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Everything posted by heartlikealion

  1. Depends on what you need. I did get a pack of two jumbo binders at Sam's last year and it was way more affordable than some places. The week I bought the 24pk at Walmart it was 50 cents a box. Guess we had good timing. When possible it might be better to buy online and have sent to store. You may even earn some more points if your CC offers rewards for online shopping and/or you use a link that generates points. Also some items are only offered online.
  2. I don't know but just throwing this out there... is he using Duolingo? And is he interested in Rosetta Stone? Because we currently have a Time4Learning.com account and they offer high school and I heard that Spanish with Rosetta Stone is being added soon. Just something to think of. I am speculating it might be cheaper to do RS through T4L than buying RS. And Duolingo is free. So just an idea as supplements if you are using one of the other programs as your core.
  3. The longer I've nursed the more impractical covering seems in lots of scenarios. I think people need to be aware that not all nurslings are newborns and some babies will pull the cover off. I remember the time I tried to nurse discreetly in church and had a very billowy top with a camisole underneath. I really didn't want to leave the cry room and I was in the back so I tried to nurse there. But I ended up with my baby's whole head in my shirt and she was not wanting to be covered. She was probably thinking what the heck, Mom? She was so used to being nursed at home, uncovered, that trying to force a cover was not natural for either of us. I gave up and took her to another part of the church where we had some more privacy because I just didn't feel comfortable otherwise. Especially since some of the people in the cry room were often men. But that's just me. I'm just trying to say that if a baby is used to being uncovered at home, it may not go smoothly when you try to switch it up in public and I think the people that say "just cover up" make it sound sooo easy.
  4. I believe myself to be OCD and I was diagnosed with anxiety. Probably have both but the pyschiatrist that did my eval did not let me elaborate much and dismissed OCD. Anyway, I am a hand washer but not nearly as bad as I have been in the past. This may be the "wrong" answer but this is what I would do. Go outside with her to the car. Let her do it or you do it --- wipe down the door handle with a disinfectant wipe or squirt of cleaner. Whatever. Then tell her it is clean now and not to worry. Let her mop the hallway or vacuum the floor. Tell her it is fine. See if she can swallow this enough to stop grabbing new socks. I have to do crap like that to myself. I have to convince myself something is "good enough" and then try not to think too much about it. When I was a kid I refused to wear my favorite shirt. My mom could not understand why I thought it was dirty as I had not worn it since she washed it. But it had touched a "dirty" area. Looking back no, I doubt any therapist would tell my mom to wash it for me. But I stopped wearing it. I wish my mom would have either talked to me, dug for the answer and convinced me it was fine or if necessary washed it again so I would wear it, not open my drawer and feel negative thoughts every time I saw it. I know, I sound crazy. Just being honest.
  5. Nursing is not done by a large percentage of the population where I live. They are very conservative and I feel shy about nursing even keeping covered up. I am weaning mine now and have only done very limited NIP. Like, wearing two tops or the one time I nursed wearing my carrier (but it's very hard, I had to loosen the straps a lot and didn't feel comfortable setting it up in front of people. I was in the hallway of the church and a couple people walked by later). I wish earlier on I had just bought a windshield cover to nurse more privately in my car. I did nurse in the car a lot. There was a huge stink made earlier this year on the topic. The topic got attention, but ultimately I think most people are still grossed out by nursing in public or whatever. The issue was when an uneducated employee (uneducated on Target's store policy) tried to refuse a fitting room to a nursing mom and send her to the bathroom to nurse. She left the store instead. It's completely legal for us to NIP but socially I don't think it's super embraced.
  6. sandwich corn dog chicken nuggets pasta salad tuna salad spaghetti o's burrito quesadilla nothing fancy
  7. If I was absolutely going to receive soap, I would prefer it to be some type of decorative soap for the sink. I am very selective about bath products because I have sensitive skin. So like, you could put the soap out in a dish by the sink for anyone to use (guests, other family members). One shaped like holly and berries or a snowman or a flower or whatever might be cute. That's not really answering the question but I think spa gifts could be hit or miss so I guess she needs to know if people will use the stuff. I read "grandparents" and I'm thinking "does this mean grandma or grandpa? Will they both use it?"
  8. Well honestly I think some people who are not doing so well in whatever subject are not applying themselves and/or don't have the resources and/or don't have the support and it may have little to do with their actual intelligence. Remember, a kid who isn't encouraged at home, doesn't have role models in certain areas, etc. is probably not going to come across the same way as someone who does. Basically, don't confuse ignorance with intelligence? Also, remember certain classes = more work/effort. Some people are just not interested in the same things.
  9. We can all give opinions, but perhaps she would benefit from talking to her own pastor (if she has one she feels comfortable speaking with??). Has she done this? Not necessarily rely on him for counseling them through it all, but for some insight on the spiritual front. Depending on her religion, she may apply for an annulment?
  10. I seldom make it into thrift stores anymore. None very close. Well, we went to a Goodwill about a week ago and while they had clothes, we were looking for chapter books. They had a beat up copy of Little House in the Big Woods (we bought ours on Amazon I think) but we decided it wasn't a big deal because ours was in better condition. There wasn't much else there and I told ds it's all random, depends what people donate. We did score a couple used books at a book store that has a combination of used and new books, though. Some of which are not available at the library. So I assume the answer to your question for you personally is "no way of knowing til you look." But probably not worth looking unless you already have a reason to go there. We were in town and made it a point to stop at these places. Are you looking for anything in particular?
  11. For the first time in a long, long, time I didn't put the cart in the right place yesterday!! :o I looked around and didn't see a cart return nearby (I usually do lug it to one). I had just put the kids in the car with the engine running because of the heat here (I think I had done auto start so the keys weren't in the ignition and the doors were locked) and it was a horrible day for us and I just needed to get going. I looked around and there was a cart on some diagonal lines which were not actually linked to a handicapped spot as I could tell... because it wasn't the normal blue lines and it was an odd shape and not even enough room really to allow someone to get in/out (my mom has to park in handicapped parking so I definitely am not oblivious to the struggles). So I pushed my cart up against the other cart. I don't know what the purpose was of those yellow lines to be honest but now I've second guessed that decision.
  12. I'm very irritable LOL Digital pet peeves? When my GPS takes me longer to get somewhere but I'm desperate. Especially when I miss a turn and instead of saying "recalculating" or "turn around" like my old GPS it just sends me a in a giant circle to turn around! Just say turn around, I can to do faster than you! When my phone interrupts what I'm doing to say "low battery." No kidding! Let me finish! lol
  13. But but the OXO one I linked! My grandma even asked us where we got it so she could tell someone else that showed interest in it.
  14. And it seems like if people anticipated a popular vote leading to the winner then they would make more effort to vote.
  15. FYI there are some petitions circulating to get attention to at least one third party candidate. I'm sure there are more. I've signed a couple. One is to get a third party candidate on 60 Minutes and another is to get them included in the debates. I think it'd make for a more interesting debate regardless of what party people are voting for. In order to get to the debate it sounds like candidates need to hit 15% in at least 4 major polls by Labor Day???
  16. As long as the voting system is better organized than it was the year of the hanging chads.
  17. I use manual, but I open cans much more often than this. Chick peas, black beans, refried beans, spaghetti Os, soup. Sometimes all those in one week.
  18. Re: electric can opener. I feel stupid when I try to use my MIL's! I suck at it! Like I try to get the can attached and I screw it up. We use one of those OXO can openers. Well, we've ordered the same/similar style a few times (lost one, one was a gift) so who knows which one is in our drawer. I don't know how it does for people with arthritis, though. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00004OCMM/ref=oh_aui_search_detailpage?ie=UTF8&psc=1 We went years without a microwave. We used the toaster over for everything. Now we have a microwave, but I don't want to heat up a huge appliance to do a small job like heat frozen chicken patties (not very good from a microwave). We don't have the counter space, either. We managed to somehow fit a microwave stand in here. It has two shelves. One with the microwave and one with the toaster oven. I put the toaster oven on top because I was afraid of the heat trying to escape in a compact space. It's not a perfect system but I don't have to preheat and I figure it probably makes the kitchen hotter if I use the big oven. I can totally see not using/wanting a toaster oven depending on the types of foods you reheat or the frequency of use.
  19. Says 74% for the side I figure will win in my state
  20. It's not soy itself, but the whole fermented vs unfermented soy thing as well as estrogen that gives me pause. I live in the US. I have not heard of Field Roast but I did the search and it is not sold within 50 miles of the major city where we do our grocery shopping. I know you can buy online, but as far as something I would find in the stores it sounds about right that I usually just see soy as the base for faux meat.
  21. haha I should have prefaced with "since this state has voted ___ way since before I was born/is known for being conservative... " the signs and bumper stickers just added to my impression
  22. The first two do bother me. Actually, don't think I like tofu either but I've had faux meat in other forms. Sadly it seems like it's overwhelmingly soy and I don't want a lot of soy in my diet.
  23. I don't know how I feel because of the weird moral/ethic questions it gives me. But the "Beyond meat" product didn't wig me out and isn't made from actual animals so I would think that maybe it could be preserved and handled without as much caution as real meat. But the way the video plays out I definitely could see how various places, especially those you described, would want it/use it.
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