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Everything posted by heartlikealion

  1. I mean override it every time you go to your trashcan, mailbox, parked car, etc. sounds like a lot of work. I have met smokers with different attitudes. I knew a smoker that got a new car and refused to smoke in it. I know another smoker that got a new vehicle and smokes in it. I would think it would affect resale/trade-in value if nothing else but I know many smokers do not notice/think about that. I have met smokers that will not smoke in front of children without being asked. Mostly the level of concern seems to end with children and/or pregnant women, though. I did date smokers before, some were more courteous than others. Dh is an ex- heavy smoker. I am sorry your mom is so set in her ways about her smoking. It's hard for people to change.
  2. I feel like if people knew how serious your reactions were they might be willing to stop. I would consider a sign or some type of face-to-face interaction (maybe someone from your home could approach them on your behalf or you could get to them before they lit up). My in-laws didn't take our complaints about their smoking around ds seriously until he was sent home from the dr with a nebulizer.* I'm not sure if your situation is quite the same as the OP's, but I could understand if you went straight to the sprinklers if you felt that was the most efficient for you. Then, wouldn't you get sprayed everytime you went to your own mailbox, took out the trash, etc., though? *yes, we routinely removed him from areas when we saw our wishes were not honored.
  3. Well growing up Catholic doesn't mean they know all things about being Catholic. My parents are devout and were heavily involved in the Church, but I would get confused about things and still don't have their level of understanding about some things. Peers of less involved Catholics probably had even more gaps in their knowledge. Your friend's dh probably was taught about the importance of Confession, though. I remember in college being essentially scolded by another Catholic for my understanding of what fasting was. We were not raised with the same rule of thumb and even years later I hear conflicting ideas about it. http://onlineministries.creighton.edu/CollaborativeMinistry/Lent/fast-abstinence.html This was not ever spelled out for me as a child in or outside of church.
  4. I'm pretty sure I fell asleep or wanted to during Apollo 13 so I'm a little lost thinking "action" :laugh:
  5. I'm talking about the last line on the chicken shirt "killing it" lol
  6. To be fair (and I'm saying this as someone that hates cig. smoke) the Lysol thing basically sounds like assault. So can't we problem solve without assaulting someone?
  7. Have they seen famous 80s and 90s films like Gremlins and Ghostbusters? (some titles dh suggested) Have they already seen the Bourne Identity movies? At least one of them is PG-13.
  8. I never thought to use it on laundry, but I am partial to the blue!
  9. I don't know, but at some point dh got all serious and *cough* boring ( ;) ) and requested I not buy him any more. I still wear them. I mean my own. But I wear his around the house sometimes, too lol. I guess he doesn't care if I wear them since he bought me one this year (S.T.A.R. Laboratories shirt which is a reference to the Flash and Arrow). But I have also questioned when is "too old"? Doesn't mean I will stop. Quill, I like that! Wait... I just thought about the last line. Double entendre?
  10. lol Some people have "no smoking/thank you for not smoking" signs at their house. I suppose you could display one in the window so they get the hint that you aren't fond of smoking. But if they aren't close to your home or don't think you can see them then it may not do anything.
  11. Regarding "speaking aloud" - I've been to services where we wrote our sins down. At one service we wrote them down and all threw them in a pot and they were burned. I think we handed the piece of paper to a priest before that, but I don't know if we read it aloud.
  12. I have never heard that, but even if it was used as a tool for controlling people at one point, I don't believe that is necessarily relevant now. Obviously, don't see a priest that you think is abusing the information, but other than that, I don't know what to say. We're supposed to go to Confession I think 1 or 2 times per year (but I don't know if this is a hard rule, just kind of what I've observed). I generally go before Christmas and Easter and other times when I see fit. If I miss around a major religious holiday but have no mortal sins and haven't gone that long between confessions, I don't worry. Depending on what you confess and who you see you may not be told to do a penance like you describe. You might be asked to pray (they can give specifics). You might be asked to pray and do something. It just varies. I have struggled with my scrupulous nature so as a teen I hated constantly doubting when I should go to Confession before Communion. Even now there are times when I struggle. I'm sure there are times I remained in the pew but didn't need to. I hated the feeling of drawing all this attention to myself. We do not have set Confession hour at some churches around me so I have to deliberately make an appointment in advance or I guess ask the priest if he has time before/after Mass (which although they aren't supposed to refuse to hear you, I don't always ask because I know they sometimes have to dart to another church for Mass). Certain times of year many parishes offer a penance service where several priests attend. Then you can get in line with one out of like five or whatever. Unless you aren't meeting in the confessional, you usually having a choice between face-to-face or some type of screen.
  13. LOL Sorry I thought I typed "I already drive one hour for medical care." Where we live we tend to drive 45 min - hour for all medical needs. Even my ob/gyn which was closer has moved locations since I had my baby so now they are also over a half hour away. Just to say that saying, "just drive further if you don't like your options" is not always practical depending on where the OP lives in relation to her current options and how much of her day she is willing to waste. Last time I went to the dr I drove 45 min. each way and spent 2-3 hours waiting (the wait time was estimated so long that I went to the store and came back. They would only take walk-ins on Saturday I think they said and that was the only time I could go because dh was able to watch the kids). I thought that was bad, but the OP said she routinely waits 4 hours. I really cannot imagine being put off for weeks for a UTI. I hope you can find a way to improve your situation, OP. Maybe speak to the "right" person.
  14. I already drive one way for medical care. So, depending on the OP's situation, it could easily be more time spent in driving/waiting than you think is reasonable for non complicated things.
  15. I had to show ds' birth certificate to enroll him this fall in private school. I don't know if this is a state thing or individual school thing. My parents had trouble getting my own birth cert. when I was born because Mom didn't make it to the hospital in time for delivery and she happens to be Mexican (here legally).
  16. I gathered that the OP has limited in network options and that has a lot to do with it. Or do you mean confronting the doctor(s) to point out how bad they are? lol. Because I assume if she's like me, that's hard to delicately do and expect any good to come from it.
  17. Ugh that is awful. I have been through some similar situations, but not usually to that extreme. Like I was waiting for a couple months to be seen for mental health which I am told sometimes is normal. I waited at least two months to get an evaluation by the only psychiatrist in my network. And most of it was a waste of my time because I felt like she hardly got to know me as we were forced to answer 1000 questions about substance abuse which in my case are not applicable. All I could think is thank goodness I didn't kill myself waiting for mental health. /smh ETA: I was not meaning to sound like I was talking about suicide in a disrespectful way. I was actually just saying how awful it is for patients to wait when they could be suicidal, etc.
  18. I didn't think her child was going to get evaluations for surgery (or whatever you call it) anytime soon, but I was unsure if he seriously didn't see how it could affect employment. Cruel or unloving is so subjective. Just the other day the radio station asked people if you're a "horrible parent" if you drop your kids off at their grandparents' house every.single.weekend. Of course opinions are all over the place. So, no, I don't think everyone will be receptive to suggestions like "go dressed up like a vampire to the mall and say hi to his friends." So many different parenting styles and personal opinions to take into account. Just like some people are appalled by public shaming (having child hold up a sign saying what they did wrong) and others will cheer on the parent that chose that punishment. I did feel like this thread was a little misleading as to how serious her son was about body modification. I can understand the irritation there.
  19. I feel like this could be a deal breaker for many potential significant others, too. I mean, I think that looks aside, it would be painful to kiss someone with fangs lol
  20. Didn't someone already say red contacts were hard to see with? Wouldn't working back stage wearing contacts possibly mean working in a dark area? That sounds like an extra challenge at work. Real fangs, I would probably accidentally stab myself a lot. Ever bite your lip? I think a lot of us do it unconsciously.
  21. :lol: What? No one is laughing yet? Speaking as someone that used to be active in the goth subculture I'm not meaning any disrespect as I say this... but yes, definitely that's going to effect employment opportunities. That's why you have "corporate goths." You can push the envelope a little, but eyes and fangs? That's too far for most people. I believe you can get fake fangs (not the plastic ones kids get on Halloween) made to wear for special occasions. I would suggest that as an alternative. Bottom line, whether we're talking jobs or just networking in general, you want to be approachable. Something that can be perceived as weird/creepy is probably not going to make people comfortable. This thread reminds me of Richmond from the IT Crowd. Loved that character.
  22. Jumping in to ask a ques... does AE sell their full range of bra sizes in store? Or do you have to shop online? I noticed recently they were one of the few places that carry the size I think I need. I've been fitted in retail stores before with different results (not the same week but didn't think I'd really changed. Just was not convinced the first fitting was proper). So I guess I don't have a whole lot of faith in dept. store fittings but who knows, maybe you will get someone that really knows what they are doing.
  23. I agree it's going to vary from person to person. My mom was 41 when she had me (no complications. I was the third, they had wanted a third but had given up trying before I came along so it's not as if they were TTC at that particular age). For me personally it's not so much about the age as it is all the stuff that comes with having another child. I will admit there were times when I liked having older parents and times where I hated it. Someone saw a photo of my dad once and asked if he was my grandfather. I think that was high school. I know it is superficial, but because I was the child in that situation I do think about that as an adult as well. Mostly I think what matters is not the age, though. It's all the other stuff.
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