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Everything posted by heartlikealion

  1. I'm currently waiting on my Zenni order. The website said 2-3 weeks. I'm going nuts. Ok I just tracked them and they arrived at the post office this weekend. So it took 17 days after order date. I couldn't find any coupons when I ordered. I tried retailmenot. I have two pairs to pick up. I have nothing but a broken pair here at the house so I'm going a little batty. ETA: I did buy the cheap ones, but I ended up having to add features to one of them and another had a recommended thing so basically nothing was $7 when I was done. Still reasonable prices I guess. I had a recent eye exam and tried to align my order with the dr recs and website recs.
  2. I have not experienced this. If I did it, I'd probably keep a robe close by lol And if there was a dryer around, maybe some warm socks in the dryer for when I got out LOL.
  3. I didn't know they were related. I was a member of FabKids for a while, though. Let's just say I screwed up and forgot to file my paperwork for the money on the free magazine (in lieu of the magazine you can do this) and I'd sometimes forget to cancel for the month. I have too many email accounts and if they did send a reminder, I didn't notice when I needed to. I finally set up the reminders on my phone, but by then I'd already racked up $60 (2 cycles) in clothing/shoes for ds and decided to quit. Now I'm crossing my fingers that the shoes I got will fit him because I've closed the account and stashed them away for Christmas. Some of the items were worth the cost, but many were not. Oh and I found out the hard way that if you had a different dollar amount in your cart than what you had as store credit, the only way to use the credit was via the phone. For example, if I had $60 of merch allowed (two months of $30 credit), but I only put $45 in my cart, it would only let me use one $30 redemption. I'm not sure if Fabletics is like that, but just a heads up.
  4. That's fine. I don't know that there's a right or wrong answer here. I just think that my commitment to something first might weigh more heavily. Like, if you take your child to public school and they have a snow day. Then they have a make up day at the end of the year for that snow day. Well, it's not on the school calendar, but you'd probably send your kid to school because of that commitment to school. For my individual child? If we made birthday plans and the game change was last minute I don't know that I'd jump through hoops to go to the game and cancel on the party. I'd have to think about how much it would affect the team I guess and whether or not the reasoning for moving the game was understandable, etc.
  5. I'm sorry if that is the message I sent. That is not really what I meant. I actually am not a big sports person. And I even played a sport for a while. What I was suggesting is, the commitment you made first is the one you uphold. And while I don't have the same exact scenario, I have a very similar one. Ds doesn't have a lot of friends. We normally don't have parties with kids. We normally have a small gathering with family or take him to the movies. Well, this year we booked Michael's for their party room. I bought supplies for the craft. We had this one family of homeschoolers we invited, his main friends (two children). Well, like a few days before the party they canceled. Family was coming to town unexpectedly. I was quite disappointed. I had hoped they could just see their family before/after the party. But I think the timing was really odd and a short visit so they did not come to the party at all. Then he only had three guests, one of which was from a family we knew, but older than ds and probably just there to be polite. We made the most of it, but it was kinda disappointing. It's not easy for us to invite people over. There isn't anything to do in this town and some of the guests lived closer to the venue (in the city) than here. Because you invited the whole class and three didn't come, I hope that it didn't impact the party too much. I don't know how many did come, though. I guess I can't speak for everyone, but I think what most of us are *probably* saying is typically commitments should be honored in the order they were made. And in this case we're saying that the sports commitment was made when he joined the team.
  6. This is the way I see it. They made a commitment to their team when they joined. That was sorta a season long commitment vs. the birthday party commitment that came second. So they are trying to uphold their original commitment which unfortunately affects the second. Don't think they meant to be rude, but it does stink.
  7. I know this expression and I get how it makes sense in a lot of ways, but sometimes I physically cannot do something so I request something done for me a certain way and it's like I'm asking too much. This is the reason the curtains don't hang properly (it was too hard for me to hang them myself) and now people can see in sometimes because they fall back into place correctly after the cat sits in the window. I'm probably going to just break down and buy a tall step stool to attempt to fix them myself, sigh.
  8. I think what setting you wash clothes on to clean them varies so much between families/individuals. My parents wash everything on cold. I was towels and certain things on hot. I do not wash all clothes on hot. For one, I would shrink them. I used to use Tide "coldwater" figuring that it was clean because it specifically designed for cold water. But then I stopped paying for Tide and now often use Arm & Hammer with Oxi-Clean. Sometimes I don't, though. Depending on the items, I think the cold is good enough. Like, I'm not going to wash my shirts on hot. They will shrink. And it's probably too harsh.
  9. Majority of my basket is often stuff where wrinkles are non-applicable (to me, anyway). Towels, blankets, sheets, underwear, socks. No I don't like a lot of wrinkles on the sheets, but I'm pretty "meh" about it at times. Dh's shirts have to be hung dry. I don't even fold all the baby clothes when they go in the drawers. Most of them don't have issues with wrinkles. My own tops I often fold or lay flat or hang up if I'm concerned.
  10. I am your husband LOL. But, the piles are usually my problem. "Mom, do I have any clean socks??" "Did you wash my ____?" I end up finding the items for them and once in a while someone helps me fold and put them away. But I HATE the way dh folds!! I don't know if I can explain it, but basically you have to unfold it to see the front of the shirt/style of the shirt. He could fold a camisole into a square but I don't see the straps or anything. He could fold a tshirt with a logo where you can't see any of the logo, etc. I thought it was a joke... but supposedly this is just how he folds.
  11. I think once I focus on the first it'll be easier for everything to have a home and easier to work on putting things in their home. This is what I tell myself, anyway :lol:
  12. Depending on the person and level of mess it can affect us mentally. I think I feel better when the home is cleaner. But I don't need it cleaned to perfection, either. Right now I have laundry baskets of clean clothes and they drive me nuts. Everytime I try to do anything I get interrupted so they often sit there way too long. Dh promised a folding party with me so I'm going to see if he's coming to the party tonight LOL
  13. Following. I'm messy. I don't always put things away right away or things don't have a "home." I was just thinking about the bad habits ds has and how I probably started them. I need to designate a place for his belt because "put it in your room" is not working. My goal is to decrease the amount of things I own and organize what I do have. I also read Konmari, but throwing a pile of clothes down and sorting through it sounds like a disaster. The pile would probably just sit there, toddler would run off with items, etc. When I read that book I wondered if she ever helped families or just single people with no kids lol.
  14. Oh since the question was "how do they feel?" I will share that I had a smoking friend that refused to smoke in his new car. I don't know if that's because he didn't want his car to smell like smoke to him or because he was thinking about future market value or what.
  15. Dh is a former smoker. He can smell things now that I don't think he could in the past. He can definitely smell things his smoking family members cannot. Like one time MIL brought over an item she had washed and driven to our home. She asked me if it smelled like smoke and I told her it did. She couldn't believe it and had dh confirm. The item had been in a bag I think, but it was in a car with at least 4 smoking adults on a 3 hour drive. I'm thinking the answer varies depending on how long/often a person smokes. The longer they smoke the more "nose blind" they become.
  16. I don't know anything about IKEA products. But I will say, I've learned the hard way, I do NOT like it when trays include a piece for the crotch under the tray. It is better imo when the seat itself has a plastic piece to prevent the child from slipping out. The model we got has this bulky crotch piece (ok I don't know what to call it lol) as well as left and right chunky plastic pieces that together form an m for the child to stick their legs through. When you push the tray to the snuggest position you feel like the tray is in a good place maybe, but are you shoving the darn tray into their diaper, ugh. We got a light weight high chair that folds (https://www.amazon.com/Graco-3W00WSK-Slim-Snacker-Whisk/dp/B00PTL13LA/ref=sr_1_2_a_it?ie=UTF8&qid=1476338039&sr=8-2&keywords=Graco+space+saver), but dd is a climber so I get stuck folding it up after each meal and moving it aside or feeding her at the coffee table with her little stool (she's almost 2 now). Also, when it is folded it becomes top heavy and can tip if you don't deliberately leave the legs apart a little or store it say against a wall and piece of furniture. Oh and not all the straps want to come out so I have a permanently stained lap belt. The upper straps do come out (it makes a 5 pt harness). I thought a 5pt harness sounded cool for safety but in reality she just would drool, chew, fiddle or spill food on the upper straps. So basically, I've decided I'm unhappy with ours for a number of reasons, but if it didn't fold it might be a bigger nightmare as the non folding ones tend to have legs that stick out and trip you lol. Good luck, I know it's a pain to pick out something.
  17. I figured it was kinda like an extreme... "hurt like the dickens" (hurt very much/like hell) "run like the dickens" (run very fast/run like hell) but I haven't heard some of the other expressions that I just read in this thread. But basically "heck/hell" as another poster said. I'm going to look it up now...
  18. I'm such a sucker for those movies!! lol. When we had satellite we'd get one of the Hallmark channels short-term. I would dvr a whole bunch of the Christmas Hallmark movies and then watch during the winter season. I think I can be highly suggestible. Ever since that time I overheard girls talking about how you must sleep (and thinking it was ridiculous but couldn't get it out of my head) and then started suffering from sleep paralysis for a time and not knowing it was an actual thing, just thought I was having supernatural occurrences, until I finally came across the term.
  19. This is my life right now with ds8. Getting him to school is a huge drain. He won't do his homework in a timely manner and then it's hard to get him to bed on time. He doesn't want to get up in the morning because he says he's tired or cold. He wakes up complaining and making noises. The only time I got him up without much fuss was the night he went to sleep around 7:30pm (but it's hard to repeat that with dinner, homework, shower). We decided not to send him back to that school next year so I'm going to look into tutors/homeschool. He's so difficult to me and always has been. I don't know what to do, either. I'd pretty much have to win the lottery to justify moving closer to a better school district or my pick for private school. I don't know what you can do, but I'd try to talk my dh into the option of school for one. Maybe if your dh lived in your shoes for a day he'd understand... has he ever done that? My dh understands better when he's off of work and around to see the behavior more.
  20. Dh thought dd was improving with language so he canceled the Early Intervention appointment. I don't know if I just suck at working with her or if vocabulary will come later or what. I may need to reschedule an appt. In the meantime I get to hear her squawk, yell and point all day long. She does use some words, but not many and not particularly useful words.
  21. Seen many times on this board and something I think of sometimes. "Not my circus, not my monkeys." :laugh: When I was debating about what to do with breastfeeding and some people suggested just going ahead and getting the hospital grade electric pump rental. It was a total game changer and if I hadn't listened I think I would have just given up since dd was tongue/lip tied and in the beginning there was no easy way to breastfeed her (even after surgeries things weren't quite right). I rented that pump for I don't know how many months despite dh's original objections (thinking it would be a waste of money). In fact, it saved us money because we supplemented with a very expensive formula. When people say there's a season for this or that. Sometimes it makes certain stages easier. When Homeschool Mom in AZ gave some advice and I said I'd tried some of that and she told me I couldn't cherry pick from the list LOL.
  22. how scary! And frustrating about the laundry.
  23. Lol I'm more of the bargain hunter type, but when I was pregnant with dd (her due date was in Dec. but she arrived in Nov.) I definitely wanted to finish early. I'm sure there are a few reasons some people shop early like another person mentioned mailing items. Another reason might be seeing family for Thanksgiving but not Christmas? And wanting to bring gifts then. It is nice to finish early so I have more time to wrap without feeling like oh crap, I have to wrap all this stuff tonight!? Inevitably there will probably be some of that going on as well.
  24. I know lots of stores do this stuff early, but the crazy thing to me is that sometimes near the holiday you can't find what you need because they have taken it away. It was quite difficult for me to hunt down a Christmas stocking and/or something else Christmas themed last year. We luckily found the item on Amazon.
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