Also I don’t know how to handle marking. The male dog marked a mailbox post and something else. Do you try to stop them or only let them mark certain areas? I do believe the dog is neutered but that apparently doesn’t always stop the behavior. According to the scale here I’ve lost one pound but my weight keeps fluctuating. I’ll try to aim for more daily steps. There are days I don’t leave my house and even with a YouTube video I don’t always get that many. Maybe I can do outside walks soon (depends on the bugs).
  12. Today I told myself that surely it was socially acceptable for me to shower here? If it’s not then society is wrong lol I felt sorry for the other 2 dogs not getting walked so I took each dog on a separate walk after their dinner. The hyper one got a morning + evening walk. Everyone went potty on their walk or just before. After my shower two dogs got on my bed and curled up for sleep… I looked at the clock and told myself yeah I’ll skip the extra tv watching and head to sleep now. If I stay up I’m tempted to snack. All together a bit over 10k steps today. Drank a lot of water. My weight hasn’t really done much since 2 weeks ago. I should be down like 4 more pounds but I’ll try to not beat myself up over it. @ericathemom couch to 5k… that sounds good! Is there a recommended exercise routine? When is the 5k or do you not have a specific one in mind?
  13. I signed up for a booth at the upcoming Germanfest after church (it’s a huge annual fundraiser and I’ll probably bake something for their dessert booth). Hopefully by then my tailbone will be better. Depending on the set up I may or may not have access to a chair but I don’t think the shifts are too long and you earn a free meal. I’m not into the traditional meal so I usually just get the regular hotdog. It was cool this morning but I still broke a sweat so I don’t think I’ll walk the others. Plus running low on bags for their poop. The owner was only concerned with the hyper one being walked, anyway. I just felt bad for the others. They don’t like being in the yard long. They pee and then kinda sit around a min and may stand by the door to go back inside lol There are 3 dogs total. I brought my laptop and did some work + started on my annulment write up yesterday but I don’t have the right laptop adapter tip for my universal charger with me. No one sold it locally - I checked a few stores and online so my laptop might be dead today or with a low charge. My other charger is at home along with the adapter tip set. I’ll probably relax most of the day and watch some tv. Last night I streamed a marvel movie I hadn’t seen since they had it (newest dr strange. I still can’t believe Xh took dd to see that in the theatre. It had some horror movie vibes).
  14. My tailbone seems worse lately ugh. I tried Tylenol and that seemed useless. I totally hear you on urgent care — I went to the sports & medicine urgent care and the person that spoke to me besides the X-ray tech was a nurse practitioner and young. I felt like I should have seen a dr or a more experienced nurse practitioner. Not just because of the age but because I really didn’t get the vibe they were very knowledgeable. Part of the reason I went was so if I have to try to get the post office railing fixed I have medical documentation of an injury. They didn’t look at my body at all and I have no idea if they should have. I shaved and showered before the visit because I didn’t know if I’d have to get undressed. My butt cushion arrived which is nice. I’m dog sitting right now (Sat morning to Mon afternoon) and don’t know if I’m welcome to use the shower. They didn’t talk about it or towels. I did bring my own towels but will probably just shower when I get home Monday. I showered Sat before I got here. This is harder than I expected. You go outside with the dogs and one in particular will not relieve herself. The owners just said escort her out and I did and she refused to move a couple times from the patio to the grass or just stood there and wouldn’t pee. Hours went by and she still wouldn’t go. So this morning I took her on a walk and she peed twice and pooped twice. Finally! I packed food and picked up a few items at the store so I’m less tempted to eat out. I bought the wrong oatmeal but I’ll make do. The oats are huge. Yesterday I got a little over 6k steps which was better than some days lately. I was going to go to church tonight (that service is more casual for dress) but the dogs eat at that time and then I’d need to stick around to try to get them to use the bathroom so I guess I’ll go this morning. I only packed jeans for church but oh well. When you walk your dog do they always go potty?
  15. I still have some. Maybe I’ll wear to distribute diatomaceous earth.
  16. I'd try to sell to local people first (maybe on facebook but maybe not using the marketplace feature unless you have better luck than me with that!). Consignment store as last effort, but they will probably not give you more than a few dollars ugh
  17. Would it be terrible to wear pants instead of a dress?? Many style dresses for weddings would maybe not look the best with boots. But if I was going to wear boots to a wedding, I tend to go with knee high and a long skirt or dress. If it's cold enough you could even wear a sweater dress. Maybe not helpful though. I also have feet issues so if I wear dressy shoes that aren't boots I can't add my insoles and I can't wear them long. My dress boots have insoles in them, but they don't help that much.
  18. Not to sound greedy, but this is the frugal thread so yeah, if I needed the money I'd try to sell first. Are they all well out of return period? Some stores are more strict than others.
  19. If I was super close I could maybe do it. But at this time in my life I am not "vacation together" close to any family lol.
  20. I'm talking about two households, like your family plus a whole other family, sharing one space. No thank you. Lol
  21. It's crazy to me. I can't even afford that for myself on my own time/my own plans let alone based on someone else's choice of locale
  22. Anyone else in this thread cringe at the idea of those family vacations where more than one family gets together and shares a resort? I have no desire to vacation with another family LOL.
  23. I just don't think I'd be involved in anything like that. It sounds so $$$ and time consuming! Xh was invited to be involved in all these expensive things for an upcoming wedding but he declined. They have an expensive bachelor party planned, for example. A couple hundred dollars is required for each attendee!! I'd be like oh my gosh no way, we're going bowling LOL
  24. For me HSP doesn't seem to have a connection with any trauma I have, at least, I don't think so. I feel like I was always seen as sensitive as a child. But I do think trauma or certain experiences, can shape us as far as wanting to be a person that doesn't want others to experience similar circumstances or pain. I don't know if my children are HSPs, but there's a chance that ds is. He's very sensitive to certain things. But also, my kids are less upset by violence and such on TV than I am. I will watch things like The Walking Dead and if it's just a zombie being hurt, it doesn't bother me much. But if I see a human character being hurt, it's much more upsetting. There were some things I fast forwarded. I haven't seen the latest season of Stranger Things and not sure if I can handle it as it's supposed to be more violent/gory? I actually thought about getting some streaming network where they edit some of the shows to be less harsh Lol. Breaking Bad was one of my favorite shows, but there were a couple scenes that were very hard to watch. I say a hard pass to most horror movies. I will watch thrillers. I have seen maybe a couple movies that might be classified as horror, but they were probably mild (The Grudge and one of the Halloween movies).
  25. I didn't have bridesmaids, but I wouldn't expect ANYONE to be there at 9am for a 5pm wedding. What the heck were they doing haha. My wedding people showed up like a half hour, an hour ? early at most?? We did photos and some people got restless probably waiting for us in the reception hall but that's it. There wasn't like this several hour, all day long thing. Maybe they decorated at 9am? We decorated the night before when we got the key.
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