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Everything posted by heartlikealion

  1. I have more than one kind of OCD and the hand washing til your hands crack and bleed (mainly due to winter but btdt) isn't really much better than than the thoughts because they can often be disturbing thoughts. When you cannot kick a thought out it's really a form of torture. I used to have spiritual OCD and when you go to church at least once a week it's a lot of anxiety in the church. So no, outwardly my life didn't come to halt, but it was quite disruptive internally. Especially when you're confused about how often you need to confess your thoughts. I am quite indecisive so I could easily go back and forth on what I constitute severe lol.
  2. Lol in that case (no offense) I think he should have a chat with his hypothetical family before putting anything in stone. You'll have to forgive me, I just saw a TV show about a family member moving in (but it was temporary between jobs) and it didn't go over well with one of the spouses that owned the home. I have no idea what kind of promises dh would make to his parents before/after getting married, but I can tell you if my MIL moved in I'd probably need to move out regardless of her level of needs. I think it's very sweet that he said that! I just think as far as the original topic is concerned, promises really can't/shouldn't be made.
  3. :svengo: Is this legit? My goodness. Have they ever heard of Skype?
  4. I find this very interesting. I never know how to describe my headaches and sometimes doubt myself if they are a headache or migraine. The additional burden of classifying them as mild to severe? lol Can I pass? Let's see, generally when I believe I have a migraine I'm in no condition to drive and don't want to leave the house at all. I would probably cancel any plans/obligations. Like, I would probably miss church so that means something. Often when I have a migraine I'm nauseous and vomiting and can barely complete tasks. I've asked dh to come home early to help me with the baby. But I don't always get quite to that point. I still want to stay home either way and opt of daily life. Now if I were to think of my worst headache compared to my friend that just had her second brain surgery because of Trigeminal Neuralgia? Then I'd feel like we weren't even on the same scale and I had nothing to complain about. "Interferes with daily life" is not typically how I would define severity. I guess when you are dealing with something that you've dealt with before, you just try to cope? Yeah, my OCD interferred with my daily life a lot in the past, but I felt like it could have been worse... I wasn't stopping in the road constantly to check under my car and see if I ran someone over (example of one type of OCD type fear). However, I was plagued by thoughts I couldn't shake.
  5. Then wouldn't it be like living with no one half the time if he's gone all the time? Am I missing something?
  6. I wouldn't expect anything like a paragraph in typical job application/survey/whatever things these days. But I'm saying this as someone that tried to apply to a job once in person only to be pointed to a row of computers lol. Companies are set in their ways. They want to be able to sort us neatly into a yay or nay pile I think.
  7. I don't think it's reasonable these days to have too many expectations -- in either direction I guess. I mean, things happen. Life happens. What if someone makes a promise and then when the time comes, they are single and unemployed trying to find another job? Or gone 12hrs at a time? Or absolutely do not have the caregiver personality? Would having someone move in with them really be a great idea? Dh has much more of a caregiver personality. I would probably be terrible at it, snapping at the person at some point. My dad's mom is not living with him and my mom (don't think that would ever fly) but they do look out for her in other ways. She's 100 and has someone come to the house a few times a week. They see each other, but not as often now that they don't live in the same town. It's just too hard. My dad is my mom's caregiver, but realistically we know that it's taking a toll on him and I don't think anyone's made any promises about how long he can act as primary caregiver. I don't like to think about it.
  8. Ugh I hate those personality type things especially if I know what I want to put will conflict with what they consider ideal. Sometimes you just gotta play the game. If you don't fit their formula I think the application never gets seen.
  9. I think the Visa cards have an exp. date or start charging a fee if you don't use it within a certain time frame. I doubt that would be an issue, but it seems to me that came up when we discussed the Staples rebate. That's why I took the advice to swap mine out with an Amazon card immediately. I'm frugal so I'd probably go with store gift card (if I wasn't sure how to address the check) and didn't want to pay the activation fee of the Visa card lol.
  10. Money seems okay to me, but if I was torn then I would get a gift card to where ever they are registered (if they have a registry). That way, once they have settled into their home they can buy something from their registry. Depending on when, their registry will also potentially discount the item 10% if it's on the list and was never purchased.
  11. Facebook chain letters are stupid. There's also, "if you know someone suffering with X, post this for just one hour." What? Who is deleting their post after an hour? "In support of breast cancer awareness, post your birth month and say the destination of your dream vacation. Then tell everyone on your friends list that's where you are going for two weeks. Don't tell and ruin the game!" Good grief. I'll be sure to cry when I get the ax.
  12. This came up in my facebook feed today: http://abcnews.go.com/Lifestyle/adoption-agencies-parents-volunteers/story?id=36903119&nwltr=abcn_fb
  13. Setting the quarry pit on fire could have been done a couple of ways. Off the top of my head was the alcohol (not from medical supplies, but the pantry) and/or the flare gun(s) we saw they had. I mean, just some flames and some flammable brush might even do the job. I didn't need the camera to follow the guts hanging out of that guy's stomach, but I liked the way they shot the very end of the episode. That was pretty cool.
  14. I need to clean out my ears. I thought Negan was killed (thought that guy said he was Negan). I guess he was just one of his goons. Yep, Negan will be around later. I think if they still had some alcohol (which we saw Spencer drinking) and some way to start a fire they could have poured it on some of the walkers in the pit and let the walkers catch each other on fire, then throw more in the pit.
  15. Did anyone else get confused when the reverend offered to take Judith to his church? lol I forgot they had one there and I thought he meant that building from a while back. Then we saw Glenn and Enid(?) in a church and I was confused all over again. Was that the church where they had killed a bunch of Termites? Or no? It looked too new to be the same church, but it had writing on the wall which reminded me of the old church. I promise I have seen all the eps. Just having some brain fog here. Yeah, I don't get why fire was not okay way back when but fine now. My guess is that by this time anything goes. And they had a fast way to start a fire quickly. Way back when they were probably afraid of drawing in humans with the smoke, but now? Guess they aren't thinking about bad humans?? I don't even think they discussed fire before. Maybe it never occurred to Daryl until this ep. But what about the water supply? If they want to stay there, wasn't that a bad move? I was SO excited that the Negan storyline was killed (or I hope so. I hope there aren't Negan followers appearing later). I always rooted for Michonne and Rick, but after all that has happened I wouldn't blame Michonne if she wrote him off LOL. I'd feel kinda annoyed after seeing him go after someone else he barely knew while I had been there all along. Our tv got turned back on and because of poor signal strength we didn't get TWD or The Talking Dead recorded so I had to watch TWD on Amazon and can't see TTD. Anyone see that wanna share? Does Eugene think they are all going to hell? That was an interesting line.
  16. Yes, I got so used to saying, "I'll be __ this year" that for a short while I thought I was the wrong age. Then when I had my birthday I thought, "why did I age myself?!" I sometimes forget dh's age. Hearing his age makes me feel younger, though lol
  17. I don't think my parents ever gave us stuff for Valentine's Day. Well, if they did, it was maybe some candy? Definitely not a big deal. I don't even know if my parents did anything for the day. If the church was selling meals they might have bought one. Nothing super fancy planned for the day probably. Dh and I don't have high expectations for the day but usually get each other some candy or something. My participation in vday as a kid was exchanging valentines at school. If your dd knows the story, she might think her grandmother will do something? And you could tell her that it's not necessarily common. The concept of parents getting stuff for their kids for vday was introduced to me on this board, months back. I remembered thinking it might embarrass me if I received stuff from my own parents in front of my peers, but people were saying their college aged kids loved the sweets. There are so many ways to observe the holiday and not doing so is not going to do harm imo.
  18. If I have the energy and dd is sleeping, I'll spend some time with dh and watch The Walking Dead when he gets home. ETA: the boys gave me early vday gifts days ago and we gave dh tulips for his desk at work. I know it's non-traditional, but he likes tulips and has never been given flowers.
  19. That's minor compared to what I did once. I accidentally opened someone else's mail and it was a credit card... they had been sent the new one because the old had been compromised. I felt awful!! Maybe the fact that we returned it to the right person made them feel it was safe to use or maybe they canceled it all over again. I don't know. I wonder if the price was for a bundle delivered to different addresses.
  20. I would have said, "ok, then maybe it's not for you"? or "What made homeschooling come up?" or "Are you not liking the schools in your district"? or or or some open-ended question. I don't know. I think she should listen to her inner voice if there are other options. I sometimes question if I'm "not a homeschool mom" but it was the best of the choices we had. Maybe she needs to make a pro/con list and if homeschooling wins, maybe she can outsource??? Use a program that requires less direction from her like K12 or whatever those similar programs are (cannot think of the name off the top of my head, but a friend uses one).
  21. I wouldn't have opened it. I would have contacted Amazon via chat or something, though. I might have even taken it up with the post office (or whatever service was used). Opening mail is a federal offense so I wouldn't go out of my way looking for the slip. That's just me. I'm glad it was resolved.
  22. I really wanted a boy first. I didn't have any brothers and I have often had male friendships and not been able to relate to certain girly things. Then I really wanted a daughter (though any child would have been welcomed). I have a daughter now. I don't look at the kids as valued more/less. I just think that people have their reasons for thinking they will connect more with one gender or have an easier time. Of course, every individual is different. I wouldn't say I wished I was born a male. But I do think many things about being a man are easier. I saw some posts about pregnancy and breastfeeding. Well, I didn't really enjoy pregnancy and while I do enjoy aspects of breastfeeding, it means your body is on call lol.
  23. :confused1: :confused1: :confused1:
  24. yes, many things are too loud for me. I even called the cops on a neighbor in the past a couple of times because he would routinely fall asleep with his DVD player on loop (like the menu on the dvd) and I could hear it inside my apt. My landlord said the guy was hard of hearing. My dh is hard of hearing and plays shows way too loud for me. Luckily he now wears earbuds in the evening. He has a tendency to watch shows/movies where the volume goes up and down a lot. You know, suddenly loud for a fight scene. When people say they saw a baby at the theater I always cringe because I think, "ugh that must be too loud for them!" The younger we are the better our ears work. Like there's an actual test with audio you can listen to and see what you can/cannot hear.
  25. Your thread doesn't quite apply to me, but we have a toddler now and I'm having a lot of difficulty getting school done around her. Certain subjects I've been trying to do when she's sleeping or dh is home, but it's not typically night school or school with dh. We are now doing some school every Saturday (playing catch up). History is one of the more difficult subjects for us to do. We also try to do school when she's eating in the high chair, but that hasn't been working out too well lately, either lol. Sometimes I try to do school when dh is here on a meal break, but he's not always available to watch the baby. My 14 month old doesn't have a reliable napping situation, either. The more teacher-intensive things are really difficult for me to manage. Luckily there are a few things ds can do independently or somewhat independently -- workbooks and the online curriculum we use. Are all your subjects teacher intensive? You gotta do what you gotta do.
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